I know a lot of people like Myspace and don't like people who don't like it.
deal with it.

Okay, you know how you hear about all those stalkings, harassments, kidnappings, and rapes that start with someone friending a young person on Myspace? Well personally, I think that it can be blamed on a lot of things. mostly:

Parents not teaching their children about Internet safety.

Friends not watching out for friends.

Not having enough moderators. Or having moderators that don't really care about their job.

Those are just the ones that I can think of off the top of my head. There are a lot more.
But really you know that there are like 54,831 registered users on GSB? And like billions on Myspace. On GSB, people watch out for their friends. If something happens to one of them, the whole group of friends hurts for them. Myspace on the other hand has to many people for that. There are little groups of people that all know each other and I'm not saying that its not great for friends wanting to talk to each other but really, why would someone put themselves out there and let all those billions of people all over the world oggle them? There are only about 40 people that I have noticed that are online all the time on here. I have about ten of those that I regularly talk to. one of them being a moderator. I'm not going to say that I am friends with her only because she is on the inside but because she really is sweet.
Kurtni is her name and moderatin' is her game.
I feel that if something happened on here, that that person's friends would do all they could to get that person to go away.
We are a tight knit group. we all know each other and we all look out for one another.
If I were being harassed by someone on here, I trust that my friends would come to my aid.

I'm not some naive teen who thinks that the Internet is great and everyone should be my friend, I know that there are dangers out there. And I want to do my part to stop pedophiles and perverts from invading GSB and ruining it for everyone. There are people on here that are twelve and have photos of themselves up on their profiles, I think they should be able to without worrying that there is someone looking at it and wanting to hurt them.

Thats my opinion. Whats yours?
Posted on May 29th, 2008 at 01:21am


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