Dear Grandpa,

You know, it's really hard not having you here. I heard you were sick and wanted to send best wishes. Mommy told me I wouldn't see you for a long time. That you were somewhere far away. I really miss you.

I started school a few days ago. I have a few best friends, and a few I talk to every now-and-then. I'm trying my hardest to keep up with some work, but with all the different classes, it's difficult.

Grandpa, remember when I was young? How you would always help me with the simplest of things. Like flying a kite. I remember, that after hours of trying and watching my older brother doing it, I still couldn't get it. You taught me how. Showed me step by step. I did get it eventually.

Remember all the books you used to read me? I didn't get to see you very often, but when I did we were inseparable. You would stay by my bed until I fell asleep and kiss my forehead every night before you turned out the light. Things back then were a lot simpler. I didn't have to worry about things I do now.

I wish you could see me now. I've grown up a lot. I've been told I'm very bright and can think of things off the top of my head. Just like you, Grandpa. I get my license this year too. I hope your proud of me. I try to make the best decisions I can. I don't drink or do any kind of drug. I want to live my life as good as I can, just like you did, Grandpa.

It's not easy some days, but most I can handle. You could handle anything. Even as you were in the hospital when I saw you. You looked at me and said, "I'll be okay, it's nothing big." I knew you were just trying to be strong. I knew you'd had a heart-attack and were in so much pain. I just wanted to believe you.

I'll never forget the day you left. I was just on my way to a friends house to help her with something. It was just a few weeks before Halloween. We got a phone call, telling us you had gone. I was in shock, Grandpa. I didn't want to believe it because you were so strong. But sure enough, everything set in.

I cried that night, harder than I'd ever cried before. You were my best friend. I loved you so much. I still do. There hasn't been a day since where I haven't thought about you. I really do miss you.

I love you, Grandpa.
Posted on April 27th, 2008 at 11:46pm


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