lyrical_mess Falling In Love With The Board Age: 33 Gender: Female Posts: 5278
April 6th, 2007 at 07:57am
Recently, several malls in the United States started a new policy. No teenagers under sixteen are allowed without an adult/parent escort after 3:00 pm on weekends. They say that the teenagers' loitering, fighting, swearing, etc puts off other shoppers and is becoming a general nuiscance.
I think that's a bit out of order, because for every person that acts like a dickhead there's gonna be about a hundred who are acting perfectly acceptably.
I live in St.Louis and I go to that mall all the time, the policy isn't enforced at all. The one at the Galleria doesnt go into affect until later this month, they've had a similar policy at the Mills mall (another St.Louis Mall) since it opened. I go all the time after 3, the only time kids gte kicked out is when they are causing problems.
I think that it's a little wrong. Sure there are the dumbasses but there's also the kids who behave and want to spend time with their friends or spend some time away from their parents. And 3pm is a little early...
lyrical_mess Falling In Love With The Board Age: 33 Gender: Female Posts: 5278
April 6th, 2007 at 12:54pm
Yeah, I can definitely see their reasons for doing this, but it would be a lot easier to change the curfew to 5:30 pm or something. That way, there's no assholes staying too late and the kids still get hang out for a little bit before finding some other place to be.
But I can't imagine going out with my friends with my mom behind us. I mean, I like shopping with my parents and stuff, but I like to keep fun with family and fun with friends kind of separated.
cabot gal GSBitch Age: 33 Gender: Female Posts: 76863
April 6th, 2007 at 01:34pm
I've only been told off once for loitoring and that was because my friends boyfriend was there and he had his hood up.
Around where I live, the police or the festies don't do fuck all to acutally stop the kids causing the trouble as they're too scared. I doubt this rule would affect my area.
worn-out astronaut. Had A Life Before GSB Age: 32 Gender: Female Posts: 28177
April 6th, 2007 at 04:25pm
Isnt the mall supposed to be the place where teenagers hang-out?
Mycophobia Basket Case Age: 30 Gender: Female Posts: 15581
April 6th, 2007 at 05:07pm
this is not only bad for the kids but its also bad for the mall, alot of the people who go to the mall alot are teenages going out on firday/saterday nights. the stores will go backruped beacuase the kids will not want to go with there parents and then the store people will be like "oh i wonder why im loseing money?!"
They'd be stupid to have that rule here. Its really the only place kids hang out and its really the only reason the mall is still open.
davey jones. Falling In Love With The Board Age: 32 Gender: Female Posts: 7018
April 6th, 2007 at 05:30pm
I highly doubt this policy will affect my area. The mall is where everyone hangs out because there's no other palce to go. Nothing but teenagers on the weekends. I don't think they'll listen simply because...they're teenagers, myself included,
I highly doubt this policy will affect my area. The mall is where everyone hangs out because there's no other palce to go. Nothing but teenagers on the weekends. I don't think they'll listen simply because...they're teenagers, myself included,
it is here too, which is why that policy is never enforced
spill_no_sick Falling In Love With The Board Age: 30 Gender: - Posts: 8588
April 6th, 2007 at 11:36pm
won't stop me from going and getting kicked out and having the cops called on me on a nearly daily basis
I actually read that it's a common denominator in suicidals
having multiple run-ins with the police
and my area is so uptight, there was four straight days a few weeks back I had the cops called on my daily because I was a teenager out after six (that was what the police department said was the reason)
so yeah, I never go to the mall, but I'll start now
Anji Basket Case Age: 35 Gender: Female Posts: 15914
April 7th, 2007 at 11:28am
At least I'm seventeen, don't even live with my parents, and don't 'hang out' at malls, I shop at them though.
Lucifers Angel King For A Couple Of Days Age: - Gender: Female Posts: 4751
April 8th, 2007 at 12:33pm
Recently, several malls in the United States started a new policy. No teenagers under sixteen are allowed without an adult/parent escort after 3:00 pm on weekends. They say that the teenagers' loitering, fighting, swearing, etc puts off other shoppers and is becoming a general nuiscance.
have you ever been shopping in a mall and there are loads and loads of kids running wround and swearing, its not a nice expierence, ok 3;00 is a bit soon, people have a right to be able to go shopping without the worry of having kids runnng around and shouting and swearing, and dropping litter all over the place. (yes i know adults drop litter aswell)
Anji Basket Case Age: 35 Gender: Female Posts: 15914
April 8th, 2007 at 12:40pm
Lucifers Angel:
Recently, several malls in the United States started a new policy. No teenagers under sixteen are allowed without an adult/parent escort after 3:00 pm on weekends. They say that the teenagers' loitering, fighting, swearing, etc puts off other shoppers and is becoming a general nuiscance.
have you ever been shopping in a mall and there are loads and loads of kids running wround and swearing, its not a nice expierence, ok 3;00 is a bit soon, people have a right to be able to go shopping without the worry of having kids runnng around and shouting and swearing, and dropping litter all over the place. (yes i know adults drop litter aswell)
So kids should find other places to This is one of the reasons I started hanging in bars at the age of 12!? I couldn't take mall rats or the people who would look at me as if wishing me to hell right there and then.
have you ever been shopping in a mall and there are loads and loads of kids running wround and swearing, its not a nice expierence, ok 3;00 is a bit soon, people have a right to be able to go shopping without the worry of having kids runnng around and shouting and swearing, and dropping litter all over the place. (yes i know adults drop litter aswell)
No, actually you don't have that right, it's a privillage. You have no right that gurantees you can go to the mall. And no one forces you to go, so if you do you can't expect it be just like your house really, or your rules. Why should all teenagers be punished for what a few do? And I don't think kids 16 and under are the only ones who swear, or the only ones who run or liter, not even close.
Ol' Blue Eyes. King For A Couple Of Days Age: 36 Gender: Female Posts: 4816
April 9th, 2007 at 10:35pm
How are they going to distinguish between the shoppers and the hanger-outers?
I mean, when I go to shop, I damn well make a day of it. I hit up the food court, window shop a bit, and I'm always there with a bunch of friends. But I go to buy things, and spend my money.
Seems a bit over the top, if you ask me. Why not just throw out the kids causing the problem?