The Lollipop diet.


Never did I think candy would become a new, sick way of dieting among teenage girls.
It's called the lollipop diet for 2 reasons.

1. The fact the diet consists of only lollipops.
2. In the end you'll end up looking like a lollipop, a big head and stick body, this is the aim.

Here's how it works,

You live off an amount of lollipop each day, so whenever you feel hungry you simply eat a lollipop. It keeps your mouth busy and mind active, distracting all thoughts of food. The sugar keeps your sugar levels from plumating so you can continue the day. You do not eat meals, only lollipops. You may only drink water.
Eventually you decrease the amount of lollipops you have daily. Seeing how far you can push your self. It ends up being to the point of starvation so you are skin and bones with a head that looks large compared too your stick body.
You are a lollipop girl.

There are even icons.

Yes, we all know the media is contributing to the skinny way of life, but this is a diet a girl invented when she was only 12. Already concerned about her body image.
I think it's sickening. These people aren't getting the help they need, and no one is doing anything about it.

I don't want ANYONE to become a 'Lollipop Girl'.
I just thought it was completely ludicreous, and this would intrest many of you.


Skinny, isn't the answer.


Posted on June 30th, 2007 at 06:18am


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