Co-ed schools vs. Single-sex schools
Author | Message |
anti-christ of suburbia Idiot ![]() Age: 32 Gender: Female Posts: 986 ![]() | Viva La Stupid: you're actualy right there, take it from someone who knows, but there is a problem that you begin to see the opposite sex as some mysterious, wonderful beings who are totally alien and aamazing, but maybe that just means you appreciate them more. i prefer my all girls school coz you dont have the boys making trouble and distracting the girls. not that all boys are troublemakers, but they do distract girls and vice versa so for the sake of education sometimes its better for them to be taught seperately. also girls matur faster than boys and that gets taken into account in a single sex school |
ColleenStarship Addict ![]() Age: 32 Gender: Female Posts: 11991 | anti-christ of suburbia: exaclty the opposite sex can cause issues and not even know it example the lust factor = distraction |
FUCK GSB Banned ![]() Age: - Gender: - Posts: 1973 | You need that distraction, otherwise you'll be more likely to have relationship problems in your future if you know nothing about them. What about homosexuals and this distraction? With the logic you guys put up, everyone just needs to be taught at home on a computer. |
Fashion Zombies! Jackass ![]() Age: 32 Gender: Female Posts: 1168 ![]() ![]() | I can't really decide on the educational side but...My sister went to an all girls school. She said suprisingly it was less bitchy than a normal one cos theres so impressing boys and all that shit. Mind you she graduated about 8 years ago so... |
-Misery- Geek ![]() Age: - Gender: - Posts: 145 | co ed theres WAYYYYY more less cattyness and yeah you learn to mix with both sexes better |
Screaming Photo Op. King For A Couple Of Days ![]() Age: 32 Gender: Female Posts: 2275 ![]() | I go to an all girl's school and I see it as an improvement from my co-ed school from before. I found I could make friends much easier than before. There weren't guys really around for girls to run after and fight for (although there's an all boys school right up the block from our school...). I prefer the all girl's school much more than co-ed. I find it more comfortable for myself but I know many of my peers would think otherwise. |
Stark Raving Lefty. Idiot ![]() Age: 32 Gender: Female Posts: 634 | I'm at an all-girls school (except for the boys in 6th form) and at my previous, co-ed primary school, there were so many obnoxious, misogynistic chavs that ganged up on me and the girls were seriously bitchy - their main thing in life was EastEnders - and I always felt left out because there was no one like me. Whereas at secondary school, it took me a year to settle down but it was worth it and although there are some really, uber-bitchy girls, it doesn't matter really because there are loads more people I can relate to. And as for the distraction thing, most girls here have boyfriends and know them as well as if they went to a co-ed. We don't learn that girls are better than boys, because that's stupid. |
a-dawg. Falling In Love With The Board ![]() Age: 31 Gender: Female Posts: 7070 | Comrade182:Same here. I left my girls' school to go to a great coed school in Brussels. Now, back in Ireland, I'd prefer to walk a mile and take a DART trip to get to school than go to an all girls'. |
CristhyneS Jackass ![]() Age: 34 Gender: Female Posts: 1400 ![]() | I've been to both. I studied in a catholic girls' school since I was five until I was 10 and then was thrown to a mixed sex schools. I think both have upside and downsides. And I've visited my ol' school quite a lot of times sicne I left. Leaving aside the "catholic" bit from the first school, I find being around just people my same sex very confrotable in some sort of way. Like you don't really have to get through all the "boys talking" and fighting between girlfriend and boyfriends at school and all that crap. It's relaxing in some sort of way like you don't really have to try to hide your..."womanhood", let's say, in order to protect yourself from boys out there desperated from sex. You might say I really can't ay that as I left that school at 10, before all the teenage hormones mess, but as I've said, been there quite a lot of times ever sicne changed school and I still find the same kind of feeling there. But mixed sex schools are also more relaxed in some sort of way. Believe it or not I don't find as much of a popularity contenst between all the girls at a time when you might really need a hand, I guess is because there are actually more boys than girls at my school (not such a big difference though) so we don't have to compit over who gets mroe attention, at least the ones who care doesn't, because it's liek there's a boy for everyone. While in same sexschools msot girls try to stand up between a crowd of females. and it's always mroe fun with the boys too. i find sometimes it's easier to talk about some certain thigns with people that isnb't the same sex as you are. *shurgs* |
DateLine Idiot ![]() Age: 34 Gender: Female Posts: 626 | I have gone to co-ed schools for the past twelve years..from Kindergarten right through till now, year eleven, and in all those years I have none nothing apart from always having boys and girls there. But now in my senior years at highschool, many of my classes are primarily girls...several of them with only two boys in the class. Having these basically all girl classes is good, it lets us have more opinional conversations in class, with out always being interupted by guys, and being able to say what we like without being judged by the guys. But I feel now, being more mature, and seniors guys are more settled down, and are able to get on with what they are supposed to do. But yes, you can say guys are distracting, but girls are also too, but they are only distracting if you let yourself be distracted by them. If there are people like that in my classes I just ignore them and get on with my work...its not a problem. At my school also, for the 'troublesome' guys in my grade, they have a boys only english class for them, (or at least they used too) with one of the strickter guy teachers, and apparently, alot of the guys got into the work, and were able to work more efficently... I do think that single sex schools would have there positives but also there negatives, just that lack of social interaction on a daily basis with people of the other sex could have an affect later in life...especially for those with no siblings of the other sex . Lol. I love it how I just wrote a mini essay ![]() |
Ol' Blue Eyes. King For A Couple Of Days ![]() Age: 36 Gender: Female Posts: 4816 ![]() | I think if you put a bunch of girls all together they'll wind up killing each other. Mixed schools are just better, simply because it allows teenagers to interact and develop the necessary social skills before they have to go out into the real world |
Minority_Under_Dog Falling In Love With The Board ![]() Age: - Gender: Female Posts: 6967 ![]() | Same sex schools teach differently than co-ed schools. Boys and girls have different ways of thinking (for the most part), so a single sex school would teach to just the mindset of girls or boys. It also elimanates competion to look good for the other sex, and there are less distractions in the classroom. Many believe that girls feel more comfortable with just girls, and boys with just boys. This can be true, but it benefits more to go to school with both, in my opinion. At a co-ed school there will be those bitchy girls, but I know bitcy girls in all female schools too. Even if there aren't boys in the school, that won't stop girls from bragging to others about their "hot boyfriend" and what they did last night. It also helps to have both a male and female perspective in the classroom, just as it helps to have different races and religons in the classroom. Boys and girls both add different mindsets to a subject which makes the discussion much more interesting and diverse. For me personally I could never go to an all girls school. When I was younger (elementry school) I had nothing in common with most girls. So I hung out with mostly boys at school, and only a couple girls. I doubt I would have been as accepted at an all girls school. I still am a proud tom-boy so I benefit from having boys in my grade that I can argue with about the NCAA tornment. Sure some girls like college basketball and I encourage my frends to like sports. Some of them only like sports for the hot guys or simply think their boring. Anyways, my point being that you benefit from school more if there is a more diverse selection of students. |
PaNcAkEs Jackass ![]() Age: 32 Gender: Female Posts: 1808 ![]() | i go to a co-ed school, all me life lol, i couldnt imagine myself anywhere else...and i agree with what everyone else says, i suppose it does limit interactions with the opposite sex. |
Flaming Phalanges! Basket Case ![]() Age: 35 Gender: Female Posts: 17669 | If you go to a same sex school, you won't have 'practice' at behaving properly aroudn the opposite sex because you're not with them all throughout the day, so when you go to college, or university, or out to work, it's going to be more difficult to get used to a mixed society. However, one of my brother's friends went to a single sex school and stayed on at 6th form there, and most of her friends are boys anyway, maybe cos she's so sick of girls. ![]() Also, girls in their teen years are INCREDIBLY bitchy for the most part, and I much preferred hanging around with boys as a teenager. Well, I still AM a teenager, but you know. I know I've concentrated on girls only schools here, but I only know people from all girls schools, because the nearest all boys school is far enough away that no one I know went to it. |
I Am So Beautiful! FUCK! Jackass ![]() Age: 32 Gender: Female Posts: 1019 ![]() | I would never want to go to a single-sex school. I have friends of the same and opposite sex. I couldn't imagine my life without either! |
OMG IT'S TAYLOR!! Shoot Me, I'm A Newbie ![]() Age: 31 Gender: Female Posts: 35 | i like coed but sometimes all girls would be easier |
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