Labels, stereotypes, the whole lot.

If it sounds like I'm whining or complaining constantly or annoyingly, please forgive me. My day at school today encouraged me to do this XD

OK. So we've heard it all. Emos, punks, goths, teenies, sluts, groupies, jocks.

To me, emo seems to be most overused of all. Anything is emo, according to most people at my school. Or my sister, who's a perfect example of one of those school people.

For example, I put eyeliner on.

My sister: "What are you trying to be? Emo? Or just like Green Day?"

Me: "I swear, you use the label ONE more time, and you're going down."

The thing is, what causes these labels to be created? Is it a fear, dislike or disapproval of the labelee? Or just ignorance?

I realised that these labels could very well have started off with the hippies. Yes, the hippies. Sounds weird, I know. But it was in history while learning about the Vietnam War protests that I realised how its been going on for years.

The hippies were most prominent during the 1960's and early 70's. From then on, with the birth of bands like the Sex Pistols, it was then that the old-school punks formed.

I'm not sure what came next, but goths became quite a popular phase during the...late 90's?

And of course, emos.

I swear, if anyone can give me a proper definition of emo then I'll buy them an icecream. Because the latest definition I heard was: 'Emos are people who wear read and black and eyeliner.' This was used in the context of describing Green Day as emo.


I hate using these labels. I hated writing the stuff above.

What interests me is that a lot of things that influence these stereotypes is the style of music listened to. Apparently I'm an emo because I swear eyeliner and like Green Day and My Chemical Romance.

Sounds like a pretty stupid label to me.

What is also interesting is that a punk today is classed as emo.

But must these people be judged differently? Because they dress different? Because they like the music which happens to be created by people who dress differently?

I'm trying to find the answer to these exact questions.

But then (again), labels are part of society. I s'pose I'll have to get used to it.
Posted on March 20th, 2007 at 05:51am


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