Bright Mind, Bright Life.

Did you ever notice that when you remember things, they usually are bad things that have happened? Like you could do a million good things and one bad one and that's the one that would stay with you for a long time.

This is because your mind is set to remember times when you're embarrassed, humiliated or very emotional so you can remember not to be like that again. Those memories are the ones that stick with you.

But if we try hard enough to remember the good things, the things that make us smile, that make us laugh and that can even sometimes make us cry. Well then we'd be set for the rest of life.

It's somewhat proven that if you have a positive outlook on things that your days will get better. Do you know why? Well if you focus on things that make you happy, then it's really hard for things that you don't want to creep up on you. That can change once something bad happensm but if you remain positive you'd get through it.

I've noticed a lot of people in general always sad or miserable. It makes me think what I can do to help them. The simplest solution is to make them laugh or smile. But that doesn't always work. There's people out there that are so pessimistic that they don't want to be happy at all. These people can really bring you down. No matter how happy you actually are.

My advice to you here is- live your life thoroughly. Treat everything as if it would be the last thing you'd ever do. Because in the long run, when your long gone and someplace new. That's how you'll be remembered. Not by how depressed or pessimistic you were. But by how much you helped people and made them smile with your bright outlook on life.

Thank you for your time and patience.
Love- Rage
Posted on March 17th, 2008 at 11:26pm


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