
Yesterday, while attempting to make spaghetti, approve articles on Mibba and clean a window while talking to my boyfriend, I realized that my life needs more balance. I'm juggling college prep, my senior year, work and home life, not to mention my online responsibilities. (I'm sure some of the regular bloggers would enjoy kicking my butt because I've been slacking lately- sorry!)

I'm turning 18 much sooner than I was prepared for. I'll be a full-on adult; however, my sense of "balance" has not improved to keep up with my new responsibilities. I'm making it my new goal to get balanced-a late new year's resolution I suppose. I can't keep juggling every aspect of my life in this manner because I'm bound to drop something sooner or later.

In order to accomplish this, I think it's necessary to identify my priorities (which I'll be doing via this blog) and write about why they're important to me so I never neglect any one goal again.

First and foremost, I must address school. I am utterly thrilled to be graduating this year. My grades are wonderful and I got accepted into my college of choice. I've been offered a full ride scholarship which I have to go interview for next month and I'm beyond nervous about the entire situation. The thought of college is only exciting until you realize you have to pay for it! But, I'm not that worried.

My relationship with my boyfriend is definitely another priority. Unfortunately, he gets pushed aside more than any other thing in my life and he's so wonderful because he understands completely how overloaded I am. I absolutely must schedule in more time for him. We'll be having a nice weekend away shortly to go apartment hunting in Springfield for college. We're going to different schools, but thankfully they're in the same town and only a few miles from each other. He'll be in an apartment, but my school requires freshmen to live on campus

GSB and Mibba need more time in my life. I feel so silly saying that because I used to spend waaaay to much time on these lovely sites xD But, I love you guys and the community on here and I need that to relax me sometimes. When I'm having the most terrible day, 10 minutes online and I'm sure I'll be laughing again.

Being the organized nerd that I am, I've made out a schedule and planner to help me make time for everything my life involves these days. It's hectic at times, but I love every single aspect of my life right now and I want the balance to enjoy them all. (Especially my GSBians ;P)
Posted on January 17th, 2010 at 03:52pm


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