People You Should Meet.

A tall, slim girl with large, glassy eyes and glistening blonde hair. This girl has been in a world of hurt, and regretfully I have caused some of that. We used to be asked if we were twins, we used to be constantly with each other, but now it s almost like we went our separate ways but she still remains to be my best friend in every way possible. She is more of a sister to me than anything, this girl. We can’t tell each other our deepest darkest secrets because we already know them! I can cry with her and I can laugh with her, we have and will continue to talk about anything under the sun. She is insecure and just wants to be unique and different, and I really respect that about her. She is my math tutor, actually, I make sure to pay her well even though she refuses to accept the money. We have been through a lot of shit together, and she will always have a place in my heart and I’m scared to think what life will be like when she’s not there. I’ll always hold onto her.[/font]

Bright purple eyeliner, glowing skin, and long red, brown, and blonde hair. This girl is absolutely gorgeous and I will always feel second best to her. She has a incredibly perfect figure, has no problem pulling an A in each and everyone of her advance classes, and can beat up any of the boys, yet still makes sure that her nails are okay. She knows when to be serious, but half the time she isn’t. Possibly she is the closest person to me at the moment. If you find Kendra, you’ll most defiantly find me. I love how she will shop at some place like “Abercrombie And Finch” yet still has no problem sporting her skull Converse’s with the frayed laces. She loves to be center of attention, yet I know that she is very dependant on people, and I hate seeing her being controlled by her boyfriend, because that ass knows it and uses her for it. This girl will answer my phone calls in the middle of the night and she really makes me feel less insecure. We dance together. Cry together. Defiantly laugh together, and just make it through high school together. You can’t label her or put her into a ‘group’ because she’s everything! I love how she is so affectionate, she’ll hug anyone. Even though our personal beliefs are different in some forms, I understand her and she understands me and that’s how it will always be.

I remember playing superheroes with this boy in elementary school, we used to be bff’s. Time went by and we did our own thing but its funny now that we are closer than ever. Never, will I forget our New York City trip together, it was simply amazing. He is always there to catch me when I fall, literally. I fall a lot and am always with him, and he never fails to physically catch me. Even though I am afraid that he isn’t sure that the things he says sometimes really come out wrong, I know what he means. I probably care about him than most people do, and he probably cares about me more than most people do as well. There is no way I am going to ever betray this boy. I lose sleep over his problems, but I have the strength to make his pain go away by missing that smile that he always wears. I hope things get better for him, and I know that he just needs sometime to figure a few things out, and I will do my best to make sure that he gets that time. This little skater boy stands tall, his knack for always getting injured in someway down at the skate park not weighing him done. He is like the older brother that I wasn’t meant to have.

Woohoo this little boy is freaking hilarious. I love making fun of his name, I’m sorry, but I do. He gives me rides on his bike in times when cars are deprived. I’m gonna teach him how to be good at making out too…not physically of course….his pretty boy smile makes me want to smile. His mother is so nice too, she thinks I would be a good wife. Oh geez! But honestly, Jake is that mood lightener that I think everyone needs. I haven’t seen this boy serious very often at all. I apologize for putting drama in his life, because evidently their was none until I showed up. =/. I forgive him for getting me lost in a forest twice and dropping me in the mud, because it wasn’t his fault that he fell in too. Haha. I swear he is going to break his body if he keeps picking me up. Oh and he knows that I can school him at basketball. I owe him about 9038409386093845 dollars but he’ll never accept it if I give it to him. Jake is defiantly someone that everyone needs in their life.

This crazy Russian hiding in the bushes is too hilarious. I agree with her in just about everything, religiously, politically, and just morally. We are such whores together, I swear she awoke that little slut right out of me…so blame her. I really wish that she hadn’t moved, but thank God she is not too far away and I still get to see her. Our Halloween party was fun, but she’s Russian, so it has to be fun. Her wheat thins and Vodka diet keep her particularly pretty as she tries to show her stuff in a series of doing stupid, yet somehow amazing stuff, in the middle of a crowded street. I am jealous of her huge boobs too! This girl ain’t shy, but you’ll like her once you meet her, she’s just one of those people you automatically have to like. Her childhood makes me cringe, and I am so glad that she is a happy person even after all of that. Her drawing skills make me want to never pick up a pencil again, and her poetry will make you cringe. She has a fascination with people stereotyped as “emo” and is still looking for that one special guy. I respect that she’s not jumping in just for anyone. I miss this girl.

Posted on November 4th, 2007 at 07:51am


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