
Masochism is a term often used for those who get sexual pleasure from pain, either self inflicted, or caused by someone else.

In my case, I do not get any form of sexual pleasure from pain. I just love the way pain hurts.

The kind of pain I enjoy most is self inflicted, if anyone else hurts me or I injure myself accidently, I cry like a new born baby. One time, I was sitting at my computer with my right leg folded underneath of my body. I stood up to get a glass of water and did not realize that my foot was asleep to the point where I could no longer feel it. As a result of not being able to feel my foot, it rolled under and I started walking on top of it. I almost fell on top of my brother who was laying on the floor nest to me. When I tried to take another step the pain hit me, and I started sobbing. The nest day I looked at my foot and it was swollen and completely discolored, I had sprained it. The next week and a half was absolutely no fun, and the pain did not feel good at all.

Now, since I was a cutter for a while, it is probably pretty obvious that my favorite place to inflict pain is on my forearms and thighs. Over the years of doing these things to myself, I have found the best way to get the cuts to hurt just right.

I use a serrated knife; it just pulls at the skin so much more beautifully than straight edged razors.

I don’t cut so deep as to see blood running down my arms anymore, just enough for the blood to bubble up out of the cut a bit. This is because I’ve come to learn that the closer the cut is to the surface of the skin, the better and longer it stings and burns so good.
Posted on February 9th, 2011 at 10:33pm


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