
- Name
- Kathryn
- Age
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- Gender
- Female
- Location
- Bismarck, ND
Member since September 26th, 2007
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Why, hello. My name is Kathryn. What's up?
I really like the color Green. It's my favorite.
I like a lot of music, but some music I listen to is:
*Green Day
*Fall Out Boy
*My Chemical Romance
*Avenged Sevenfold
*Mötley Crüe
*Panic At The Disco
*Iron Maiden
*Tokio Hotel
*And many others that I can't think of at the moment.
If anyone wants to talk to me on msn my address is and...yea.
I really like the color Green. It's my favorite.
I like a lot of music, but some music I listen to is:
*Green Day
*Fall Out Boy
*My Chemical Romance
*Avenged Sevenfold
*Mötley Crüe
*Panic At The Disco
*Iron Maiden
*Tokio Hotel
*And many others that I can't think of at the moment.
If anyone wants to talk to me on msn my address is and...yea.
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I've been counting the days!
I have it written in my planner.
ERROR:, February 12th, 2008 at 04:13:53pm
Hahaha, yeah.
Let's hope that Bert was really wasted and Gerard inherited some incredibly Super-human strength. XDD
ERROR:, February 10th, 2008 at 01:49:43pm
Uh, well, I'm not a huge fan of The Used.
But they're not exactly horrible. I still listen to them sometimes.
In a fight, I'd have to say that Bert would beat out Gerard.
Bert just seems more...I dunno, strong I guess.
I shouldn't be saying that, I love Gerard to bits.
I still listen to The Used, but I don't listen to them as often as I listen to My Chemical Romance, obviously. =]
What about you?
The Used : yes or no?
ERROR:, January 22nd, 2008 at 05:08:21pm
=OO You saw National Treasure 2? Was it good!? I've wanted to see it for ages now. XDD
INO? I've been on INO....did I not PM you back or something? I thought I did. ooopss.. XD I'm sorry. I've been on INO practically every day since I made one.
ERROR:, December 24th, 2007 at 01:06:34am
Yeah, we get snow. xD But all the snow we just got in a storm is most likely going to be disappearing after we get all of the rain/sleet on Christmas Eve and stuff. =\\
ERROR:, December 22nd, 2007 at 12:22:35am
I know!
At least I don't have to take my midterms before Christmas. Although I have to take them the week after we get back, which isn't any better. :(
ERROR:, December 18th, 2007 at 12:23:31am
Yeah, I do that too. xD People shouldn't jump to conclusions like that.
That's good, I'm glad you're better. =[ I wish I could get a day off school, but we only have one more week until break! ^___^
ERROR:, December 14th, 2007 at 02:00:30am
Yeah, my school is basically filled with homophobes. One time, there were these two girls with their hands around each others waists walking down the hallway after school, and everyone was freaking out and going, "OMFG, LESBIANS!"
Yay! Cryptic tonsilitis? That doesn't sound too good. I'm glad you're getting over it! Did you have to get your tonsils taken out?
ERROR:, December 9th, 2007 at 04:40:00pm
I know. There's no difference if he was gay or not. But she's all like "I HATE GAY PEOPLE. IT'S NOT RIGHT. LESBIANS DISGUST ME." -_- I've never really talked to my dad about that type of thing...he doesn't like to talk about it.
ERROR:, December 8th, 2007 at 02:15:10am
My profile is only awesome cause it doesn't revolve around other bands.
Except in the "my favorite bands" thing...
captain america, December 7th, 2007 at 04:07:18am
o__O My mom would have done that. I hate how she always jumps to conclusions. -_- The guy who rang us up at Hot Topic was wearing a plaid kilt and my mom was like, "He's gay." o.O How can she assume that? She had no grounds. -___________________-
ERROR:, December 6th, 2007 at 12:59:39am
Yeah, my mom hates Hot Topic. We went in there to go Christmas shopping, and she was complaining to the guy in there. But not like, in a mean way or anything. She was joking around about how I was weird to like this stuff. And the guy behind the counter gave me a kinda sympathetic look. xD
ERROR:, December 4th, 2007 at 12:53:56am
^_^ They're for me, because my mom refuses to buy anything for me unless she knows I'll like it (which basically means I have to go with her xD). So, on Christmas, I'll have to be all "excited" and stuff because my brother doesn't know who the real Santa is. <.< >.>
Yay! Snow! =D We just got a mild snowstorm last night. We almost lost power. D= But we didn't, thankfully. The roads are pretty icy, though.
ERROR:, December 2nd, 2007 at 05:51:36pm
=D Oh yes, very exciting. xD Bruce Almighty's actually not a bad movie...just not a great one. xD
I just got back from the mall, done some Christmas shopping. I got a really cool skeleton hoodie thing, 2 new Green Day shirts, an MCR shirt, and the new A7X CD. =D
ERROR:, December 1st, 2007 at 08:32:34pm
:D Hey! Not much, just PMed you back on INO. =D
I love that picture of Tre on your pro. ^___^
ERROR:, December 1st, 2007 at 01:20:12am