music help pleasepleaseplease!!! =[

i have had the biggest problem for the past like, year now.

music used to be my life. i lived and breathed music, you didn't see me without my ipod. i practiced my guitar like crazy and i knew every upcoming band, every awesome indie band, every punk band, every detail. ask me a question and i would know it, i'd know songs, lyrics, names of guitarists and singers and drummers...i loved music. my whole life i have loved music.

recently i have had some problems though...well the first thing that happened was i stopped getting MTV and Fuse so goodbye to my musical education...then, the only radio station around here that played something other than country began to play mostly rap and then it got shut down. goodbye music source. and then...bad things happened to my favorite bands! it was a long time ago but the effects are still hurting me but my favorite band in the world, blink 182, broke up as everyone who is not living under a rock knows. then sum 41 was on a huge haitus for like years. they were my other favorite band. now green day hasn't put out a new record in years and they were by far my favorite, favorite band. so i started to listening to other things. i've always loved queen and guns n roses but i started listening to them more and more. then i started getting into hellogoodbye. the next step for me was then i was so far away from my punk roots that i have lost everything. i stopped listening to rancid, i stopped listening to green day, i stoped listening to blink, i stopped listening to sum 41. i bought the first Angels and Airwaves like the second it came out but it just wasn't as good as blink 182. i lost track of Less Than Jake and Jimmy Eat World...what can i do know?? i'm so far behind everything.

can someone help me find some cool bands?
my favorite bands are:
Green Day
Sum 41
Blink 182
Jack's Mannequin
Jimmy Eat World
Less Than Jake
Head Automatica
Coheed and Cambria
The Killers
OLD Fall Out Boy stuff
Breaking Benjamin
Rise Against
Rage Against the Machine
Avenged Sevenfold
Taking Back Sunday
...pretty much any other bands that are similar. I like punk music the best, i also like ska music and hard rock. i used to love the screamo crap but i haven't heard many good screamo bands in a while and its become such a cliche to listen to them so i have strayed from that

does anyone know any similar bands? any new stuff from these bands? the newest i have probably from any of those is 2005 and before. i feel like i live in some other backwards country, you guys dont' understand the lack of anything awesome in my town. its all country stuff, the only friend i had who loved everything i loved has left me cause he must enjoy being a d*ck...oh but thats another story.

well suggestions would be GREATLY appreciated! =]]
Posted on March 23rd, 2008 at 12:24am


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