No One's Laughing at God.
Growing up, I didn't have a religion at all, I grew up agnostic, to say the least, and I continued in those beliefs up until now. When I moved to where i'm currently living, I was thrown into a whole new type of world. I live in the "buckle of the bible belt" in other words, we have the most churches per capita than any other place in the world. So of course I was the weird agnostic kid, and that didn't bother me, because frankly, I didn't know any better. Now that i've gotten a taste of everything else, it kind of fascinates me, the way people can put all their faith into something that could possibly all be fake. That's what scares me the most, i've been let down so much in my life, I don't want to put everything i have into something, and then be let down completely. I have a friend (whom most of you know about already, since I talk about him lots) and when I first met him, he was a total anti-christ. After a year of not talking to him, and then starting to talk to him again, I found out that he's completely christian, it shocked me, actually. But the fact that he, someone who was in the same boat as I am now, could make a come around like that, inspired me. I'm not saying I want to go out full on bible thumper, but I want to at least try. I read a book that made me think about religion a lot more, it changed my perspective on a lot of the doubts I had. One of these doubts was "how can i trust something/one that can let people go through so much pain, that can let horrible things happen to someone" and in the book it stated (via 'god' saying this) "I don't cause the bad things, I'm not the one that made this. It was fault of humans that did this, people's own will. It wasn't an act of myself." That was my main worry, but this perspective made me think a bit more in less of blaming god, and blaming mankind.
I don't want to be the kid that gets so fucked up and ends up having to turn to god to fix everything. So maybe I can turn to god before anything too bad happens to me, maybe it's worth a try? I'm not too sure. At this point, I have nothing, so there's nothing there to lose from trying this out. Maybe something good will happen, maybe i'll feel bad for never trying to be christian beforehand. I don't know, but anything is worth a try.
I don't want to be the kid that gets so fucked up and ends up having to turn to god to fix everything. So maybe I can turn to god before anything too bad happens to me, maybe it's worth a try? I'm not too sure. At this point, I have nothing, so there's nothing there to lose from trying this out. Maybe something good will happen, maybe i'll feel bad for never trying to be christian beforehand. I don't know, but anything is worth a try.
Climb the tallest mountain, punch God in the face.
occultculture, October 28th, 2009 at 08:38:40pm
yeah, its nice to believe in something, just don't let it be your security blanket for when things get rough.
moody fallon, October 12th, 2009 at 03:50:20pm
I used to go to church, and it was alright. But I can't really say I've ever actually believed in God. I've tried, but I think the more times I went to church, the less I believed. But good luck to you. (:
Skippy., October 12th, 2009 at 03:34:47am
Not to be harsh.
Either you're interpreting the Bible the way you want to see it or you haven't actually read it.
Which is what 90% of people seem to do.
Dookie!., October 11th, 2009 at 04:45:06pm
I love this blog.
I'm 'Catholic' like Sarah, but just like Sarah I have my own beliefs as well.
This blog inspires me Steph, I'm happy for you(:
Good lick with everything!
hollywood tragedy., October 11th, 2009 at 03:49:48pm
I disagree with Dookie! about no longer being human.
How is that so?
Because God doesn't want you to make mistakes? The Bible also states he understands you will make mistakes and he will forgive you if you truly seek the forgiveness.
Jesse Lacey, October 11th, 2009 at 02:57:36pm
I'm also going to be writing a blog about religion :)
Faith can be good. The Bible is a great book... but Its also full of sick and twisted things too.
I was bought up Christian and I firmly believed in God up to the age of 14.
I read the Bible, I had the Bible read alot to me too me when I was little. I can name most verses sadly enough xD
I started turning to science for many reasons. And learned that the Bible is pretty much anti-human.
If there was a religion I would turn to now it would be Buddhism as its nothing supernatural.
But yeah, if you turn to religion. Christianity specifically. Remember you can no longer be human.
Dookie!., October 11th, 2009 at 01:59:11pm
I see how you feel, a bit. I sometimes wonder if there even is a god. But when I read the bible or try to look up about the all mighty it makes me wonder. Like how everything was made.. scientist always say we evolved by monkeys and stuff but they never got into the details, catch my drift?
But sometimes it's good to have faith like everyone below or above me said. Makes things easier at times and helps you for the harder stuff in life you might have. I really dont know what to say but I like being a christian, hard to explain but yep it's awesome, lol if any of that made no sense, sawy xD
Tunny., October 11th, 2009 at 01:49:31pm
I've always believed in God and I've experienced many bad things.
I used to blame God for my misfortune and then I realized that I am causing my own downfall.
I've since put everything in God's hands and I can say I'm happier than ever.
Whether you choose to believe or not is essentially your decision, but I just thought I'd add that. (:
Jesse Lacey, October 11th, 2009 at 12:44:15pm
Faith is a nice thing to have.
No one knows whether or not God is fact or fiction. We can't tell and we probably never will be able to tell. All we can have is faith.
It's nice to believe in a presence that can aid you and look after you and try and guide you in the right direction.
During times of hardship, it's a lovely feeling to turn to this presence and feel security.
It gives people hope when things go wrong.
Dr.Hymen, October 11th, 2009 at 09:27:12am
like i said before i'm 'catholic', but i have my own beliefs.
essentially, i believe that there is a 'supreme being' of sorts and it is up to you to decide who that 'being' is to you. whether it is God, Allah, Buddha, many different gods, etc.
i also believe in other things too, but i won't get in to that. anyways, very good blog, steph and good luck with what ever you find!
eifhakdjsfh, October 11th, 2009 at 02:20:38am