Tré And The Chocolate Factory, chapter 2

"Since when did Tré own a choclate factory? He would have told me if he had spent his money on some lame chocolate factory," Billie joe said with a confused face.
"Well! He didn't did he!" Adreinne teased with a 'I'm-right-you're-wrong' type on tone in her voice.
Jakob walked in the house and as soon as Billie Joe and Adreinne heard their son call up the stairs for them they ran around trying to hide the fact that they were in his room. The best place that they could find to hide was under his bed with all the mouldy chocolate rappers.
"Mum? Dad? Where are you? Oh well! their not here. They must have gone up to the shops or something," Jakob said as he kicked his really cheesey smelling shoes under the bed. One hit Billie Joe in the forehead and landed right underneath his nose, he couldn't stand the smell of his sons really horrible shoes so he jumped out from under the bed and ran into the bathroom.
"WTF? Why was he under my bed?" Adreinne sneezed so Jakob looked under his bed and found his mum lying there giggerling.
"Hi Jakob hunny. I'm your room, thats all, so run along and watch TV or something!"
"Mum, i'm not stupid. I'm seven. I know that you and dad were up to something under there. I mean how do you think I came about."
Adreinne ran out from under the bed and chased Jakob around the house shouting. When Billie Joe walked out of the bathroom all he could see was Jakob run past with a scared look and then two seconds later Adreinne run past with a smeely sock, Billie Joe's smelly sock, trying to rub it into Jacobs Face.

**The day of the chocolate factory tour**

Billie Joe and the family walked into the huge factory building to have a 'once in a life time tour' which Adrienne didn't agree with. Tré walked out through two giant wooden doors with a huge smile sprend right across his face, which soon collasped as soon as he saw his fellow band mate Billie Joe and the Armstrong family stood there glaring.
"What?" Tré said wondering why they were here...
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