Co-ed schools vs. Single-sex schools

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August 10th, 2006 at 04:36am
Anyone have any opinions on what's better- coed high schools or single sex high schools?
Age: 38
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Posts: 10235
August 10th, 2006 at 06:50am
Well hopefully I'm understanding this right with co-ed being mixed sex schools (if not slap me, if so pretend I didn't say anything!

I went to a single sex school and a coed school (since I left the former half way through), and I personally found that the mixed school was much better, it was more relaxed, and the humour waws less sexually orientated. Also it gave you a chance to get to know girls on a friendly level, rather than being 'thrown to the wolves' (no offense intended ladies) after spending half your teenage life surround by the same sex

So just to quickly sum up, I much prefer the mixed sex schools.
Falling In Love With The Board
Age: 35
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August 10th, 2006 at 07:46am
I went to a co-ed intermediate and a all girl high school.
I did much better at the co-ed school and found out that single sex schools are much more corrupt within the student body than co-ed
Age: 34
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August 10th, 2006 at 07:57am
Personally I'd hate to go to an all girls school, boys tend to be more relaxed and more fun than girls who can be very bitchy and competitive.
Though I heard somewhere girls are suppose to work better in a single sex envoirment and that boys better in a mixed one. But it probably depends on the person.
Age: 32
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Mibba Blog
August 10th, 2006 at 10:31am
SD forum rules:
When posting a new topic about a subject, please give your own opinion first, you cannot expect people to debate when you haven't given them something to jarr with.
Board Parasite
Age: 35
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August 10th, 2006 at 10:49am
I went to a co-ed school, and i thought it was great, i dont think i would have wanted to go to a same sex school, girls are sooo bitchy! Plus I have a lot of guy friends and i relax more around them than i do girls... going back to the bitchy thing!
Biffy Clyro
Basket Case
Biffy Clyro
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August 10th, 2006 at 02:08pm
single sex schools limit interaction with the opposite sex. this can have a negative effect in later life.
Age: 33
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August 10th, 2006 at 02:25pm
i go to an all girls catholic school (KILL ME!!) and believe me.. its terible, like ive never had a proper conversation wit a boy my own age outside my family in my whole life!!! single sex schools are so confined!
Falling In Love With The Board
Age: 39
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Posts: 8288
August 10th, 2006 at 02:47pm
I was in a mixed primary school.
And then in secondary went to an all girls catholic school.
And I loved both.
But during my time in the same sex school we had alot of interaction with an all boys school that was down the road.
Plug In Baby.
Plug In Baby.
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August 11th, 2006 at 07:00am
Pastor of Muppets:
single sex schools limit interaction with the opposite sex. this can have a negative effect in later life.

Only if you don't have a life outside of school.

My friend, she goes to an all girls school, she catches the train with guys, her school has dances with guys, she does activities on the weekend with guys.

She is no more awkward around guys than I am, I go to a mixed school.
Lucifers Angel
King For A Couple Of Days
Lucifers Angel
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August 11th, 2006 at 07:27am
i would love for my kids to go to a all girl and all boy schools, there will be no sexually charged up girls annoying the boys and vise versa,
Basket Case
Age: 35
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Posts: 15914

August 11th, 2006 at 08:46am
Lucifers Angel:
i would love for my kids to go to a all girl and all boy schools, there will be no sexually charged up girls annoying the boys and vise versa,
You are an eeeeevil, EEEEVIL, mean parent. Bad, BAAAAD!
Basket Case
Age: 35
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Posts: 15914

August 11th, 2006 at 08:48am
This is like the all-Black school idea. Kinda segregating, I think. Not good. I hated my all girls school.
Age: 38
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Posts: 10235
August 11th, 2006 at 08:49am
boys tend to be more relaxed and more fun than girls who can be very bitchy and competitive.

I have to say, that wasn't true at the all boys school I went to, infact the girls school across the road was more relaxed and fun (according to my friends there).

But it might just depend on the people in the class, rather than being a generalisation!
Lucifers Angel
King For A Couple Of Days
Lucifers Angel
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August 11th, 2006 at 08:51am
Lucifers Angel:
i would love for my kids to go to a all girl and all boy schools, there will be no sexually charged up girls annoying the boys and vise versa,
You are an eeeeevil, EEEEVIL, mean parent. Bad, BAAAAD!

i do hope you dont mean that i am evil my kids will disagree with you, but i will hang my head in shame.
Age: 38
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Posts: 10235
August 11th, 2006 at 09:04am
Lucifers Angel:
i would love for my kids to go to a all girl and all boy schools, there will be no sexually charged up girls annoying the boys and vise versa,

I understand your point, but at schools there is always going to be sexually charged up boys and girls. It's part of being a teenager. All the boys who were in my class were constantly talking/joking about sex and girls and so on during classes, and the only interaction they had with girls was during a 15-30 minute coach ride home. So all this joking and talking etc came out during lessons, and distubed the whole class, rather than during breaks or in small bursts during lessons in the mixed school i went to.

When I was at the mixed school the boys and the girls still joked, and talked about the same thing, but they could mix and have that 'release' during breaks rather than it building up and then disturbing the classes.

My grades improved 100% when I moved from the all boys school to the mixed one. (from getting failures & D's to getting A's, B's and a couple of C's)

My personal opinion would be to send your children to mixed sex schools.
Lucifers Angel
King For A Couple Of Days
Lucifers Angel
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August 11th, 2006 at 09:08am
Lucifers Angel:
i would love for my kids to go to a all girl and all boy schools, there will be no sexually charged up girls annoying the boys and vise versa,

I understand your point, but at schools there is always going to be sexually charged up boys and girls. It's part of being a teenager. All the boys who were in my class were constantly talking/joking about sex and girls and so on during classes, and the only interaction they had with girls was during a 15-30 minute coach ride home. So all this joking and talking etc came out during lessons, and distubed the whole class, rather than during breaks or in small bursts during lessons in the mixed school i went to.

When I was at the mixed school the boys and the girls still joked, and talked about the same thing, but they could mix and have that 'release' during breaks rather than it building up and then disturbing the classes.

My grades improved 100% when I moved from the all boys school to the mixed one. (from getting failures & D's to getting A's, B's and a couple of C's)

My personal opinion would be to send your children to mixed sex schools.

thanks for your opinion, but i am only considering it and other peoples opinions would help me decide aswell. at the moment the schoo they go to is full of kids who are nasty and who quite frankly do not want to do the school work and that the punishment is ......well shall we say njot there, also my daughter doesnt like other girls so i was thinking perhaps it would help her enjoy female company.
Age: 38
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Posts: 10235
August 11th, 2006 at 09:18am
Lucifers Angel:

thanks for your opinion, but i am only considering it and other peoples opinions would help me decide aswell. at the moment the schoo they go to is full of kids who are nasty and who quite frankly do not want to do the school work and that the punishment is ......well shall we say njot there, also my daughter doesnt like other girls so i was thinking perhaps it would help her enjoy female company.

Your welcome, I think it is also important that the child goes to a school that they want, at first I was happy to go to an all boys school, but after a couple of years I no longer wished to be there and my parents supported me the whole time!
Lucifers Angel
King For A Couple Of Days
Lucifers Angel
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August 11th, 2006 at 09:24am
Lucifers Angel:

thanks for your opinion, but i am only considering it and other peoples opinions would help me decide aswell. at the moment the schoo they go to is full of kids who are nasty and who quite frankly do not want to do the school work and that the punishment is ......well shall we say njot there, also my daughter doesnt like other girls so i was thinking perhaps it would help her enjoy female company.

Your welcome, I think it is also important that the child goes to a school that they want, at first I was happy to go to an all boys school, but after a couple of years I no longer wished to be there and my parents supported me the whole time!

why didnt you wnt to be there any longer? and if my kids want to stay where they are then so be it, they can stay, but they will be having extra lessons after schools (but NOT on the weekends)
Age: 32
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Posts: 34289

Mibba Blog
August 11th, 2006 at 10:46am
Lucifers Angel:

other peoples opinions would help me decide aswell.

If My mom sent be to an all girls school I'd shoot her Very Happy I think thats one of the sexist things in this world, saying that other genders interfer with peoples ability to learn. Bull. There are always going to be disruptions in school, reguardless of somones sex.

Shifty and I like boys