A lot of people on here are atheist and that's cool and all
I know atheist's. But the ones I know are respectful of other religions
they don't go around bashing Christians, Hindus, Buddhists, ect...
Do you know why?
Because they don't want people bashing them cause they have no belife in a higher being.
What I've been finding perturbing on here
is a lot of people have been posting blogs that bash Christians
That is so rude and disrepectful.
It's one thing to state your opinion about a religion
it's another to bash it and be like
"OMFG! They believe in the bible! People are so stupid. Jesus never exsisted! BLAH BLAH BLAH"
Why do you even care what other people believe?
If they want to believe that Moses talked to a burning bush.... let them
Let me reverse the role
Would you want me to bash the fact that atheistist are stupid cause they don't believe in a higher being?
No? Didn't think so.
So, please respect my belifes, and other people's religions
Religion is going to be around FOREVER
it always has been, and always will be
Get use to the fact that everyone doesn't have the same one as you.
I know atheist's. But the ones I know are respectful of other religions
they don't go around bashing Christians, Hindus, Buddhists, ect...
Do you know why?
Because they don't want people bashing them cause they have no belife in a higher being.
What I've been finding perturbing on here
is a lot of people have been posting blogs that bash Christians
That is so rude and disrepectful.
It's one thing to state your opinion about a religion
it's another to bash it and be like
"OMFG! They believe in the bible! People are so stupid. Jesus never exsisted! BLAH BLAH BLAH"
Why do you even care what other people believe?
If they want to believe that Moses talked to a burning bush.... let them
Let me reverse the role
Would you want me to bash the fact that atheistist are stupid cause they don't believe in a higher being?
No? Didn't think so.
So, please respect my belifes, and other people's religions
Religion is going to be around FOREVER
it always has been, and always will be
Get use to the fact that everyone doesn't have the same one as you.
you know, I was half-asleep when I wrote that so I really don't know. I guess I was just trying to give reasons for people not liking religions or something
GreenDayCookieFairy, April 7th, 2007 at 10:26:22pm
I think people should at least have an argument rather than just going around saying Christians are idiots, God doesn't exist, etc. It's worthless to just go around pointlessly upsetting people.
Edgar, April 7th, 2007 at 12:45:33pm
In my Blog, I wasn't bashing Christians. All I did was disagree with some people who misinterpreted the Bible, and they're Christians. I wasn't saying, "CHRISTIANS SUX0RZ LOLZ!" I just disagree with how they interpreted the Bible and how they try and shove their own beliefs down everyone else's throats and just KNOW that they can't be wrong.
Funky Platypus, April 7th, 2007 at 10:47:06am
And lets face it, the torah, the bible, the scriptures etc. were all written in times where humans didn't know all too much about the world or how others should be treated. Homophobia is in the bible, and to a certain degree so is sexism. These were the days when almost everything was supposed to be bad! Even trivial things like eating a certain type of food.
were you or were not just trying to change someone's mind about being Christian??
southernidiot, April 7th, 2007 at 09:39:34am
I agree with Kurtini.
Bashing a religion is much different too saying 'Thre is no proof Christ existed'.
Bashing would be like. 'I wish there were no Christians because they are all stupid and they suck ass'.
germma margaret!, April 7th, 2007 at 03:15:06am
Religion, as I have said before is mostly based on exclusion. And lets face it, the torah, the bible, the scriptures etc. were all written in times where humans didn't know all too much about the world or how others should be treated. Homophobia is in the bible, and to a certain degree so is sexism. These were the days when almost everything was supposed to be bad! Even trivial things like eating a certain type of food.
I have friends in many diverse religions, including athieism. I respect them because they respect me. I'm not going to suddenly jump up and try and convert them. If it makes them happy to follow those teachings, let them be. The only time I think religion should be stopped is when it gets extremist. Nothing good comes out of extremism.
As for myself, yes, I do believe in a higher being and an afterlife or reincarnation of some sort. I am all too aware I could be wrong (as many people have pointed out) but I stick to what is good for me.
GreenDayCookieFairy, April 7th, 2007 at 01:46:25am
I agree. People shouldn't go bashing religions.
I'm Christian but I tend to let others follow whatever beliefs they want to. I believe that your religion is a personal thing, and if someone talks to me about theirs, I'm very open minded about it. In the mean time I just concentrate on how to improve myself and not other people. I think of it this way, if an Athesist came up to me and tried convincing me that God did not exist, there's no way I would change my mind, and I'd just think of that person as ignorant towards others. It's happened a lot and that is what I think, so I don't say it to other people because I don't want to look like the idiot :)
adrea, April 7th, 2007 at 01:40:39am
you're welcome!
southernidiot, April 7th, 2007 at 12:18:57am
thank you
Toxic Narcotic, April 6th, 2007 at 10:42:06pm
This is very well said, I mean people can believe what ever they want, and still get along. I have friends with different religions then me and we're good friends anyway. You shouldn't judge someone just because of their religion, but who they are as a person.^^
princesswar, April 6th, 2007 at 07:18:28pm
I don't think you should hate religion just cause someone is shoving it down your throat
I do believe it is very rude and wrong to take your religion and force you to believe in it
southernidiot, April 6th, 2007 at 03:57:59pm
i dont really have a problem with atheists at all. or christians. i have friends in both.
but me, i hate religion. it makes me so mad. my parents are always nagging me about my "relationship with god" and stuff and asking me if i really want to go to heaven.
i really wish it would just all go away.
im giving up on it.
dancepaigeydance;, April 6th, 2007 at 02:59:50pm
There is a difference between bashing a religion, and explaining why you think its stupid. Religious people point out flaws in other religions, if we didn't do that then we'd all end up practicing the same religion. Maybe they care about what other people believe because they believe religions discriminate against a certain nationality, or they think the religion is sexist or homophobic. There is nothing wrong with expressing your opinion.
Kurtni, April 6th, 2007 at 10:26:04am
I wouldn't exactly say that the person was bashing the religion.
Stef., April 6th, 2007 at 10:03:10am