Growing Up With An Alcoholic

It's not fun. At all. I cannot get any more blatent then that.

For those who have an alcohlic parent, you know what I'm talking about. However, it's my mom. She's never abused me physically, except for pouring vodka on me when I was about 7ish. Other then that, nothing. When she lived with us at our old house, it was hell. Always around the same time too, between 5 PM-8, she'd start and she wouldn't stop until she'd pass out with a drink in her hand. On more then occasion, she'd pass out while on the computer, which resulted in her spilling her glasses of wine on the keyboard. One fight I remember is when our heating got turned off because the hot water heater broke. My dad came home and he was, understandibly, aggravated, and my mom started mouthing off to him, so he slapped her drink away and she went to cry in the bathroom. I had to call my sister and she took us (my brother and I) away for a while. Things were cooled off when we got home, and went on as usual.

When we moved into my grandmother's house, (R.I.P nana <3) which is where I'm currently living with my brother and dad, things only got worse. My grandmother and mom NEVER got along, for as long as I can remember. So, my mother being the loving, caring, person she is, decided to go ahead and leave in the middle of my softball game to get as shitfaced as she could. Then, she decided to go home and wake my brother up for some reason, and then get in one of the worst fights ever. I wasn't home yet, as my dad, sister, and I were getting food to bring home. However she called my dad, and informed him that she was leaving. We found out that she was living at her friend's house, in her re-done basement. (It was re-made as a second house kind of thing.)

Which gets us to where I am today. You'd think after all of that I'd hate her, but I don't. I don't because I know that she still loves, my brother, my sister and me. During the school year, when she'd pick us up, she'd usually bring us back to her house and make dinner for us, then my dad would come pick us up. Recently, during the summer, she'd come over our house after work and make dinner for us. However, she recently got a 2nd job and she has to leave at 5, after getting home from her other job, which ends at 2ish. I feel horrible for her because she has to work 2 jobs to support herself, and because she is still drinking. I'm also scared for her, because I don't know how much she is drinking, or how often. One of my number 1 fears is that I'll get a call in the middle of the night saying that she died of alcohol poisoning or something like that.

But yeah, I hope those who have alcoholic in their families can relate in some way.
Posted on September 2nd, 2008 at 02:12am


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