John Entwistle

- Name
- Katie
- Age
- 36
- Gender
- Female
- Location
- Flood City, Pennsylvania
Member since November 26th, 2005
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Member since November 26th, 2005
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FandomLocked, August 23rd, 2011 at 02:42:57pm
Ya, ya. They don't rly seem 3D. Well, has you seen those Johnny Knoxville movies (I think they're movies? lol)? Like, the newest one was in 3D, and it kiiiind of looked cool on some stuff...Oh, n there was 3D poo, which was funny and scary and cool all at the same time. I don't know, lollst.
Adam Lambert, August 17th, 2011 at 03:48:08pm
Oh, lol. Well, then...hmm...I guess you can prepare to take over the world or somethingg, heheh.
Did you see it in 3D? Liek, we did, but it didn't rly feel 3D. I wanted to be covered in blood at the end of the movie, or at least see a 3D blood bubble (well, I think there was one, and it was kinda 3D). Is fun, though, lolst.
Adam Lambert, August 12th, 2011 at 07:23:09pm
Ah, okee. I seee. I seeee.
Aw, I wish I was good at geography...You'll get to, liek,...know the secrets of the univerrrsssee.
Ya, I think it was the best scene in the whole movie! Haha. I laughed more than I cried, though.....I had never seen any of the Saw movies, and then suddenly the "Linkin Park guy" was glued to a car seat.
Adam Lambert, August 11th, 2011 at 01:05:16pm
That's awesome! So, liek, you're a pharmacist, ya? Does that mean you took chemistry and biology n stuff (or am I confusing it with something else)?
By the way, I saw the last "Saw" movie, n at one point I was liek, "Dude...that looks like the Linkin Park guy..." n no one rly knew who he was!! Then I thought of you, lolst. Totally unexpected that he was in it.
Adam Lambert, August 10th, 2011 at 11:17:56am
Dude! Haha, ya! I still get on randomly, lolst, but I've mainly been doing school stuff and more school stuff...but tomorrow's my last test for this semester and then I'll have a small break......YA!
How about you? What's up?
Adam Lambert, August 7th, 2011 at 05:50:14pm
And not unlike Tré i am always tempted to say, Everyone in entitled to my opinion Lmfao
jessay, July 31st, 2011 at 05:32:52am
thank you!
xxGirxx, July 28th, 2011 at 01:05:26am
" I just don't understand anybody who wants the government to take away your personal freedoms. People have been fighting for thousands of years for freedom, I don't understand why people WANT it."
I just wanted to reply to this, the shame keeps being that your voicing an opinion as the truth. There are so many arguments out of research i could give on only that few sentences. But realise it is an opinion, Katie get's that and i can have discussions with Katie about politics where we both could agree to disagree and still respect each other. I understand you don't get the opinion of other people and don't believe in arguments of people who don't agree with you but you should still try to voice some respect to people.
Otherwise disrespect will lead towards minority ideas towards other people who also have a right to there own opinion.
jessay, July 25th, 2011 at 04:44:09am
Lupin's my favorite character, too!
So devastated he died.
I just sat in my chair in the theatre and sobbed.
Batman., July 20th, 2011 at 06:54:14pm
Same here. I'm not sure yet. We'll have to wait for everyone's campaign so we can see their agenda. I hope Obama doesn't get reelected.
Batman., July 4th, 2011 at 09:59:21pm
Hahahahah! Ted Nugent. He rocks. Yeah, when I went to my Green Day concert, there was a lot of that. I just don't understand anybody who wants the government to take away your personal freedoms. People have been fighting for thousands of years for freedom, I don't understand why people WANT it. Smh.
Batman., July 3rd, 2011 at 04:14:10pm
:) I can't stand the Liberal ideas. It's so Politically Correct, it's sick. And seeing as Green Day is one of the biggest Liberal bands in the world -- and they have such a vast following of people more susceptible to being influenced by them -- it's hard to agree with people HERE.
Batman., July 3rd, 2011 at 03:24:22pm
I was just rereading our big discussion in the Obama/Bush opinions thread and every time I read your arguments I just smile. It's such a relief to see somebody that actually prefers not being lied to and watches Fox/Glenn Beck. My Mom is a Conservative Republican, and takes her politics extremely serious. After having watched several Glenn Beck episodes, and having listened to several different Conservative radio stations, I do believe I am informed enough to say I know and understand what they're talking about.
So, thank you for being awesome. :3
Batman., June 28th, 2011 at 01:37:06pm
I kno, my older sister is goin to college, she says she can't w8 to start soon XD
Goodbye, April 28th, 2011 at 05:06:44pm