I don't need help. I don't need help I don't need help. but does it make it true?

So, I've never written one of these and I don't expect anyone to read this. it's more for myself.

Was okay. Stephanie brushed up against all of my cuts and almost made be cry. She apologized like crazy. Jadi bit me really hard and made me want to punch her.
I got 4 hours of sleep at night, and stayed up all day. When I got home my mom yelled at me because I took too long to get home. Then I got shots, just like every week, then went and stood in the return line at wal*mart where I got the pleasure of being stared at by everyone for 45 minutes. When I finally got home, I fell asleep and got yelled at for doing so.

I cried for about an hour. I told myself a thousand time about how I was such a failure, about how I'm so fat. I cried when I thought about leaving school next year, and then stayed up till 1:45 AM getting my history grade to a B.

I just got out of the shower, after cutting up and down my wrists. "attempt" is the key word. Attempted suicide. I cried some more, and school sucked ass. Ian is being so mean.

I know that there are 3 kinds of people on GSB.

1:Ohmygosh are you okay. These people are nice. they understand.
2: "attention grubber". They will say you are stupid, and you have no reason to cut as long as your alie, and healthy
3: leave, your not welcome. People who will call you names because yo uadmit you cut.

I don't care what you say.

(pm me?)
Posted on May 10th, 2007 at 01:00am


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