Tré Cool Related Dreams

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July 19th, 2006 at 11:06pm
Tre Cool's Lady Marmalade:
i once had a dream we were on the surreal life together

i had one the other night. it was really weird. i dreamed i was driving in the car w/ my Aunt, Uncle, and cousin, and my aunt saw this hotel and was like "that's like the kind of hotel Rockstars stay in" and of course, my first thought was GREEN DAY. so we go in and the girl at the front desk immediately gives me her job so we can work in shifts. i get behind the desk and she runs off to Tre's room. when she comes out Tre motions for me to come in his room.Of course i go, and me and the girl get into a big argument over who he likes better when i come out. she was like, "I go first! he likes me best!" and i was like "no, i go seecond cuz he's obviously not getting what he wants from you!" i woke up after that. it was weird.

haha xD awesome dream! i always wondered what Tre on the Surreal Life would be like.
In my dream he smashed the window's on the other ppl's cars. someone died i think.....
.Hitchin' A Ride.
Shoot Me, I'm A Newbie
.Hitchin' A Ride.
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July 20th, 2006 at 04:32am
Tre Cool's Lady Marmalade:
Tre Cool's Lady Marmalade:
I was behind this baracade at some concert, it was before the show and I was the only there besides crew still setting up. And as I sat there watching, I sighted Tre, examining the marvel of his band's stage. I got excited.

"Tre!" I shouted.

He turned to look at me briefly and to begin with it looked like he wasn't sure what to make of me. Why I was there when the stadium was closed. He had a grin that eventually faded to a smile and I extended my arms over the baracade and began to cry.

"Tre, please come here!" I cried.

He continued to smile and he slowly made his way over me and took both my hands in his. He took me into an embrace and we hugged over the baracade.

"Don't cry..." he whispered in my ear.

I stopped and all of a sudden the stadium was full of people and they were all cheering at us. Embarassed

He's great at giving comforting hugs. Very Happy Sad

aww thats sucha sweet dream, Rose. yet so sad Sad i dont like having dreams like that cuz i always cry when i wake up.
Yeah, me too. Sad

-hugs- maybe one day dear Wink maybe one day........
Maybe... Smile

aw..your dream was making me cry just reading it.., dontcha just hate waking up when that happens!!
Squishy Cool
Squishy Cool
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July 20th, 2006 at 11:07am
This one time, I had a dream that I worked at Wal-Mart and then I went home and I had a swingset right next to a pool, so me and Green Day were swinging and jumping off into the pool and then swimming back and doing it again. They ignored me, though, and I was sad.=[ But then a red Hummer pulled up and Adrienne was driving and her and Billie's kids were in the passenger seat and GD was like, "Gotta go." And for some reason I got into the Hummer and then they got in and just looked at me and I realized I had to get out so they could leave and I was just like, "Crap." And so then I had to crawl over Tre to get out.

Then this other time I had a dream that some guy took me to a secluded warehouse and it was some really secret place where GD was recording their new album so I went in with him and Billie was sitting in a chair sleeping and Tre was sitting on the floor in front of a couch watching a show about clowns and Mike was uh... on the couch I think. And I sat on the couch like, right behind Tre, and then I had to pee really bad or something so I got up and had to like, crawl over him, and I put my hand on his head to keep myself from falling. XD I still remember how his hair felt. It was kinda retarded.

Yeah, those are the kinds of GD dreams I have. But I havent had one about them for a long time. =[
Falling In Love With The Board
Age: 35
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July 20th, 2006 at 11:21pm
.Hitchin' A Ride.:
Tre Cool's Lady Marmalade:
Tre Cool's Lady Marmalade:
I was behind this baracade at some concert, it was before the show and I was the only there besides crew still setting up. And as I sat there watching, I sighted Tre, examining the marvel of his band's stage. I got excited.

"Tre!" I shouted.

He turned to look at me briefly and to begin with it looked like he wasn't sure what to make of me. Why I was there when the stadium was closed. He had a grin that eventually faded to a smile and I extended my arms over the baracade and began to cry.

"Tre, please come here!" I cried.

He continued to smile and he slowly made his way over me and took both my hands in his. He took me into an embrace and we hugged over the baracade.

"Don't cry..." he whispered in my ear.

I stopped and all of a sudden the stadium was full of people and they were all cheering at us. Embarassed

He's great at giving comforting hugs. Very Happy Sad

aww thats sucha sweet dream, Rose. yet so sad Sad i dont like having dreams like that cuz i always cry when i wake up.
Yeah, me too. Sad

-hugs- maybe one day dear Wink maybe one day........
Maybe... Smile

aw..your dream was making me cry just reading it.., dontcha just hate waking up when that happens!!
Yes I do. But Tre was very sweet to me during our few short moments together. Smile
Falling In Love With The Board
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July 24th, 2006 at 07:27pm
In a nutshell:

I was getting married to a mate,
then some dude bust in through the doors and was like NOOOO MARRY MEEEEEE
and then Tré bust in through a window and was like NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MARRRY MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

and then i looked at all 3 people and married them all.
TRE's LoveSlave!!!!!!!!!!
Shoot Me, I'm A Newbie
TRE's LoveSlave!!!!!!!!!!
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July 24th, 2006 at 10:03pm
i have had a bunch of dreams about Tre'! i dream about him lik every night. the weirdest one was about me and Tre' escaping from a prison that was in the middle of lik nowhere and we got to river that had lik a mini tunnel and we had well..u can tell wat happens!
.Hitchin' A Ride.
Shoot Me, I'm A Newbie
.Hitchin' A Ride.
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July 26th, 2006 at 06:53am
omg, i had another Tre dream last night..Thankyou God!! Exclamation
anyway, what it was..
For some reason we were like frendz lol (wierd i know..but i lovd it) and we were running a lil race to make it to the pool first and then we jumped in and swam! lol (there were more details i just cant b stuffed writing them down) then i woke up..isnt that always how it goes!! But fortunantly i fel bak asleep and dreamt about him again!, i was happy lol. in this one, we were dating (Friggin weird aye!) and every1 was taking dance classes.. and every1 and their partners arrived at tha same time in limos, and he was wearing his red suit, u know from tha pix. lol it was strange but sik! and then we were sitting at home and chillin..i lovd it. i mean a dream wid can u not?
King For A Couple Of Days
Age: 31
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July 29th, 2006 at 02:24am
I had a dream that Tre Cool came to my house and barged in and ate all our peanut butter and crackers, and then he started playing the sims on my computer, and I kept tryin to get his autograph, and eventually he wouldnt leave so we called a dog catcher and the dog catcher put him in a cage and hauled him away.

.Hitchin' A Ride.
Shoot Me, I'm A Newbie
.Hitchin' A Ride.
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July 29th, 2006 at 04:53am
I woulda kept him! lol..
Rockaway Beach
Rockaway Beach
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July 30th, 2006 at 03:35pm
I had a dream i met Tre, and he fancied me but i didn't fancy him.
Then he said something in german, and i was like ' Drool Say something else in german!' And he said some very long in german. So i was 'impressed' and... things got quite kinky.

Apparently i have a thing for a german accent
Shoot Me, I'm A Newbie
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July 31st, 2006 at 05:34am
I am 18 and i ran away from home when i was 16. I have the same back round as Mike. I am adopted and my parents siplt. The ting that kept me going all though those years was Mike. I followed his foot steps and left. I have dreams of him but mostly a mix with a flash back. The latest is when i was crying in the side walk and he came and sat with me. He asked me what was wrong. I tell him and he comforts me and tells me he knows how i feel. I told him how i followed his foot steps. He looks and me and kisses me. we make out in the rain and i wake up again. I love it. It makes he happy in the morning.
Falling In Love With The Board
Age: 35
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Posts: 5699

July 31st, 2006 at 08:50am
I am 18 and i ran away from home when i was 16. I have the same back round as Mike. I am adopted and my parents siplt. The ting that kept me going all though those years was Mike. I followed his foot steps and left. I have dreams of him but mostly a mix with a flash back. The latest is when i was crying in the side walk and he came and sat with me. He asked me what was wrong. I tell him and he comforts me and tells me he knows how i feel. I told him how i followed his foot steps. He looks and me and kisses me. we make out in the rain and i wake up again. I love it. It makes he happy in the morning.
That would be a Mike dream. Smile

Why not go into the Mike forum and tell them about it in the Mike Dream thread? Very Happy
John Entwistle
Great Success!
John Entwistle
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July 31st, 2006 at 10:08pm
I dreamt I was at TRL or something and Green Day just walked in unexpectantly and I started screaming. I ran over to Tre and just hugged him. But.....I wouldn't let go. And I mean I wouldn't let go! He just had this smile on his face like," Oh, Ok." And he didn't try to get me off of him. Then I saw Mike and hugged him for a second then went back over to Tre and keep hugging him. Then I decided to jump up and wrap my legs around him. Then TRL just turned in to church. People were going up to get communion and I'm thinking," fuck that, I'm not let go of him." My parent were looking at my like I was crazy. I got off of him 'cause he had to go. Then I said to Tre,"I wish I had something for you to autograph for me. Oh, wait I have a CD on the bus." (we were on a bus trip for some reason). I asked to to stay there and wait for me to come back. He said something, but I couldn't here him cause there was this really loud music playing. I asked him what he said, but I didn't get much of it. All I knew was he had to leave. And I never saw him again.

Wow, that was a weird dream!
King For A Couple Of Days
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August 1st, 2006 at 04:32pm
i once dreamed the same dream three times in one night. I didn't fucking go back to sleep after the third time.

Me and Tré were walking together in the graveyard across from my house, and it was the middle of the night. We walked through the gates and we were just talking, and all of a sudden, I jumped up on the war memorial and pulled a gun out of my pocket. Then I pointed it at Tré and said "I really do love you, but.." and shot him. Then I shot myself. I fell off the memorial thing and fell right next to him. Billie and Mike found us.

Then I woke up.
Age: 33
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Posts: 194
August 1st, 2006 at 05:01pm
i had a dream we were both on a plane and the plane crashed on a deserted (we thought) island, we of course in my imagination got up to dirty antics and eventaully were found by some milatry troops where we were carted off to an area 52 style prison, *more dirty antics in prison cell* and we escaped and then we went to a green day concert which there, for some reason were only 10 fans, and then tré dropped his trousers and talled everyone to get 'nudie' so we did....what a dream, then i woke up *tear*
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August 1st, 2006 at 07:35pm
A few days ago, I had a dream Tré and I were kayaking or something [however you spell it] and I fell over, and he fell down the waterfall.
Then like, in the next scene, we were both in Universal, skipping and eating cotton candy.
It was nice.
The Doctor
Falling In Love With The Board
The Doctor
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Mibba Blog
August 2nd, 2006 at 08:02pm

I was in school and I was sleeping in Physics and then I was woken up by my sub "Mr Wright" and he told me to wait behind after school. So I did. He said I was baaaaad and he spanked me and stuff. Shifty
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August 3rd, 2006 at 03:02pm
i had one last night/this morning. i drempt that Tre was going on some expidition thing, and needed a companion. the people who were finding someone to go with Tre were talking it over in a doughnut shop. "we need someone who is a half doughnut" "we have whole doughnut we could tear, but we need a NATURAL half doughnut." i walk in and over hear them talking, but i don't know what about. "i'm a half doughnut.." i say, wondering what they would need me for. they then tell me i will go on an expidition with Tre Cool, and as I'm about to meet him, my stupid mother calls my cell phone, waking me up, b/c my stupid little brother won't answer his, or any other phone, and she needs someone to watch for the refridgerator repair man. i yelled at him to answer the phone, using much self control not to say fuck.
Mark 'Lets TANGO.'
Mark 'Lets TANGO.'
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August 8th, 2006 at 12:32am
Ok, this was my first Tre' dream.
it was very short. We were just sitting on the couch holding hands. I think we were watching Titanic or something, than he looks at me and just says "Did you know chickens were originally from Egypt? I like chickens...chickens are gooood..." Than I woke up. o.0

It was very odd, but I liked the hand-holding part. Very Happy
and after reading through this topic, apperently cheese makes you have Tre' dreams? Well, I just stuffed my face with cheese so I guess Imma 'bout to find out! Wink
Basket Case
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August 9th, 2006 at 09:47am
I had a really bizzare Tre dream. I went to this old victorian house from the 1800s. It was a part of this tourist village thing. I decided to take a tour of it, but I brought like 20 people me. Half of them I didn't know. The idea was to find wich room the old lady was in. There were many clues she gave. One of them was she called and said she's in room 2150. All the rooms had numbers. There with me was Tre. He came to help me find this old lady. Most other people gave up and it was only Me and Tre and this other guy was there, We searched through the house and Me and Tre spent time together which was quite nice. Just as I was about to kiss Tre and open the door to get the old lady out or whatever was in there out. My mom called and I woke up.