Coming to terms with it all.

Recently I've realised the truly unpredictable nature of life. In a month my whole life was turned upside down, some things for the better and others worse.
I can't come to terms with the words that slip from your lips. Everytime you tell me you love me it kills me to say that it isn't mutual but I can't let you back into my life, my heart couldnt take a repeat of last. That one night when I slipped from my recovery from your curse meant more than you can imagine but I will continue to deny my motives and how I felt towards you then and now.
I've come to terms with the fact that many things cannot and won't be changed. The past is unable to be taken back but that is a good thing. Things happen for a reason and all has contributed to the strong and confident individual I have become. I make decisons based on my own current feelings, not what I should do in accordance with others or what has previously been the case.
What I have come to terms with is that I'm stronger than I thought I was. I've attempted to move on from people who seemed to bring me down. I've come to terms with the fact that the future is in my control now. I have many options and I am no longer doing things for other people. I am looking forward in life and no longer to the past. The only reassurance I need is that of my own and of my best friends who I can count on no matter what.
I've come to terms with the fact life can at any moment flip and sweep me off my feet for the better or worse, so I owe it to my own happiness to seek every ounce of positivity and enjoyment from it as possible.

random thoughts, ramblings.
Posted on August 25th, 2009 at 10:13am


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