Oh, So You're Too Good For Us?


Rant Warning: If you don't wanna hear about my persional issuses with some people, DONT READ THIS! If you're not an American I don't think you're going to really give a crap about this.

What do we all do every day before school starts? I'll give you a few hints:
We stand up,
We put our right hand on our heart,
We look towards our colors,
We resite a few words,
We sit back down

This process is called the Pledge Of Allegance To The United States Of America. A simple sign of respect for the founders of the country we live in; the freedoms we have in this said country; and the men and woman who have shed their blood and given their lives to keep it free. Sometimes, I think the first amendment (freedom of speech, freedom of press, ect.) was a big freakin mistake.

Theres this girl in my first period class who really just ticks me off. While every other (semi-respectfull) kid in the class stands up for the Pledge Of Allegance, she just sits in her chair with that same stupied look on her face. It's the "I'm too cool to care" look and, it really pisses me off.

Why would someone wanna disgrace our country in such a way? Because they "hate America" too much. "I don't agree with the war going on, so I should not honor the people dieing in it." WRONG, YOU ARROGENT BITCH! I don't agree with the war, or the deaths of anyone in it. You should still have respect for the people who fight for your country so you can go on sitting on your lazy ass! Just think of it this way, If we had no soldgers, they very well could reinstate the draft. "but I'm a girl, they wouln't draft me." WRONG AGAIN YOU FREAKIN MORON! Woman are serving in Iraq and dieing there as we speak. Not just being a nurse or a mechanic, being a full battle ready soldger. "Well I hate Bush, so I refuse to honor this country." WOW, YOU'RE BRAIN-DEAD! I don't care for Bush either but, if you won't respect your country becuase you dont like who is in charge, at least do it for who has been in charge; who will be in charge (when Bush is finally gone); the people in the country; the people who made the country; and the people who have died for the country.

If you're so Anti-America, GO SOMEWHERE ELSE! I sure as hell don't want you here and, I'll bet some little Mexican guy whould give ANYTHING to have his daughter replace you. PLEASE move somewhere else if you wanna be liek this girl, we sure don't need you here.
Posted on February 17th, 2008 at 08:47pm


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