
Shay (#1 Green Day Bodyguard)
Going to Pasalacqua

Member since March 19th, 2011


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I consider myself the newest Green Day band member... soon to be anyway. Hopefully. I have every part of my body crossed (XP Eww) and I wont stop hoping.
Billie, Tre` and Mike, you're lucky to have me as a bodyguard. I'm priceless, beyond anything. I'd never maul you. And if I meet you guys, you'll know because the first think I'll say to you is - "Yo. Nice shirt dude."
I'm an Outsider who loves the Minority, has Brain Stew repeatedly, is Tired of Waiting for my moment to come, hates every Warning (I just ignore em all and take the risk), and is gonna be King For a Day soon! Yeah, I can say more, I've got it all written on my iPod touch if you wanna know!

The other day, on the way to school, I was reading a book in the car. Suddenly, my little sister exclaimed, "Green Day!" I looked up and said, "Green Day?" she said, "Yeah, there was just a radio advertisement! They have a new album!" I got all fluttery in the stomach and asked mum, "Is this true?" She said, "Yes. But it's too inappropriate for children!" I just smirked, because I knew Id get it anyway.
But now I feel guilty that I didn't listen to the advertisement.

A few days later, dad came in the shed and said, "What song is this?" I said, "Boulevard of Broken Dreams!" Then dad said, "I saw in the shop today, I book with 21 Guns and how to play it, but it was in notes. It didn't say where to put the fingers." I'm really disappointed, because dad and I cant read music. I listen to the music and then play it, I just dont understand those weird black dots and all that.
Now I feel like a missing out on something.

My friend Ash gave me American Idiot for my birthday! It's so epic!

I've got Awesome As Fuck! YEAH!

30 Ways To Tell If You're A Real Green Day Fan

1. You have other albums than American Idiot
2. You know other songs than American Idiot
3. You have Bullet in a Bible
4. When someone says 'cool' you start thinking Tre Cool
5. Green is one of your favorite colors
6. You hate George W. Bush
7. You celebrate their birthdays
8. Your walls are covered in their posters
9. If you don't have all of their albums/dvd's, you never give up on looking for them
10. You're against war
11. You have sent an e-mail to George Bush from
12. You buy anything that has something to do with Green Day
13. You're not ashamed to wear their merchandise stuff in school or anywhere in public
14. You scream when you hear one of their songs on the radio
15. You buy every magazine that has something about them
16. You (almost) cry when you forget to watch one of their interviews on Tv
17. At least one of their songs has emotional meaning to you
18. You start laughing in the middle of a class in school when you remember something they have said or done in an interview
19. If someone talks sh*t about them, you get offended and punch that motherf*cker(or at least kick or something)
20. You have heard all of their songs
21. You listen to their music everyday
22. You remember many of their quotes
23. Some of their songs make you just wanna jump around and dance
24. You want to play guitar/bass/drums just like Billie Joe/Mike/Tre does
25. You make sure you spell the band name 'Green Day' and not 'green day' (or greenday)
26. You truly love each of the band members
27. You (almost) scream out of happiness everytime you watch Bullet in a Bible
28. You never shut up about them
29. You have read Catcher in the rye because it's Billie Joe's favorite book (and you loved it)
30. You have this on your profile

92% of teens listen to rap and hip hop music. If you're part of the 8% that rock out every day. Put this in your profile fellow rocker


You say you like pink
I say I like green
You say you wanna see Lady Gaga
I say I wanna see Green Day
You say Justin Bieber is the hottest guy ever
I say Billie Joe could beat him bloody in a hot contest
You say I'm weird
I say and proud of it
You say I'm a freak
I say Tre`Cool is awesome
You say you hate Green Day
I say go jump off a cliff
You say no
I say you'll regret that
- You're dead before you can reply.


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