Social Groups


Well when I first joined GSB, I noticed one thing. Many GSBians had issues with certian types of people. Yeah, we all know what I'm talking about: the "Preps". Ever since then I've been performing an experement. Before I can tell you about it, we must take a journey through my social history.

Before elementary school I was a regular old shy kid. Nothing special about me. My mom would invite me to play with kids from the block, her friend's kids (that were my age) and kids she babysat for. I don't remember much, but I know I went into elementry school with some friends.

When I first went into elementry school I was still shy as ever. I don't remember much about it but, my mom told me how to talk to people and make new friends. This didnt work out well at all. You might even say it sucked. Some of the playground kids were evil deamon children who must have been smacked around by their parents or older siblings all their lives becuase that seemed to be the only thing they were interested in. To make a long story short, I got mixed in with bullies. They pused me around, abused me verbally and in general made me come home crying every other week. By the end of elementary school, I had come up with a few different ways to ward bullies off. Scare tactics, repealing insults, and all that kinda stuff. In the end, I did make a few friends in elementary school, and they followed up as my friends through middle school. In general, elementary school sucked big donkey balls.

I stuck to those same friends I had in elementary school for a long while. Some I'm still friendly with, but by 8th grade, we all pretty much grew apart. Mostly through I kept up my anti-bully ways and stuck to myself. If anything, I was the creepy kid who only talked to his teachers, a few kids and himself. Yeah, middle school sucked big donkey balls too.

Through my early months on 9th grade I kept up my middle school attitude. Then I joined GSB. I learned of your problems and decided to change my ways.

I started talking to people. Having friendly chats with people I thought I'd feel confortable with. To see how they react, and wouldn't you know it, I made new friends.

On a quick side note, I need to explain the social groups of my school. Many people have the "Preps" the "Emos" and the Regular kids. Typicaly, the Preps are on the top of the social chain, followed by the Regular kids, and the Emos on the bottom. Well the social scale in my school is more of not really anything. Theres just the Preps, Emos, Gangsters, and Regular Kids. None of them ever interact with eachother (with the acception of the Regular Kids who sometimes interact with the Preps).

So after I started talking to kids I felt confortable around (which isnt many people) I started talking to the Emos. After all, I do it online right? Whats the difference? There was none, they were just as friendly and persionable as GSBians. Such a good expearance. Sure, some were assholes, but what can you expect.

So next I started talking to the Preps. They weren't as bad as GSBians make them seem. Some of them were really cool people, and others lived up to their reputation (of being assholes or bitches).

Finally, I met the gangster kids. This group was the hardest to get to know becuase it seems like they dont want to know you. They just want to stick to themselves. Kinda reminded me of my middle school self. In all honesty, they are just misunderstood, just like I was. And yes, I know what you're thinking, some of them were assholes as well.

So really we don't hate Preps. We hate assholes. Lets face it, there are assholes in EVERY social group. Trust me, I know. To get to know different people in different social groups took time and paitents. Sometimes I'd get off on the wrong foot. Sometimes I'd be trying to get to know someone whos gonna turn out to be a supream asswipe. But mabie, just mabie, I could be starting a new friendship.

I'm, not saying this way of living is for everyone. Perhaps it may be best if you continue living your lives that way you do. Just remember, no one likes to be labeled or judged. The Emos, dont wanna be called Emo. The Gangsters dont wanna be called Gangster. The Preps dont wanna be called Preps. Next time you have issues with someone, dont judge their entire social group based on their actions. Its just not right.

And on an unrelated note, PLEASE no comments saying somthing like this:
"If they dont like to be called that, then why do you call them that in your blog?"
How else do you want me to refer to the social groups?! If you have better ways, PLEASE do tell. Its best to just not use them at all.
Posted on February 14th, 2008 at 10:17pm


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