Disney Movies


Disney Movies

Do you remember being a little kid and watching all your favourite Disney movies on video? 101 Dalmations, Aladdin, Alice in wonderland, The Aristocats? I sure do! Lately I've been watching them. A few weeks ago I watched The Lion King (and just so you know, I cried everytime Mufasa was mentioned!) and just last night I watched Lady and the Tramp.

Those two movies brought back so many memories of childhood.


Beauty and the Beast
One of my favourite Disney movies would definitely have to be Beauty and the Beast. Although I haven't seen it for a couple of years, I vaguely remember it being my favourite Disney movie (alongside Cinderella!).


The Fox and the Hound
Honestly, I have not thought, read or seen anything about this movie until this very moment I'm typing this! This was also one of my favourites (ignoring the fact that I can't remember what its about XD )


The Lady and the Tramp
At the moment, this is my obsession. In my opinion, its just saying anybody can love, even dogs! The Siamese Cats are a good laugh when they get out of the baskets and start singing "We are Siamese, if you please!". Good old Lady for protecting the fish and bird :]


The Lion King
I had to make a special spot for the Lion King, I mean, honestly, isn't it one of the best movies ever made? This movie makes me cry every time Mufasa is mentioned because the look on Simba's face is heartbreaking! This has got to be one of Disney's best movies ever created.


That last icon has got to be my favourite bit in the movie!

Mulan is just hilarious! Now that I'm looking at all these icons, I'm getting all these memories but I can't get them into words because I can't remember them properly. I just remember being obsessed with Mulan and for my 6th birthday (or one of those birthdays) I got a toy and it was the dog from Mulan. (:


Peter Pan
This is yet another great movie by Disney. There have been so many versions of Peter Pan in books and movies. When I tried to watch Peter Pan, I couldn't get myself into it because of all the singing. Or maybe I wasn't in the mood. Nevertheless, I know its a great classic. (:


I hope this blog has brought back many memories of all your favourite movies. Sorry, I couldn't fit all Disney movies in, that would just be too much! Maybe there'll be a second one of these. (;

In my opinion, Disney classics are the best Disney movies. All their new movies (Cars, Finding Nemo, etc.) can never match up to the brilliance of their old movies.

And, to finish this blog...I give you icons!


All icons were from: Here
Posted on December 2nd, 2007 at 07:40am


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