What this site means to me.

The title explains itself.

Well what can i possibly say about this site? It's amazingly awsome accually. Everyone here is so accepting and nice and funny. and that's what I love about it. And like people understand me here. Cause like my friends just call me crazy and don't accept me anymore. My family too. They called me crazy and they even told me clearly, "We don't understand you, I think you're crazy." And there's not even the smallest smirk behind their serious face. And even if they do that, I tell someone on here, (Or talk to Jimmy.) and as stupid as it sounds it makes me feel better. When I first came here I only came cause I love Green Day. But I would've never expected anything like this. At all. I accually expected a buncha girls that want Green Day all to themselves and will like kill anyone to get what they want. But no. I was wrong. I was wrong and proud. But I've met the nicest people ever, (Incontinentia Buttox ~~) and the funniest people ever (Who Stole My Pants? lmfao) and they accept me.

And when I posted that blog about my imaginary friend (That's who Jimmy is), I expected everyone to call me crazy. But no, some people had some too. And like right now, I'm gonna stop and talk about someone who I think is pretty amazing [no homo], Skylar (aka St. Jimmy's Bitch) You You have the sickest way of thinking and you write amazing songs and I know for a fucking fact that your band is gonna be famous one day on matter what. And as many problems as you have and as many times you complain about them, you never lose who you are. You're the same person all the time who doesn't give a shit about what anyone thinks and says and you're proud. I can tell that you're really really proud. And as gay and as stupid as it sounds I look up to you. Very much. And you better not screw things up cause it'll mess it up for me. XD haha

And for all the poeple that are on this site and write songs, and are in bands, I have no doubt most of you guys would be in famous bands i'll one day know the lyrics to before everyone else. xD And I know that you guys are gonna forget me but if you dont, send me stuff you touched and i'll sell it online. lmfao

So what i'm saying is that this site, and everyone on it, are way too ahead of amazing I can't even use words for it. And I know one day, far from now, I'll look back and not regret anything.
Posted on August 12th, 2008 at 02:41pm


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