Co-ed schools vs. Single-sex schools

Falling In Love With The Board
Age: 33
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Posts: 5278

Mibba Blog
August 11th, 2006 at 11:02am
Lucifers Angel:

other peoples opinions would help me decide aswell.

If My mom sent be to an all girls school I'd shoot her Very Happy I think thats one of the sexist things in this world, saying that other genders interfer with peoples ability to learn. Bull. There are always going to be disruptions in school, reguardless of somones sex.

Shifty and I like boys

Other genders promote learning. Girls can get some boyish qualities (not being uptight. being a little relaxed about certain things) and boys can get some girlish qualities (importance of appearance. seriousness at certain times. being open about certain things).

i know this sounds seriously sexist, but its true. and once you leave school, you're going to have to deal with men AND women at work. dealing with them from at least your teenage years is good for teaching you how to behave or how to interact.

children with opposite sex siblings or cousins that they see often don't have this problem as much, even if they go to a single sex school. but the problem still arises. its much less apparent in a group of working adults who went to coed schools.
Age: 32
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Posts: 34289

Mibba Blog
August 11th, 2006 at 11:05am
Lucifers Angel:

other peoples opinions would help me decide aswell.

If My mom sent be to an all girls school I'd shoot her Very Happy I think thats one of the sexist things in this world, saying that other genders interfer with peoples ability to learn. Bull. There are always going to be disruptions in school, reguardless of somones sex.

Shifty and I like boys

Other genders promote learning. Girls can get some boyish qualities (not being uptight. being a little relaxed about certain things) and boys can get some girlish qualities (importance of appearance. seriousness at certain times. being open about certain things).

Yeah, that was extremely sexist. People have these stereotypes that girls are prissy and boys are slobs, and thats so untrue. Thats exactly what Im talking about, stupid stereotypes like that, by seperating boys and girls, it's only going to make it worse.
Falling In Love With The Board
Age: 33
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Posts: 5278

Mibba Blog
August 11th, 2006 at 11:26am
Lucifers Angel:

other peoples opinions would help me decide aswell.

If My mom sent be to an all girls school I'd shoot her Very Happy I think thats one of the sexist things in this world, saying that other genders interfer with peoples ability to learn. Bull. There are always going to be disruptions in school, reguardless of somones sex.

Shifty and I like boys

Other genders promote learning. Girls can get some boyish qualities (not being uptight. being a little relaxed about certain things) and boys can get some girlish qualities (importance of appearance. seriousness at certain times. being open about certain things).

Yeah, that was extremely sexist. People have these stereotypes that girls are prissy and boys are slobs, and thats so untrue. Thats exactly what Im talking about, stupid stereotypes like that, by seperating boys and girls, it's only going to make it worse.
Rolling Eyes i wasn't saying that boys are slobs or that girls all walk around with sticks up their asses. what im saying is true. not like ALL the time or something. but for the most part. no matter who you are, goth, emo, nothing, whatever, a girl wants to appear a certain way. girls generally put more effort into their appearance than boys do. just a fact. im a girl.

i mean, now, boys are equally concious. and im bettign thats one of the wonders of coeducation. coeducation helps boys and girls share those characteristics and knocks down decades of stereotypes.
Age: 32
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Posts: 34289

Mibba Blog
August 11th, 2006 at 11:29am
Rolling Eyes i wasn't saying that boys are slobs or that girls all walk around with sticks up their asses. what im saying is true. not like ALL the time or something. but for the most part. no matter who you are, goth, emo, nothing, whatever, a girl wants to appear a certain way. girls generally put more effort into their appearance than boys do. just a fact. im a girl.

I'm a girl too, and that isnt a fact, thats a stereotype. People saying things like that is what makes it a stereotype. Thats why people feel they have to be a certain way, if a guy ever took time to put in his apperance, then hes a sissy. And if girls don't look 100% perfect, then they are trashy slobs.
Basket Case
Age: 35
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August 11th, 2006 at 11:31am
Rolling Eyes i wasn't saying that boys are slobs or that girls all walk around with sticks up their asses. what im saying is true. not like ALL the time or something. but for the most part. no matter who you are, goth, emo, nothing, whatever, a girl wants to appear a certain way. girls generally put more effort into their appearance than boys do. just a fact. im a girl.

I'm a girl too, and that isnt a fact, thats a stereotype. People saying things like that is what makes it a stereotype. Thats why people feel they have to be a certain way, if a guy ever took time to put in his apperance, then hes a sissy. And if girls don't look 100% perfect, then they are trashy slobs.
My friends boyfriend takes more time to get ready than she does. lmfao
Age: 32
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Posts: 34289

Mibba Blog
August 11th, 2006 at 11:34am
My friends boyfriend takes more time to get ready than she does. lmfao

lyke zomg then he isnt a real boi cause he cares about how he looks omgno

Thats exactly what Im talking about, gender doesnt effect this stuff. Like Anji said, guys can take longer to get ready, thats just one aspect where sexist views are wrong.
Falling In Love With The Board
Age: 33
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Posts: 5278

Mibba Blog
August 11th, 2006 at 12:48pm
i wasn't saying that boys are slobs or that girls all walk around with sticks up their asses. what im saying is true. not like ALL the time or something. but for the most part. no matter who you are, goth, emo, nothing, whatever, a girl wants to appear a certain way. girls generally put more effort into their appearance than boys do. just a fact. im a girl.

I highlighted a few key phrases. Its not a stereotype unless I'm saying "You're a boy unless you cake your face with make up and wear a pretty pink dress."

Don't be a feminazi.

And I'm not saying that boys have to look like mountain bears. If you read more carefully, you would see that I said that coeducation eliminates these stereotypes. its because of coeducation that its no longer true that teenage boys are shabby looking by nature (no, i do not mean ALLLLLL THE FUCKING TIME).

You know what? why am i arguing with some person? why are we arguing when we agree? i think we both have better things to do.
Basket Case
Age: 37
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Mibba Blog
August 11th, 2006 at 10:20pm
Firstly stay on topic.

Secondly on Test scores girls and boys do better in single sex schools do better than mix, This is due to their being less distraction. Girls don't feel the need to look pretty or feel peer presurred into having a boyfriend. Boys are less likely to disrupts classes.

Single sex schools also allow classes like sex ed or Physical education to be less embaressing.

Bullying is lower in single sex school than mixed, because the idea of solidarity is pushed.

Boys are more easily distracted than girls, yet in boys schools teachers feel they are able to be a bit more stricter and this leads to boys attaining higher results. Where as girls work better in open discussion as a teaching method and this can be very hard to do in a mix environment.

Single sex schools work because boys and girls learn in different ways and seperate school allow different teaching methods to be used.

I went to a single sex school i'm expecting very high results and the myth that it causes social segregation is exactly that, a myth as with most sing-sex schools there will be a sister or brother school, so interaction between the sexes takes places outside of hte classroom.
Lucifers Angel
King For A Couple Of Days
Lucifers Angel
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August 12th, 2006 at 04:33am
Firstly stay on topic.

Secondly on Test scores girls and boys do better in single sex schools do better than mix, This is due to their being less distraction. Girls don't feel the need to look pretty or feel peer presurred into having a boyfriend. Boys are less likely to disrupts classes.

Single sex schools also allow classes like sex ed or Physical education to be less embaressing.

Bullying is lower in single sex school than mixed, because the idea of solidarity is pushed.

Boys are more easily distracted than girls, yet in boys schools teachers feel they are able to be a bit more stricter and this leads to boys attaining higher results. Where as girls work better in open discussion as a teaching method and this can be very hard to do in a mix environment.

Single sex schools work because boys and girls learn in different ways and seperate school allow different teaching methods to be used.

I went to a single sex school i'm expecting very high results and the myth that it causes social segregation is exactly that, a myth as with most sing-sex schools there will be a sister or brother school, so interaction between the sexes takes places outside of hte classroom.

thankyou NeoSteph you have just answered my question!! I think i may have made my mind up.
King For A Couple Of Days
Age: 35
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Posts: 3542
August 14th, 2006 at 01:03am
I think it's good to have co-ed schools. Co-ed schools could also give great social skills. If a student was to be in a single-sex school, sure they won't be distracted depending on the sexuality of the student, but when they come across the opposite sex, they could become shy.
Basket Case
Age: 35
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Posts: 15914

August 14th, 2006 at 03:38am
I guess I'm just lucky in my co-ed school, there is no one to distract me.
Plug In Baby.
Plug In Baby.
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August 14th, 2006 at 06:56am
I guess I'm just lucky in my co-ed school, there is no one to distract me.

No one distracts me either.. its just silly they way they stereotype it. I mean, if you;re going to be distracted, well, then you'll get distracted by either guys or girls, I'm sure it won't depend on gender.

I also find something really really silly.. the way that when we have to go to an assembly at the church across the road, a whole school assembly, they make us sit in boy-girl-boy-girl order.

I mean.. why? I talk to everyone and anyone, it doesn't matter if the person sitting next to me is a boy, a girl or a monkey, I couldn't give a shit, if I wanted to talk to them, I would.

Everyone still talks. I'm friends with guys as well as girls, everyone is, it doesn't make a difference, you know? Its just stupid.
Age: 32
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Posts: 312
August 16th, 2006 at 06:55pm
i go to a co-ed school which takes 30 minutes to bike to rather than going to the all girls school which is a three minute walk away. I think co-ed schools are great!
Remarkable Rocket
Falling In Love With The Board
Remarkable Rocket
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August 16th, 2006 at 07:54pm
Lucifers Angel:

other peoples opinions would help me decide aswell.

If My mom sent be to an all girls school I'd shoot her Very Happy I think thats one of the sexist things in this world, saying that other genders interfer with peoples ability to learn. Bull. There are always going to be disruptions in school, reguardless of somones sex.

Shifty and I like boys

Other genders promote learning. Girls can get some boyish qualities (not being uptight. being a little relaxed about certain things) and boys can get some girlish qualities (importance of appearance. seriousness at certain times. being open about certain things).

Yeah, that was extremely sexist. People have these stereotypes that girls are prissy and boys are slobs, and thats so untrue. Thats exactly what Im talking about, stupid stereotypes like that, by seperating boys and girls, it's only going to make it worse.

Stereotypes are exist... because they are MOSTLY true..
Age: 32
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Posts: 34289

Mibba Blog
August 16th, 2006 at 08:32pm
Burton On Voimakas:

Stereotypes are exist... because they are MOSTLY true..

No, stereotypes exist because people misconcieve and believe all the bullshit that says they're mostly true.
Addison Montgomery.
Falling In Love With The Board
Addison Montgomery.
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Mibba Blog
August 17th, 2006 at 09:54am
coed high schools
Age: 34
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Posts: 598
August 18th, 2006 at 10:05am
uhh i don't really know.

i went to coed grade school which was great. now i'm at an all girl h.s. which i reallly like. i do think there's more of a sisterly bond at our school compared with the girls at nearby coed high schools. but then again there's not much interaction with boys. our school never has mixers and the only thing for our school with boys is drama club. so i'm not really sure which one i'd prefer. i suppose all girl school since i'm always socially awkward anyways.
Jar Of D!rt,
Shoot Me, I'm A Newbie
Jar Of D!rt,
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August 19th, 2006 at 01:17pm
Lucifers Angel:
Lucifers Angel:
i would love for my kids to go to a all girl and all boy schools, there will be no sexually charged up girls annoying the boys and vise versa,
You are an eeeeevil, EEEEVIL, mean parent. Bad, BAAAAD!

i do hope you dont mean that i am evil my kids will disagree with you, but i will hang my head in shame.

Well m'dear, what if your kids did not want to go to a all-girl/boy school, me myself would hate it and kill myself on the first day. I hate not being around boys i've never had much interaction with girls, there all bitches everywhere i turn. When boys seem a little nicer, and they can be very defensive.
Jar Of D!rt,
Shoot Me, I'm A Newbie
Jar Of D!rt,
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August 19th, 2006 at 01:22pm
Co-ed schools are great, i've never been in a single sex school, and never want to be. I hate girls, and they hate me, i've never been interactive with the same sex, they mostly assholes who are sluty whores (please no offence). Hehe, i dislike single sex schools, and i think if my mum ever put me into a single sex school i'ld be the quite gilr in the corner chanting to myself obout the school.
Basket Case
Age: 37
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Posts: 16494

Mibba Blog
August 19th, 2006 at 07:24pm
Jar Of D!rt,:
Co-ed schools are great, i've never been in a single sex school, and never want to be. I hate girls, and they hate me, i've never been interactive with the same sex, they mostly assholes who are sluty whores (please no offence). Hehe, i dislike single sex schools, and i think if my mum ever put me into a single sex school i'ld be the quite gilr in the corner chanting to myself obout the school.

How can you dislike something you have never been apart of.

The main argument in this thread seems to be that you think that the stereotype of teaching techniques is ignorant, when that is absurd, science dictates the difference in the learning ability of boys and girls, what single sex school accomplish is that you can steer that sex learning ability without outcasting the other sex.

As a roman catholic all girl school student, I can safely say that no I am not an asshole, no I am not slutty and in the 7 years I studied at my secondary school I never came across a girl chanting in the corner.

You are all guilty of stereotyping single -sex schools, when the majority of you have not been to one, you also do this at the same time as blasting my claims of different teaching techniques for boys and girls as ignorant when it is fact, which i find hypocritical.