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Member since May 31st, 2005
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Even if more mods were appointed, they couldn't do anything about it, because it involves more than simply deleting accounts, but contacting ISPs with information that for most users is private and we don't want just anyone to have access to that.
Kurtni, April 19th, 2011 at 09:53:48pm
well thank you for coming clean. and again, i apologize too. let's just put our differences behind us and remain neutral about this whole thing, yeah? i'm really not the arguing type and like to counterclaim like you. it just...kinda irritated me that's all. i don't want to pose a problem.
gaming4pizza, April 17th, 2011 at 11:18:37pm
PS: seriously, in all do respect, pls stop sending me more comments. they are filling up my profile and i don't really give a sh*t about any of this topic. i know i commented on your blah but i realized maybe i shouldn't have since you treat my opinion like i'm some sort of biased person that you don't know from the heart. no further comments on this or due to the fact that i think gd are not sellouts. i am done talking about it because i will always support what they do no matter what and there's nothing you can do to stop me. not even your point on fangirls OR selling out. as of now, all your comments you sent are deleted and i do not wish for you to comment any more. not once. if you lost faith in gd and still think you should be on this site then go ahead. if you're gonna talk about what they do w/ their money even tho it's none of your business, fine. but don't come crawling to me w/ another useless comment that i can't bear to stand reading. so pls...move on...
gaming4pizza, April 17th, 2011 at 02:13:19am
ok whatever just stop going on about this ok? i admit i'm not like you and as smart as you and whatever. and yes gd's actions always get me questioning their career too but i don't make a big deal out of it like people like you do. :/ by the sound of your tone you probably don't even appreciate people like me anyway. yes i know it's not about me but i'm just sayin...
gaming4pizza, April 17th, 2011 at 01:56:45am
just so ya know, for the record, i am a very open person. and being "biased" is not my fault ok? i have aspergers and i mostly can't help it. and yes i happen to be passionate about my likes and interests! i like how they did all this and i will say from experience that they do it because it's fun and if they do it for money so what? it's not like it's any of your business anyway. what do you want them to do? i happen to make sense. so please stop filling my profile with useless comments that i care nothing about. i can think however i want!
gaming4pizza, April 16th, 2011 at 01:00:30am
you don't know me and stop showing my quotes like i'm an idiot. i know a fangirl when i see one all like OMG BILLY JO IZ LYK SOOOOO HAWT!!!!!!111!1!!! i was stating my opinion and i'm sorry if i possibly offended you in any way.
so if that's what you think of me on first impression when you don't even know me?
f*ck OFF!!
gaming4pizza, April 15th, 2011 at 04:01:04pm
ok first off i don't wanna get into no catfight. i'm only simply stating my loyalty for gd. i keep supporting them no matter what or what anybody else has to say. and FYI, i stay w/ them and say they stay true to their roots unlike those other ppl who call themselves "fans". i do know what i'm talking about. i'm not stupid! i just know that in interviews they say they do it for fans and it's never for JUST the money. if you don't have something nice to say back..well..just leave me alone.
gaming4pizza, April 15th, 2011 at 01:34:53am
"oh yay, kurtni shows up after months upon months of different users trying to contact her.
A responsive administrator if I've ever seen one."
Sorry, but I'm in college, I work every single day to pay for that, planning a wedding, and I'm an administrator on Mibba. Deleting spam on GSB so it can come back two hours later isn't really a priority. Anytime someone has contacted me about anything serious (abuse or pornography) I have responded immediately.
Kurtni, April 13th, 2011 at 12:45:26pm
Billie's Willie, March 18th, 2011 at 12:56:22am
No problem. ^^
midorifreak., March 12th, 2011 at 12:06:16pm
If the person in your profile picture is you, you're pretty. :3
midorifreak., March 4th, 2011 at 10:47:39pm
srs bizniz with a side order of golden wrench
captain america, March 3rd, 2011 at 11:48:33am
Someone on the forums asked if they could trade all their hats and things for Portal 2 when it comes out.
I about sh*t my pants.
hats aren't worth sh*t in real life >:[
Unless they're actual hats xD
captain america, March 2nd, 2011 at 03:23:14pm
I guess you could say I fail in that department of video games D; The only zelda games I've played were one on the emulator on my brother's computer and one for the game cube way back when. D: I never got into all the Zelda hype
Console wise, they get updates on occasion, but not nearly as much as PC updates.
And they don't have those sucky ass hats/props like the PC.
No joke, they have a whole forum on trading those things -_-
captain america, March 2nd, 2011 at 12:28:37am
Poo on your computer D:
The only time I got to play it was at like 4 in the morning with the Ausfailians. Which meant I lagged like mad xD
I've played like three hours of it on my account. The rest on xbox. I hate the xbox x.x
captain america, March 1st, 2011 at 10:39:50am