Stupid People Annoy Me.

This is for the people that argue over nothing and try to change people's opinions to make other people mad.

Well, first off. I don't really mean stupid people. I mean people that get worked up over nothing. People that are looking to start a fight and people that are closed minded and ignorant.

Second off. If you don't like a band, a song, or even an album. Don't listen to it- problem solved. Don't go ranting on it constantly, it's really annoying and other people do the same thing and seriously, it can hurt people if they do like it. If you hate (insert whatever here) then fine. Truthfully, nobody cares. It's your opinion. Yes you do have a right to state it, but if your stating it and it's going to make people mad, then why do it?

Third off. If someone does say they hate (insert whatever here) then it's no reason to get worked up about it. It is they're opinion and you have a right to state yours, but don't feed the fire. Most the time the whole reason they said that is to start a fight. Don't let them.

Last point. If you're ignorant and closed minded. Don't be. Try new things and if you don't like them, oh well that's your problem not anyone else's. Again if you don't like the thing then don't do/listen/watch/whatever it. It's annoying as lemon to see people whining and complaining about a certain thing. Seriously grow up. If you don't like it, then don't do it.
Problem solved.
Posted on September 1st, 2008 at 11:14pm


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