Deathly Hallows

- Name
- Edward Cullen
- Age
- 31
- Gender
- Female
- Location
- Forks Washington
Member since May 18th, 2008
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- used to have 1
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- .... :o
i go on mibba and greendayforum I also Nicknamed the trainer From pokemon Red Tr`e cool
<-Chikorita running
Monokuro boo ^_^
Chickorita n_n
Totodile n_n
Cyndaquil n_n
anyways hello want to be friends feel free to be my friend n_n
you have to have permission to use my Pokemon Trainer pics/Pokemon pics and digimon 1s too O.O;

Green day Need there own team rocket Person female trainers

<-This will cheer u up it's Togepi the spike ball eggshell Pokemon
<-lugia like in silver version of pokemon
<-Card captors :X
<- is it cute or what it's a Digimon

<- super Keroppi
<-cute Eh? -_-
<- aw so cute and so is this 1 ->
<-is it cute?
<-Zapdos i call it Zappy

<- Squirtle :}
<-Tr`e cool



<-Mew :3
<- Mike looks pissed off /vote4mike_2007/Photoshop/ryryry.jpg

<-remember old Meowth 
Charmander vs.Bulbasaur
bulbasaur dance

<-Iron maiden


<-I'm sleepingXD


Meowth ^_^
My usual face

Billie Angry
Me as Female Maid
I_'I . I_'I

Tis True

Oh i wish i was XD

Yes Throw you stupid Monkey or not 
This is what happens if you eat at Mc Donalds
Stupid king from burger king XD 
Youtube much?
Scary sorta XD
Gun-point mugging XD

anyways hello want to be friends feel free to be my friend n_n
you have to have permission to use my Pokemon Trainer pics/Pokemon pics and digimon 1s too O.O;


My usual face

Billie Angry

I_'I . I_'I

Tis True

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yours to its awesome
i worship billie joe, March 28th, 2009 at 03:53:00pm
nice profile i just got into the twilight series almost done with new moon isnt edward technicly 108 years old not 87
i worship billie joe, February 15th, 2009 at 01:42:23pm
I'm alriiiiiiiiit.
Wilhelm Fink2020, December 30th, 2008 at 10:51:08pm
Yeah, she finally pre-ordered it. It should be here soon.
I used to play, but I never really got the hang of it. :P
MikeIsMine!!!, November 27th, 2008 at 08:31:23pm
What happened with what?!
Oh, you're so lucky. Electric or acoustic?
MikeIsMine!!!, November 26th, 2008 at 08:30:49pm
*is confused*
MikeIsMine!!!, November 25th, 2008 at 06:19:36pm
I'm trying to convince my sis to give me $5 to buy the mag.
MikeIsMine!!!, November 22nd, 2008 at 10:54:57pm
Oh, dude. My mom's not even letting me buy the AP issue with their interview. x( Let alone any books.
MikeIsMine!!!, November 19th, 2008 at 09:36:28pm
Well, the books look interesting. But the movie doesn't. =/
MikeIsMine!!!, November 15th, 2008 at 02:32:48am
Downloading songs for my sister.
MikeIsMine!!!, November 13th, 2008 at 08:50:36pm
Wow, I almost didn't recognize you. Wassup?
MikeIsMine!!!, November 11th, 2008 at 11:05:52pm
ur profile takes so long too load D:
icegirl., November 11th, 2008 at 12:06:03am
ello you.
uhh the cullens :p
im drooling over ur profile!! lol!!
Emily-Cool, November 10th, 2008 at 06:47:02am
ahhh i'm good.
icegirl., November 7th, 2008 at 05:00:16pm
lol hi xP
icegirl., November 6th, 2008 at 03:15:29pm