Vote for Green Day to get into the Rock N Roll Hall of Fame
I'm late on this, but Green Day has been nominated for the Rock N Roll Hall of Fame. They're currently in 8th place so in order for them to get inducted, they're gonna need a lot more votes. So head on over to the Rock N Roll Hall of Fame voting page and help them out.
It is important to choose a standing desk for your home office. If you are someone that requires peace and quiet in order to be productive, try to find a space with little outside noise or with a door that can shut out distractions. Natural light can have a huge effect on motivation and energy levels, so try to set up your space near a window or in a well-lit room. standing-desk
standingdesk, October 21st, 2022 at 12:47:20am
I'm late on this, but Green Day has been nominated for the Rock N Roll Hall
amberlary, January 20th, 2015 at 01:37:27am