You should know me better, chapter 1

***Narrator's P.O.V***
Each drop of rain sounded like it could shatter the glass of the single paned window, echoing through the dark room, a candle barely flickered on the other side. Darcey tried to read her book, screwing up her eyes to read the tiny print on the worn paper. The chair beneath her groaned with age. Sighing, she laid the book down, beginning her way up to her bedroom. Pausing to rub the sleep from her eyes, but failing, she continued up. The stairs creaked with each step no matter how gentle.
"Quick," she thought to herself. "before he comes home." The front door slammed back, the top hinge breaking off.
"Oi, you fucking bitch," a voice slurred from the doorway. Paralyzed with fear, Darcey turned around, receiving a blow to the face. Blood trickled down, staining the already dirty carpet. Mental abuse was never new to her but physical abuse was. Pain seared through her body, receiving blow after blow.
"Get out of my fucking house!" he screamed in her face.
"With Pleasure." Running upstairs, dodging more abuse, she pulled out a bag, stuffing all her clothes in.
"Thank God I Left Bullet at Joey's." Bullet was Darcey's guitar, her pride and joy, while Joey was her best friend, her only real friend of the same age.

Grabbing her bag, she stormed out. Wind threw her back, rain spurting down at her face. Slouching her bag over one shoulder, Darcey braved the cold, making her way to behind the gym. Every morning at 5a.m. she would meet Joey behind there, they were both morning people.
"Only 5 hours left till it'll be all alright," With the gym providing shelter, Darcey curled up into a ball, pulling on her Ramones Hoodie, using her bag as a pillow.

Till 6 months ago Darcey had been happy, and then Richard came into her life. He was alright till the accident, leaving her mum dead and Darcey in the care of him. Brian, her real dad, had died of cancer when she was only 8. After the accident, Richard began to drink. At first it was only the odd glass but his violent side soon began to show. He had never hit her before; an insult or two were thrown, but never punches.

Wind whistled through the holed covered roof, among the trees and round the buildings. The rain was like a thousand toy soldiers were marching towards her. Tonight was exceptionally dark, the starry sky, drowned out by heavy storm clouds, The occasional flash of lightning or clap or thunder would ricochet off everything as Darcey tried to drown it out. She wasn't scared of Richard but was scared of the Dark.

Each drop of rain was like a bullet, piercing the skin. You could never be sheltered from this type of storm, when you managed to escape it, it returned with a vengeance.
"At least the rain hides my tears, No on will ever see me cry as long as my name is Darcey Pollyanna Hurtz."[i] Darcey had always been ashamed of her name; it was too posh, too formal. But her mum had always thought it gave her a touch of class, no one sane ever argued with her, so Darcey Pollyanna it was.

[i]"Why me? Why is it always fucking me? Life hates me! How have I even made it this far?"
No clear thoughts ran through her head, only sharp pains of returning memories.

Slowly but surely, Darcey drifted into sleep.
"Hi I'm Joey!"
"I'm Darcey!"
"Cool Name," he replied handing me a cookie. I just smiled.

Shrieks of laughter rung out, as a couple of drunken fools waltzed past, waking Darcey up. They made the only sounds that interrupted the storm, closing her eyes, blocking out the creeping shadows, she tried to get to sleep, Even a sound as quiet as a pin drop sounded like a lion's roar. Owl's hooted in the sky, screeching with fluttering wings high above where Darcey had made up her bed for the night.

Buzzing, the security light high above, gave Darcey a small piece of hope, she could get through this. Sure it would be hard but she could.
"Anything will be easier than a life with Richard! I'd rather be dead then spend another day will that bastard." Death. The thought struck Darcey she may not survive the night:
"This is the sorta thing that happens in horror movies, I'm alone, it's stormy and dark. No, I'm just being paranoid, yeah that's it." As much as Darcey tried to reassure herself, she couldn't.

Eventually the sound drifted away as Darcey fell into the numb subconscious of sleep.
"You fucking bitch! Go play on the motorway."
"Richard please! Don't! It's only the drink talking!"
"No it is fucking not, Go kill yourself! Just like your mother!"
"It was an accident."
"No! I only told you that to shut you up, she jumped, not fell, jumped!" I wanted to tell him he was wrong but I dared to think he might be right.
"See, even an ignorant bitch like you knows I'm right! She never loved you! The only reason you weren't in a care home was because we wanted the benefits!"
"No! Before you came mum loved me!"
"Think about it, did she really?"
Tears leaked from my eyes, I never thought I'd cry. When dad died I didn't, neither when mum died, but this was all too much, Life was way too much. I wanted to take a blade to my wrist, but I wasn't gonna give him that satisfaction.

"Good morning Sunshine, The Earth Says HELLO!"
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