How To Be Happy With Yourself and Your Life.

How To Be Happy With Yourself and Your Life

It seems like there is quite a bit of GSBians who seem to not be satisfied with neither there self or there life. I’ve learned to live with my life and myself…and hopefully some of the things I did will help you.

Look in the mirror. Hate what you see? Your image? Just the fact that you are staring back at you? You need to learn how to live with it. The first way to actually find happiness in yourself is to stand back and realize that this is you. Instead of checking off all the negatives in your head about you…check off the positives. Know that it’s the little things that count.

Is the life around you horrible? Do you hate it with a passion? Live with it. This is your life and just sitting around and hating it isn’t going to make a bit of difference. Take that negative energy that you store up and use it usefully. Make the best out of such a horrible situation.

Overweight? That horrible gut hanging out? Can’t take it anymore? Change. Make a plan to change that about you if you hate it so much. Anticipate the day when you won’t look in the mirror and go “ew.” If its acne doing the same thing, take action and always look forwards to the changes that will happen gradually. Personality? Keep that image in your head of reaching what you want so bad.

Same with your life. If you think you have no freedom and you can’t get out of it now, know that one day things aren’t going to be this way. When you turn 18 for example….you won’t legally have to live with your parents and won’t legally have to do whatever they say. Know that one day you will be in control in your life and whatever it is that’s making you hate your life, can change someday.


Make that change that you’ve anticipated about. Run off those pounds. Moisturize that acne away. Smile until you’re the happiest person in life. Don’t sit around and complain…do something about it. And when you do, you’ll be a lot happier knowing that you were the one who made such a change to yourself.

If your life is boring…change it. If you don’t have friends…change that. If you want to be a happier person in general…change it. Don’t deny yourself that you can’t change because you can. Your age may be limiting now…but in a few years it may not. Know that you can control what goes on, if not now, than some day. Don’t feel sorry for yourself, be that change you want to see. Other people aren’t always going to kiss it make it better…so bend over and you kiss it make it better!

Those three A’s are how I learned to live with myself. They are harsh but they make a difference. I went through a chubby phase but now I run 2-3 miles every morning and work out at least 5 days a week at a gym. All the while I anticipated the day I would have abs and a smokin’ hot body.

My life was brutal for some years but I made myself be happy. As I heard my mom scream yell and punch the walls out of anger downstairs I’d be upstairs writing a song. When someone very close to me died…I wrote a novel. In 6 months I’m going to be on my own and I’ll be making some very big changes. I anticipated the day when I’d be in control and with something to look forwards to such as that the years of pain went by quickly.

You don't just have to daydream about it. It can be a possibility. Never think it can't be.

Accept. Anticipate. Act.

Posted on January 2nd, 2008 at 11:09pm


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