Tré Cool Related Dreams

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June 22nd, 2006 at 11:25am
yeah...erm I had a Billie/Tre sex Dream haha so yeah, i woke up with a smile
Tre Cool's Lady Marmalade
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Tre Cool's Lady Marmalade
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June 22nd, 2006 at 01:03pm
yeah...erm I had a Billie/Tre sex Dream haha so yeah, i woke up with a smile

lmfao i can imagine you did....
King For A Couple Of Days
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June 22nd, 2006 at 01:56pm
Tre Cool's Lady Marmalade:
yeah...erm I had a Billie/Tre sex Dream haha so yeah, i woke up with a smile

lmfao i can imagine you did....

i had a dream like that with mike and tre and tre was dominate and mike was submissive! muahahahahahaha *cough*bondage*cough*
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June 22nd, 2006 at 04:56pm
Well. My dream was, at least. Laughing
I was playing a video game [how unusual. I never play video games.] and it was like, Tony Hawk or something. Then there was that 'choose a player/create one' thing. I created Tré. And I was skating around..youknow.
Then Tré came out of the tv screen, and I'm like, "WTF COOL!!!" and he was all, real and naked ['cause that's how I created him on there]
Had the same face, everything. BUT HE HAD TWO TESTICLES. I got mad. I was like, "Tré..."
and he was all, "I KNOW, IT'S BACK!"
It was funny. So then I was all, "you look like you need a bath. Mmmmkay?"
He was all, "sure! COME WITH ME"
+skips bath scene, for it is too dirty for this site.+ Shifty
So then we woke up, and he magically was uniballed again! We were so happy, so we found a slip'n'slide anddddddddddddd..I think I have to skip this part too.
Then he gave me a hug.
And I woke up =[
but there is so much that I can't say on here...haha.
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June 22nd, 2006 at 06:21pm
lol I ameganed that tre went to the disco to me and all the boys were like "gosh sadies totall fox" then tre would come up and put an arm round my waist and say "mwha shes all mine" and Id be all dancing shakira style
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June 23rd, 2006 at 09:10am
I dreamed last night that Green Day came to play at my school, they were in his hallway setting up their stuff. Tré walked over to me and my friends and he was crying. I was like "OMG whats wrong?"
He's like "I can't do this anymore, I can't be in Green Day.." I was like "why?" He said that Billie Joe had been arrested. Tre said that Billie Joe was accused of raping some girl and that he didn't do it., then he jumped on me and kissed me, he wouldn't leave my side. it was strange...
Shoot Me, I'm A Newbie
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June 24th, 2006 at 01:00am
Tre Cool's Lady Marmalade:
hmmm, i remember one where he fell on top of me....that was great! then he asked me out, then my alarm clock woke me up >Sad but so far the erotic dreams just havent kicked into full function yet Sad

try reading some hot made up Tre Hand Me Down and Your My Little Secret...

you would be surprised how the hot, wild dreams kick in Twisted Evil

Can you give me a link?
Feeling It Yet?
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June 25th, 2006 at 01:10am
I had one were tre was marring billie.....weird!
Basket Case
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June 25th, 2006 at 12:57pm
Last night I had a normal dream involving Tre. At least this one was as freaky as some of the others I've had. In my dream I was Tre's wife and we were in our house and I squirted him with cheese. I have no clue was funny we kept squirting cheese at each other...
worn-out astronaut.
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Mibba Blog
June 26th, 2006 at 06:07am
I had a dream that I was reading a magazine and Avril Lavigne said that she is Tre and that she wrote a song for him and Tre said its true, that they have been dating for a year. I closed the magazine and I started to scream and cry and I was like: where is Megan? I want her!!! *coz Im not a big fan of Avril* and i went here and I told everyone on GSB what I read
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June 26th, 2006 at 03:05pm
there was
~ tre
~ me
~ a boat owned by tre, billie and mike
~ really loud music (the ramones)
~ and fun!!!! Twisted Evil Shifty
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July 6th, 2006 at 10:51pm
I had a dream... [/Martin Luthar King jr.]

I was prank calling random numbers, and called Tré's cellphone accidently! [but for some reason, Ilived in Oakland Confused] He picked up and was half-asleep. This is what happened, from what I remember of the dream.
Me;you're sexy.
Tré;I know.I'm Tré Cool..nbflaghdh[mumbling or something]
Tré;yeaaa, so whatcha need?
Tré;mmkay come to ----------[address. I remember the word "ludwig" in it]
then I go there, and pet his hair for a little while.
He wanted to get matching tatoos, and we got a puff the magic dragon on our ear lobes, lmfao.

Well, in the end we ended up getting married, having 2 kids named Albert and Francine.
Mary'sX ChemicalX Romance
King For A Couple Of Days
Mary'sX ChemicalX Romance
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July 7th, 2006 at 01:58pm
i had a dream that i was a vampire and i was suking tre's blood and then we ended up making out and he said my really sharp teeth tastes like grapes!
Mary'sX ChemicalX Romance
King For A Couple Of Days
Mary'sX ChemicalX Romance
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July 7th, 2006 at 02:04pm
Tre Cool's Lady Marmalade:
i dream about tre a lot... isnt it sooo fun!!

all my Tre dreams are always hot...but Tre is always a sexy dork Laughing prob how he is in real life.
after a night of passion he is like "lets go get ice cream!"

lmfao yea a big lovable sexii retard. Retard
John Entwistle
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John Entwistle
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July 7th, 2006 at 08:32pm
I dreamt I slow danced with Tre at my wedding. And it turned out I married him, even though I don't remember anything before that. We slow danced to "Stairway to Heaven."

King For A Couple Of Days
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July 7th, 2006 at 09:43pm
i had a dream that tre and John Kriftmeyer were my track coaches and I remember there was a sex scene where i fucked tre in my uniform and used the ropes we strech with
Board Parasite
Age: 35
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July 7th, 2006 at 11:22pm
the real whatsername:
I had one were tre was marring billie.....weird!

I would more interested to see what happened on teh wedding night lol Twisted Evil
Tre Cool's Lady Marmalade
Board Parasite
Tre Cool's Lady Marmalade
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July 8th, 2006 at 01:30pm
I dreamt I slow danced with Tre at my wedding. And it turned out I married him, even though I don't remember anything before that. We slow danced to "Stairway to Heaven."


those are the worst kind of dreams for me....i always wake up crying...
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July 9th, 2006 at 02:36pm
I dreamt that we were in the closet...doing stuff.. lol HE SHOWED ME THE BULLWINKIE!
Shoot Me, I'm A Newbie
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July 9th, 2006 at 02:39pm
I had a dream the other day that I was taken hostage in this random house. So I was on my own in this room on a mattress and Tré randomly appears. It turns out he's on my side but we end up "doing stuff" instead of escaping. And then I woke up!