Desecration of Cemeteries/Respect for the Dead
Author | Message |
anti-christ of suburbia Idiot ![]() Age: 32 Gender: Female Posts: 986 ![]() | besides, theres always the risk of revenge, if you believe in ghosts... |
Lucifers Angel King For A Couple Of Days ![]() Age: - Gender: Female Posts: 4751 | having a head stone cleaned because of mindless idiots costs a fortune to a family that would rather see a clean grave then a gravewritten all over. |
whoknows Geek ![]() Age: - Gender: Female Posts: 210 | Vandalism of this sort is truly appalling but the one that gets to me is when childrens graves are smashed up and trashed. It shouldn't seem any worse than any other graves that have been attacked but somehow, to me at least, it is. It sickens me to my stomach. In the town where I live, it got so bad that they've actually put a huge metal enclosure around the kids cemetary and it can ony be accessed if you have a key ... what a sad world we live in. You, the person, may be dead but to the families and loved ones left behind your grave may the one tangible thing left for them to hold onto, to go when they miss you, when they need to talk - yep I think it's safe to say that this rates, in my opinion, as one of the worst forms of vandalism. |
Maiku's Kind Ghost King For A Couple Of Days ![]() Age: - Gender: - Posts: 2102 ![]() | Also, the spirts of the dead don't like it either, how would you like it if someone randomly came trashed you home? I see it this way:by trashing a Graveyard your distubing supernatural froces and because you don't know what type of force it is- -it could a benevolent sprit or a vengful one, the later is one that could say, puch you in face or possess you-you could end up causeing a lot of trouble for youself. |
CountMikeulasNextVictim Post Whore ![]() Age: 33 Gender: Female Posts: 22875 ![]() | It's awful my friend lived beside one of our cemeteries a few years ago and one night a bunch of assholes came in there and broke a lot of the headstones and knocked them over and we used to go in there and just hang out in this tree and talk and stuff y'know so one day we went in there and just the two of us picked up the heavy headstones and put them where they belonged, my great grandparents are buried in that cemertery, I only thought it was right to respect them and the rest of the people buried there and there family's that paid that money for those headstones they were really nice, it's awful for someone to go off and do shit like that it's disrespectful to the dead and there family's |
Simone Shoot Me, I'm A Newbie ![]() Age: 37 Gender: Female Posts: 80 | I think it is quite disgusting that people would do that, i am sure they wouldn't like it if people came and did the same thing to there house. I live next door to a cemetery and it is astonishing to see how many people hang out there to wag school and engage in underage drinking. If you are there to pay your respects you definantely wouldn't want to see people like that habging around and you would be quite upset to see that a gravestone of someone close to you was damaged or littered because of these people. While the importance of the person may not lie in the grave stone which marks the place where the person will eternally rest (or rest until they dig you up to put in new graves) it does have some importance to the people who go their to mourn you or otherwise they wouldn't have gone to the effort of putting in such a head stone they would just have left it with the cemetery identification number. |
Anji Basket Case ![]() Age: 35 Gender: Female Posts: 15914 ![]() | My dad studied our family geneology for a while and kinda forced our family into these long trips, looking for graves of long lost relatives and that sort of thing, and it's horrible that some of our relatives don't even have a marked grave anymore. Some gravetones have been stolen or defaced, and it's outrageous that anybody can even think of doing something like that. Immensly disrespectful. I have no tolerance for anybody who treats the dead like that. |
BillieStoleMyVirginity Geek ![]() Age: 31 Gender: Female Posts: 359 ![]() | people wonder why they are haunted by spirits?? because they pissed them off thats why! the dead deserve as much respect as the living and if theyre resting place is destroyed they will get pissed off! they want to be left alone when theyre dead! its like, if you get pissed off when your mum cleans your room if she ever does (i know mine does and i want to smash things when she does) destroying a grave is the same deal. you annoy spirits, spirits annoy you. its that simple. |
BillieStoleMyVirginity Geek ![]() Age: 31 Gender: Female Posts: 359 ![]() | its pathetic when people do things to graves. seconding what i just said, it shows the people have no respect. like when Mambo (an australian aborigine/torres straight islander who is famous for fighting for his people's rights) died people threw paint and stuff at his gravestone. this shows the people are ignorant and have no respect |
Plug In Baby. Addict ![]() Age: 34 Gender: Female Posts: 11334 | BillieStoleMyVirginity: Mabo, not Mambo. |
BillieStoleMyVirginity Geek ![]() Age: 31 Gender: Female Posts: 359 ![]() | Coff:oops typo. lol. BAHA MAMBO |
Ghostie. Geek ![]() Age: 31 Gender: Female Posts: 495 ![]() | It's horrible to disrespect the dead. *shakes head* A cemetary is a peaceful place and a tribute to people's lives. They're also historic, and, personally, full of positive energy. They're not some dump for people to litter in. Well, I'm against littering all together, so, yeah. But, to litter and be disrespectful to nature in a cememtary? People pay big bucks to get loved ones buried. It's just disrespectul on so many levels. >__< |
Verbatim. King For A Couple Of Days ![]() Age: 103 Gender: Female Posts: 3281 | I live across the road from a graveyard, where I have a few relatives, and unfortunately, a couple of friends resting there. A girl from my school died in an accident a couple of years ago, she was 12. Things have been stolen from her graveside, including stuffed toys, holiday gifts from friends, and even keyrings and stuff like that. It's made the front page of our local paper quite a few times. Anyway, me and my friend used to go for walks there in the evening, and one night, we saw a couple of people around this little girls' grave. We watched them for a few moments, only to find them picking up the teddies and stuff, and actually throwing them around Anyway, we knew the name of the girl that did it, she's a well known local scruff, so we called the police and they came straight around to the graveyard, they took statements from both of us, and our details. They might not have punished the girl that did it, but I was very pleased with the response we got from the police. It's very distressing for friends and relatives of the dead person to have to hear about the things that've happened to the grave. There should be tougher laws on it. |
Maiku's Kind Ghost King For A Couple Of Days ![]() Age: - Gender: - Posts: 2102 ![]() | |
Ol' Blue Eyes. King For A Couple Of Days ![]() Age: 36 Gender: Female Posts: 4816 ![]() | I think it should be punishable by law to fuck with a person's grave. I know that if I ever caught someone messing around with my uncle's grave, or with my baby's cousin's grave, I'd probably put them in the plot next to them. It's entirely disrespectful. |
PaNcAkEs Jackass ![]() Age: 32 Gender: Female Posts: 1808 ![]() | i think its wrong to disrespect the dead, it is a problem...i havent noticed anyone doesnt so in the cemeteries in our town, but there have been some incidents elsewhere. I believe in spirits so just imagine that when you're throwing somehting onto a grave, that you're actually throwing it at a living i think thats abit weird, seeing as none of us(i hope) would throw a bottle or random trash at a friend or member of the family. That didnt come out as good as i planned but oh well, I'm just saying that they know who did it and they wont forget it( da spirits, man). |
dramamine; King For A Couple Of Days ![]() Age: 31 Gender: Female Posts: 2004 ![]() ![]() | All I can say is; Respect them if you want them to respect you. Do you really want to go to your (for example) mothers grave and see grafitti all over it? Do you really want people stealing from her grave? So why would you do it to others? It hurts people. And that's not nice ^.^ |
Pretty Like Drugs King For A Couple Of Days ![]() Age: 35 Gender: Female Posts: 2643 | I think that respect in general is seriously lacking in our society. Obviously, I think it's wrong to damage graves like that. But I think more respect needs to be shown in a lot of other aspects too. Or maybe the morons of today just need to stop and THINK a little before acting. The smallest thing they do could result in the most severe chain of bad events. You never know. |
Flaming Phalanges! Basket Case ![]() Age: 35 Gender: Female Posts: 17669 | It seems like a lot of people are disgusted by this happening to dead people, but what about living people having their homes vandalised? I mean, I'm not condoning ripping up tomb stones, but surely the living should have just as much respect as the dead do? |
Maiku's Kind Ghost King For A Couple Of Days ![]() Age: - Gender: - Posts: 2102 ![]() | Flaming Phalanges!: yes. But the Living have one advantage over the dead.They can do something about the vandalising themselves. Where as the dead can not. |
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