You're My Angel, chapter 2

Around nine the following morning, Adriana was rudely awakened once more by the annoying ring of her phone that was in the living room. She hoped that Tré had come home that morning and would answer it, but the ringing continued. She quickly got out of bed and rushed in the other room to answer it.

"Hello," she said sounding overly irritated.

"Yeah, is Billie over there?" the voice on the line asked very rudely. "If he is over there you better let me... "

It was Jamie, so Adriana cut her off mid-sentence by dropping the phone back on to the charger... she hoped her gesture really pissed the bitch off.

After hanging up on Billie's wife, she sat down on the couch to try to wake up a little before she went to tell him. She had only been sitting there for a few minutes when the doorbell rang. If that is Jamie I am going to kick...Her thought was interrupted by the doorbell ringing two more consecutive times.

When she opened the door, she was relieved... kind of... to see that it was Tré standing on the other side.

"Hey hot stuff," he said casually. "Why is Billie parked in my spot?"

"Just because you park there all the fucking time does not make it your... spot," she laughed. "And why did you ring the doorbell?"

"Great... I don't come home one night and you replace me with my best friend," he proceeded to wipe away a fake tear as he made his way to the couch.

"Tré, shut up..." she said walking towards her bedroom to wake up Billie.

"Billie, you need to get up and call Jamie," she said pulling the covers off of his half-naked body.

He mumbled something that was quite incoherent and pulled the covers back up. "Did she call?"

"Yeah," she said. "So you need to call her back."

"What did she say?" he asked with his eyes still shut.

"I don't know and I don't really give a fuck because she was being a bitch as always so I hung up on her," she stammered.

"Oh," he said reaching for her phone on her nightstand. "Sorry."

"And use your cell phone to call her," she said as she made her way back into the living room with Tré.

She sat on the couch and she could see Billie getting up and putting his clothes back on before he shut the door. He was in her room for a few minutes before he reappeared with his phone to his ear.

"... care if you are mad... you don't call my friend's house bitching just... " he paused in the middle of his sentence to kiss Adriana on the forehead and tell her that he would call her later.

"Yeah, well that really doesn't fucking matter... " Billie continued on the phone as he shut the front door behind him.

Tré and Adriana were both silent for a few minutes. Unfortunately, she knew that Tré couldn't be quiet for very long and that she would soon be bombarded with questions about the previous night.

"So did you tell him that you're in love with him and stuff or what?" Tré finally asked teasingly.

"No... he is having problems with Jamie and so he stayed over here last night," she informed him. "Is that such a big deal?"

"Seeing how you are in loooove with him," he teased. "Yes, as a matter of fact, it is a big deal... "

"I hate you, Tré," she said getting up off the couch. "It is way too early for all of this... oh, and where were you at last night?"

"I crashed at Mike's place if you must know... " he paused. "Can you please, please make me some breakfast... I am fucking starving!"

"When are you guys going back on tour? Soon, right?" she asked playfully before getting the carton of eggs of out the refrigerator.

"Ugh... " he pretended to cry. "I'm really hurt by that."

After the two of them ate breakfast, Adriana told Tré about everything that Billie had told her about his relationship problems and about his possible divorce from Jamie. Tré was a little shocked but he promised to act like he knew absolutely nothing.

They watched TV in her bedroom in silence for what seemed like hours. Finally, as she knew he would, Tré sat up with a big grin on his face. She wondered what he could possibly be thinking and what words were about to leave his mouth.

"Well... you know," he says in a lightheartedly tone. "If they do get divorced, you might get to have sex with him like I'm sure you've always wanted to!"

She looked over at him nervously with a smile on her face but didn't say anything. His smile quickly turned to a look of mere confusion and uncertainty.

"Oh my... shit Adriana," he exclaimed. "He just told you LAST NIGHT that he was maybe considering divorcing her... please, tell me you didn't already sleep with him?!"

"Well, no... " she said innocently.

"Thank goodness," he said sounding relieved.

"... not last night anyways," she said quickly.

She looked at him to see his reaction to her statement. It took him a few seconds to realize what she had just said. He looked like he was going over something in his mind before he spoke again.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa... " he said. "Did I fucking miss something here?"

"Yeah, sweetie... " she started. "We didn't tell you, or anyone else for that matter, a whole lot."

"When was this?" he asked with a perplexed tone. "And where the hell was I?"

"It was before you came to our school," she laughed.

"Wait... what does this mean?" he asked suddenly. "Were you two a couple before I moved here or something?"

"No... " she blushed a little. "And you have to go on pretending like you know absolutely nothing about this... I wasn't supposed to say anything."

He looked so totally confused. She wanted to tell him all of the details to see what he thought about everything that had happened. She knew Billie would kill her if he ever found out that she went and blabbed to Mr. I-Tell-Everyone-Else's-Business-To-People-That-Don't-Need-To-Know.

He didn't ask her any questions about it... which surprised the hell out of her. He was probably trying to piece together every thing in his head to see if he should have known this all along. After about fifteen long, uncomfortable minutes of dead silence, he finally said something again.

"So... " he started. "What can you tell me about it?" he said with a bold grin across his face.

"Well...we were at his house hanging out one day... Ollie was working late at the restaurant," she took a deep breath. "And... neither one of us had done it before... we were just cur... " she was cut off.

His mouth dropped open and he stumbled over his words for a few seconds. "Oh my fucking goodness," he finally said. "Billie used to talk about the girl that he lost his virginity to, but he never would tell us who it was... " he paused in disbelief. "I can't... I... it was you all along! This is fucking insane... but, please... feel free to continue."

"We just got carried away, I think... " she paused. "That was the year before you moved here... but Mike doesn't know about us if it makes you feel any better, and he knew I liked Billie."

For the rest of the day, nothing else was said about Adriana and Billie's sexual encounter of the past. The two of them just goofed around like they normally did, watched television, and talked about the upcoming tour that would possibly have to be put on hold because of Billie's marital problems.

By ten, Tré was snoring loudly which made it almost impossible for Adriana to hear the TV over him. She decided that she would go in the other room and call Billie since he didn't call her like he said he would.

The phone rang four times before Billie's answering machine picked up. She was disappointed that he didn't answer. She knew he didn't go to bed that early... she figured that him and Jamie were probably making up. The thought sickened her.

A few minutes later, her phone rang and it was Billie calling her back. She smiled and answered it.

"Hello," she said cheerfully.

"Hey," he said quickly. "We need to talk about some stuff."

"Okay," she said nervously not knowing what he could want to talk about. "What?"

"Tomorrow," he said. "And Tré doesn't need to be there, either."

"Okay... tomorrow then," she agreed.
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