Perhaps A New Look On Right Or Wrong.

Disclaimer: I do not support illegal activity such as doing drugs, murdering or rape. This is just simply a different way to look at things.

When you think of the right thing to do, is it any of the following?
-Wearing a seatbelt
-Telling the truth
-Not resorting to violence in order to solve things
-Staying away from drugs
-Helping out friends in need.

Are all of those not anything more than just simple things in our mind that we know are the right thing to do? Things that we have been taught from a young age and never really questioned?

But here is another thing to think about:

Have you ever done one of these things, knowing that it was the wrong thing to do?

Who is it decides whats right? Who decides whats wrong?
For example, is seeking an outlet for emotional pain by murdering a group of innocent people bad? Most would say yes, right? But how many people would say no?
Would you say its a bad thing because those innocent people's lives are taken away with no reason to justify such a fate?
However, is it good because that person was able to let out those feelings? Whose to say they don't have the right to do that? Who decided all this? Why do they get to decide that?

If everyone is born the same way. If everyone was put onto the same Earth...than why do they not have the right to use their short lifetime any way they want?

In different civilizations, its alright to rape. To torture. Whereas somewhere such as America, thats not a commonly known thing to cheer for.

Just because its not morally satisfying to you...why can't it be an okay thing for someone else?
Maybe its us who are the wrong ones putting people in jail for theft. If you really look at it, we are just taking away there right as a human. Punishing them for living their life.

What justify's the right's and wrong's in life?
Posted on February 19th, 2008 at 11:13pm


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