Abortion: wrong in my book
I'm not writing this to annoy people, but to educate them about the extremely touchy topic of abortion.
I'm pretty much pro-life. I believe abortions should be done within the first 10 weeks, and that if the baby has already suffered massive brain damage or is deformed, that it's okay to abort it.
Anyone who gets their period knows that when they miss one and that they've had sex recently, something isn't right. So they take a pregnancy test. Anyone who thinks nothing of a missed period needs to take an I.Q. test, no offense.
There are several reasons people are pro-choice, and I intend to take them on.
1. It's my body, I can do what I want with it
Feminists beware. This is the only time the law gives you that right. And if you do it yourself because you don't have the money to pay a doctor? Prison for you.
Think about it: if we can do what we want to our bodies, how come we can't do drugs?
You could say "Drugs destroy families and communities."
But if they were legal and regulated, like they are in the Netherlands, we wouldn't have drug kingpins and that whole can of worms. And one of the worst drugs out there is legal. Alcohol. Now that tears apart families and communities. More people die due to drunk driving than to O.D.'s and drug-fueled fights.
How come were not allowed to kill ourselves if we're in horrible pain? People who are ravaged by diseases such as Huntingson's aren't allowed to ask a hospital to put them out of their misery. One woman watched as her sons fell prey to the disease. When she shot them so they wouldn't have to suffer anymore, the state charged her with murder. Luckily, she wasn't in prison for long.
But we ARE allowed to slowly kill ourselves by smoking cancer-causing cigarettes. How fucked up is that?
How come prostitution is illegal? It's their bodies. Shouldn't they have the right? And a smart prostitute always carries condoms in case her "customer" isn't. The only exception is Nevada. As long as you're in a brothel, it's all right by them. And don't tell me I'm full of shit, because I know all about this; I live in the fucking state.
2. I don't want the hassle of a kid/ not ready yet
If pregnant by consensual sex: why didn't you think of that before you spread your legs, dimwit? Condoms are available to anyone that wants them! As for those of you who aren't pregnant; please...wait until you're completely ready to have sex. It just complicates things. Don't let anyone pressure you, including yourself. You are not missing out on anything. I advocate waiting until marriage. Most guys won't go chasing tail for that long.
If pregnant by rape or incest: girls/women should report it right away. Doctors give them a morning-after pill that causes the body to shed the lining of the uterus, preventing the baby from forming. Extremists consider this abortion, but I don't. When the baby has been there long enough for it's heart to start beating, it's then that doctors have to do an abortion. But a morning-after pill is only given to women who aren't that far along. If you can provide legitimate info that says otherwise, I will read it.
And adoption is an option. Remember Juno? You don't have to kill your baby.
3. To save my life
Name one medical case where you have to abort the baby or you'll die.
There are women who get a medical condition called preeclampsia that can endanger both the baby and the mother. It doesn't occur until the second or third trimester. My sister got it when she became pregnant with my nephew. She had to have an emergency c-section, and Kai was born a month early.
Babies can survive out of the womb (as long as medical assistance is provided) as young as 5 months. So any woman who gets preeclampsia can just have her baby early. Duh.
The law doesn't recognize a fetus as a real baby if the mom wants to kill it while it's in utero.
But if you kill a pregnant woman, suddenly it is a baby. They charge you with a double homicide. That double standard needs to be fixed, wouldn't you say?
I agree with Barack Obama on most things except abortion past the first trimester. But I also disagree with Sarah Palin's stance. She believes abortion shouldn't be an option. PERIOD.
I do, however, applaud her decision to keep a Downs-syndrome baby.
In conclusion, I'm not a religious nut. I am a buddhist, though, and I don't believe in killing anything. You don't have to be religious to know right from wrong.
Murder: the premeditated killing of a human being by another.
Kill: cause the death of a person, animal, or other living thing; to bring an end to the growth of a living thing
Clarification: birth control= abortion. Contraceptive=pills, condoms, etc.
Those were the original meanings, before they were misconstrued and rearranged by society.
I'm pretty much pro-life. I believe abortions should be done within the first 10 weeks, and that if the baby has already suffered massive brain damage or is deformed, that it's okay to abort it.
Anyone who gets their period knows that when they miss one and that they've had sex recently, something isn't right. So they take a pregnancy test. Anyone who thinks nothing of a missed period needs to take an I.Q. test, no offense.
There are several reasons people are pro-choice, and I intend to take them on.
1. It's my body, I can do what I want with it
Feminists beware. This is the only time the law gives you that right. And if you do it yourself because you don't have the money to pay a doctor? Prison for you.
Think about it: if we can do what we want to our bodies, how come we can't do drugs?
You could say "Drugs destroy families and communities."
But if they were legal and regulated, like they are in the Netherlands, we wouldn't have drug kingpins and that whole can of worms. And one of the worst drugs out there is legal. Alcohol. Now that tears apart families and communities. More people die due to drunk driving than to O.D.'s and drug-fueled fights.
How come were not allowed to kill ourselves if we're in horrible pain? People who are ravaged by diseases such as Huntingson's aren't allowed to ask a hospital to put them out of their misery. One woman watched as her sons fell prey to the disease. When she shot them so they wouldn't have to suffer anymore, the state charged her with murder. Luckily, she wasn't in prison for long.
But we ARE allowed to slowly kill ourselves by smoking cancer-causing cigarettes. How fucked up is that?
How come prostitution is illegal? It's their bodies. Shouldn't they have the right? And a smart prostitute always carries condoms in case her "customer" isn't. The only exception is Nevada. As long as you're in a brothel, it's all right by them. And don't tell me I'm full of shit, because I know all about this; I live in the fucking state.
2. I don't want the hassle of a kid/ not ready yet
If pregnant by consensual sex: why didn't you think of that before you spread your legs, dimwit? Condoms are available to anyone that wants them! As for those of you who aren't pregnant; please...wait until you're completely ready to have sex. It just complicates things. Don't let anyone pressure you, including yourself. You are not missing out on anything. I advocate waiting until marriage. Most guys won't go chasing tail for that long.
If pregnant by rape or incest: girls/women should report it right away. Doctors give them a morning-after pill that causes the body to shed the lining of the uterus, preventing the baby from forming. Extremists consider this abortion, but I don't. When the baby has been there long enough for it's heart to start beating, it's then that doctors have to do an abortion. But a morning-after pill is only given to women who aren't that far along. If you can provide legitimate info that says otherwise, I will read it.
And adoption is an option. Remember Juno? You don't have to kill your baby.
3. To save my life
Name one medical case where you have to abort the baby or you'll die.
There are women who get a medical condition called preeclampsia that can endanger both the baby and the mother. It doesn't occur until the second or third trimester. My sister got it when she became pregnant with my nephew. She had to have an emergency c-section, and Kai was born a month early.
Babies can survive out of the womb (as long as medical assistance is provided) as young as 5 months. So any woman who gets preeclampsia can just have her baby early. Duh.
The law doesn't recognize a fetus as a real baby if the mom wants to kill it while it's in utero.
But if you kill a pregnant woman, suddenly it is a baby. They charge you with a double homicide. That double standard needs to be fixed, wouldn't you say?
I agree with Barack Obama on most things except abortion past the first trimester. But I also disagree with Sarah Palin's stance. She believes abortion shouldn't be an option. PERIOD.
I do, however, applaud her decision to keep a Downs-syndrome baby.
In conclusion, I'm not a religious nut. I am a buddhist, though, and I don't believe in killing anything. You don't have to be religious to know right from wrong.
Murder: the premeditated killing of a human being by another.
Kill: cause the death of a person, animal, or other living thing; to bring an end to the growth of a living thing
Clarification: birth control= abortion. Contraceptive=pills, condoms, etc.
Those were the original meanings, before they were misconstrued and rearranged by society.
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I agree 100% I don't know what kind of person could have their own child killed inside of them. If i'm ever stupid enough to have an unwanted pregnancy *knocks wood* i'll have the decency to put the baby before myself and let it live with a family who deserve children.
Fasterkillpussycat, October 12th, 2008 at 10:57:46am
i wouldn't have an abortion myself, but matters of mere opinion cannot be put into the law. if only half of people think it's wrong, then it is obviously still up for debate and 50% of people can't have their rights stripped away because the other 50% disagree. don't like abortion? don't get an abortion.
and this is hardly the most pressing matter right now. can we think about the economy a little, please?
Miley Cyrus, October 11th, 2008 at 01:34:51pm
I agree 100%. If you don't want the baby, don't have sex. If you couldn't help it, go to the doctor, get the morning after pill.
I used to know a girl who I would talk to often. We talked about sex, and one day she said "I'll have sex without protection with who ever I want. I can just get the kid aborted..."
It's sad. D:
Tulve, October 8th, 2008 at 10:52:12pm
Just btw, you can only have an abortion in your first trimester. If the baby is too big it can cause serious and permanent damage to the mother's uterus. So the baby wouldn't be big enough to feel pain or have body parts ripped off. They vacuum it out. At least, that's how it is here.
Not that I'm defending abortions, I'm just saying.
I still think the woman should have the choice. If she makes the choice of killing her child, then she'll have to live with the consequence of being haunted by the thought every day of her life.
In a legal perspective, here in Canada, making abortions illegal would technically be unconstitutional. They're not legal or illegal here. It's weird.
Hello, My Name Is Asshole, October 8th, 2008 at 04:07:48pm
I agree.
People should just think before they act... it's not right to have sex and not wear protection when you know the risks. (No offense to anybody.)
I'm not religious either, but I do agree that life begins once the egg inside is fertalized. It's life... we were all decisions too. Think about it.
Billie J. Armstrong, October 7th, 2008 at 10:42:23pm
and why aren't people thinking about the effect abortion can have on body and soul? it's not like you just have an abortion and whoopdedoo, you're free to skip off into the sunset. there is the chance that the operation wasn't performed correctly, and it that happens, most of the time your uterus becomes infected. bye bye, uterus and hello great big chance of infection. why not just give the baby up for adoption? you'll be making someone else happy and in the long run, probably yourself happy.
get famous, October 7th, 2008 at 08:47:16pm
Personally, I want to be a doctor someday. I think the perfect way to solve all of this is just in future technology to create an artificial womb. It would do everything the baby would get, and if the mother wouldn't want it, fine, into the arty womb it goes for some actual loving family to get.
It's my body, I can do what I want.
Since when do you have two bodies? Since when do you have two souls? Not your body to kill. How would you feel if someone just up and decided, "oop, you're an inconvienince and I don't want you. *shoots* " No, it's not right.
And don't give the crap about, "it's just a fetus, so what?" Well, that fetus is a baby. Just because you can't see or hear it, doesn't mean it doesn't exist and you can decide to murder it.
Do you know HOW they kill the baby? There are many different ways; filling the uterus with a sand like substance, causing the baby to die of suffocation, then they go in and rip out the body part shreds. They also just go in and pull it out, ripping the head off. Usually when abortions are preformed, the baby is far enough developed to feel pain. That is torture. Torture is cruel and unusual punishment, outlawed in the constitution.
society laxing =more teen sex, eg, "it feels good" = more abortions/STD's
I blame the media glorifying sex. Seriously, you can live without someone shoving something up inside you, or sticking your happy toy into a chic. I'd like to introduce you to someone, her name is Jill.
And I agree it does have to do with maturity. If you're 14, you are NOT ready for sex. Therein, you are NOT ready for the pressures of getting pregnant.
Not all birth controls work either. You can be on every birth control known to man and still get pregnant. Best, 100% effective birth control? ABSTINENCE :)
As soon as I'm a doctor, I'm going to do research on the artifical womb, save some children from a horrible painful death :)
Long comment short, I think this was well thought out, and I stand by it 100%.
Tyler Durden, October 7th, 2008 at 08:39:12pm
Sarena, please don't hurt me if you don't agree XD
I believe that if the women doesn't want it, she doesn't deserve it. Although it does deserve a life, no matter what's wrong.
Rape is an exception, any girl who just got raped and is pregnant can be tramatizing.
Schooldropout made a good point with both parents having a say.
Abortion is however, wrong in my book, but I can understand certain situations dealing with it.
Drummergirl, October 7th, 2008 at 08:35:42pm
I would rather have my baby in a family than dead, though. At least it would have a chance to live life, good or bad. While money is a bit important, it's not everything.
In My Insanity, October 7th, 2008 at 08:27:52pm
it's not really the fact if they're ready or not at this point. it's if they can afford the child. If I was to give my child (not pregnant or have a child mind you) up for adoption, I would want it to go to a family that could spoil it rotten, raise it without any issues. But with the economy crashing and such, there's going to be a lot of people losing their jobs or (in my family's case) getting their entire life savings taken.
Rage, October 7th, 2008 at 08:18:34pm
I'm still pretty much half and half on this point, I think. I'm leaning a bit towards pro-choice, though. I can't explain myself because I'll most likely end up not making any sense. All I have to say is that a baby can drastically change a person's life, be it good or bad. I don't think it's right to force someone to go through that if they're not ready, especially if they took the necessary precautions to avoid a pregnancy. Sometimes condoms break. Sometimes pills don't work.
However I'm totally against using abortion as a type of contraceptive. It is definitely not something that should be taken lightly, because yes, when you get right down to it, you are taking away the life of a potential human.
Hello, My Name Is Asshole, October 7th, 2008 at 06:53:29pm
I did do reasearch. statistics show that thousands of couples want to adopts every day. this means thousands of couples are ready to adopt, no matter what the cost. they want a child, and here thousands are being killed every day. that's just sad. abortion doesn't need to happen unless you're raped or ill. if it's neither, then there's no reason to abort them. it doesn't matter if it's 'inconvenient' , it's a child and should be treated like one. you wouldn't just kill a child on the street, would you? it's just wrong.
In My Insanity, October 7th, 2008 at 05:01:59pm
Seriously, this is the most sensitive topic ever, and I have my own opinion and it still sticks.
Abortion is okay with me. I mean, yes, if you don't want a kid, don't have sex. Fine, okay. I think it's the woman's choice, and the woman's choice alone. It's wrong if they have careless sex and get pregnant then it's wrong.
But yes, a woman does have control over her own body, and her own body alone. Giving birth is a natural occurance in a woman, which is why she should have a say in going through it if she wants to or saying she doesn't want to if she doesn't. Period. Because it's her body, and nobody can tell her what to do with it.
Secondly, I would much rather see a baby aborted then be born then live its life abused/ neglected. Because again, that's the worst thing any child could go through, so if the mother is unable to care for it, then she should have a right to abort it if she's not going to bother putting it up for adoption or doing the right thing with her child.
These are my beliefs. Quite frankly, my mind can't be changed from a religious standpoint (ESPECIALLY religion. Because religion is bogus beyond all belief) but this is what I think.
Shorty of Suburbia, October 7th, 2008 at 04:45:49pm
do research Amazingly Poprocks
the economy is crashing. do you think people are going to have enough money to raise another child or pay the hospital fees to adopt a child? my friend lives in a very small city, she couldn't find someone to adopt. simple as that. get your facts straight.
Rage, October 7th, 2008 at 04:37:36pm
you know, my friend Kristin aborted her baby when her & her baby friend had that issue & she says the pain is immense when you go to certain people.
abortion is wrong when it's something that was deffinatly going to happen. if you're not using some sort of protection or even "pulling out" helps. i mean, people are really ignorant these days. how do they think babies are made? abortion is a mixed thought with me.
i agree with schooldropout. if someone is raped they have every right to abort the baby. i don't think i'd like to go my whole life with a child who i'd never allow to see her father.
but it's not our desicion whether someone aborts their kid or not. all i know is i don't want to have a baby at this age & if i did get pregnant i would most likley abort it. i don't think most of us want a kid at our age. i can see some cases where people wouldn't want to abort a child whether it be religion or what.
& how is abortion a touchy subject? i think this is a subject people need to start thinking about anyway.
toybox trash, October 7th, 2008 at 04:24:34pm