Finally Free From Him

I have been in a relationship for a year and a half. Over this time, the guy has proven himself to be manipulative, controlling, and just all-around emotionally abusive, as well as physically abusive.

Ladies and gentlemen, it is not okay to have a significant other that treats you like garbage, to yell and scream at you, someone that calls you names or pulls guilt trips on you if you don't want to do something sexual. It is not okay to have someone tell you who you can and can't talk to, when and where you can go, accuse you of constantly cheating, and it certainly is not okay for someone to stalk you, hit you, or make threats towards you.

I have learned this the hard way, and I don't wish it upon anybody else in this world. He finally let me go, found some other girl that very same day..a seventeen year old. And I feel bad for her, because I know the same thing will happen with her. God only knows how long she will also put up with the things he does, the ways he treats women.

And just because you're not with the abusive person anymore, doesn't mean he/she will stop with the abuse. Even though I am no longer with my abuser, he keeps sending me threats, keeps leading me to believe he's following me. Most all of his threats include guns, and blowing people's brains out.

Here's where it gets tricky. I have a six month old child with this guy.

So even if I do not wish to have any contact whatsoever with this person, he must be able to remain in my child's life, for the time being. Monday, I will begin legal processes. I will go to the courts to get a Personal Protection Order placed against him, and after that, I will file for sole custody of my child. I am only looking out for what's best for my son, and right now, I honestly feel it is not in my son's best interest to see his father while unsupervised. I will try to keep in touch with friends as the legal process of fighting for my son continues.

Please do not allow yourself to be in the same position I am currently in.
Posted on June 19th, 2010 at 06:23pm


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