
- Name
- Lisa
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- Female
- Location
- Kent, UK
Member since July 24th, 2006
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I found this site last summer by accident and stumbled on this marvellous story by sampalletband - her Fire series. Since then I've found some more marvellous authors and enjoy catching up with their stories, I think they know who they are but in case they don't - iatejimmy's world, thisisgreenday, amelancholyautum, inari. Their stories are so good and although my stories are nowhere near as good as theirs they've kind of inspired me to keep writing.
I love music, movies, books, chocolate, wine, chinese food, my children and my husband but not necessarily in that order!
I love music, movies, books, chocolate, wine, chinese food, my children and my husband but not necessarily in that order!
Hey Lisa! It's really nice to hear from you :) It's been a long time! Aww, puppies are so great...and yours sounds absolutely adorable. I bet he's keeping you busy! How is everything else in general? How is your family?
I'm not sure I've talked to you since I got engaged. I'm getting married next September so I've been busy planning that! It's been crazy, but it's worth it too.
Again, it was great hearing from you! Take care :)
iATEjimmysWORLD, October 19th, 2007 at 04:42:54am
St. Dude, August 22nd, 2007 at 11:05:46am
Lisa ahh I haven't talked to you in forever!
You need to update AYNIL pronto, I need a fix! =]
Kimsex, April 21st, 2007 at 10:23:38pm
Hey again, Lisa :) My dog is unfortunately STILL lacking a name, haha. It's terrible. He's a boy and my fiance and I can't agree on a name. We've had him for almost three weeks now and we still call him random things. Poor dog is so confused!
Hope all is well! Have a good weekend!
iATEjimmysWORLD, April 20th, 2007 at 01:18:07pm
Hey Lisa! Long time, no talk! How have you been? I miss chatting with you around the threads :) Take care! xxx
iATEjimmysWORLD, April 8th, 2007 at 12:03:12am