August 23rd 2008, 7:35 pm

For over a year we were apart, but now and then I see him again. He has grown so tall. He no longer wears that studded belt. He has traded those crazy t-shirts for plain grey. His hair is lighter and shorter than before. We no longer talk; we pass each other by slightly smiling because it says so much more than the empty conversations we'd start up. He walks by with a friend I've never seen before; I nearly drop my bag because my hands tremble so, my knees get weak for the first time in fifteen months, I try to sit down on a box but it rolls away, so I stumble up again and it feels like forever since my heart nearly beat my ribs to pieces. We've grown up, but just a little, will we ever be old like them? I was hoping that you and me would remain young together. I think I will always be naive like this, at least when it comes to you. You will always make my knees weak. And when you passed me by, smiling like that, I felt so proud. There goes my Axel! Didn't I tell you he was wonderful? Look how beautiful he is. I always believed in him, and I was right. Look what an amazing person he's grown up to be. I put my faith in him and I was right. He is so beautiful.
Posted on August 25th, 2008 at 01:32pm


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