Its Not What It Looks Like

Take away the moment, the noise
Lets take away you.
Leave me behind, cold, breathless,
In the doorway of your dark bedroom.
I could only assume
That smell on your neck wasn’t my perfume.
Its not what it looks like,
You were only just laying on top of her.
Your skin was only hot and sweaty,
She was only grouping your rigid body.
Its not what it looks like,
You kissed her,
No she kissed you.
Its not what it looks like,
You were only in love with her.

Cheating. Being cheated on. Being the person that they cheated with. Is it perhaps one of the most gut wrenching feeling to find out that the person who you thought so highly of and that was so dear to your heart was with someone else without your knowledge? To know that he or she kissed someone else. To know that they loved someone else while saying the same to you? If you haven’t experienced it…than try and imagine it. Try and imagine knowing that someone who meant everything to you got tired of you and moved on without telling you. Think about that before you cheat on your boyfriend or girlfriend.

One thing that I’m certain I’ll never make the mistake of doing in a relationship is cheating on my significant other. No matter what the circumstances are. Cheating is something that I’ve never done and never will do. If you have feelings for someone else, its not that hard to deal with that fact and call your boyfriend or girlfriend and tell them. End it right there and than. It’s the least you can do for them, especially if they were a good boyfriend or girlfriend to you.

Even if they had cheated on you…I don’t’ believe you should cheat on them. Yes I believe that you can fight fire with fire, but once you do that and you stand back you or no better than them in any way. Sure they cheated on you first, but you still cheated on them. It doesn’t matter who started it, it matters who ended it. Instead, go up to them and let them now what type of scum they are and leave them. Don’t cheat back. Throw it back in there face what they did, yell and scream, but don’t cheat. You’ll walk away with a clean consequence. Besides, keying their car will give you way more pleasure than sleeping with someone else.

There is no case where cheating is okay. Plain and simple. No argument.

Posted on January 4th, 2008 at 04:43pm


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