
- Name
- Bianca Fiasco
- Age
- 34
- Gender
- Female
- Location
- City of the Damned
Member since March 5th, 2006
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I'm Canadian, i like maple syrup, but not all canadians do. i don't play hockey. i don't live in an igloo, because it would melt, i don't have a dogsled because i would only be able to use for only three months of the year....tops.
I'm in a band, don't watch our videos cuz they're from a really long time ago, i know we need to update our stuff but we rather play live then record stuff so when i get around to any videos clips of us playing i'll let you people know.
my band is called Wasted Sobriety and we rock socks
Super Friends
-totally awesome chick, future author extraordinaire, once her stuff gets published people will say "Rowling who?" -
nipple twist
-sexy beast, always good for porn and music convos-
-yeah, i'm in a band with her *cough* so yeah she has to be on this list, HOBAG! lmao-

They are gods

omg! look Mike actually got posted first on someone's profile. . . .he is a sexy beast.


i was so happy when i found this picture! its like one sexy ass pic of him. yum

he's the smex

totally awesome drummer!

i like them very much
I'm in a band, don't watch our videos cuz they're from a really long time ago, i know we need to update our stuff but we rather play live then record stuff so when i get around to any videos clips of us playing i'll let you people know.
my band is called Wasted Sobriety and we rock socks
Super Friends
-totally awesome chick, future author extraordinaire, once her stuff gets published people will say "Rowling who?" -
nipple twist
-sexy beast, always good for porn and music convos-
-yeah, i'm in a band with her *cough* so yeah she has to be on this list, HOBAG! lmao-

They are gods

omg! look Mike actually got posted first on someone's profile. . . .he is a sexy beast.


i was so happy when i found this picture! its like one sexy ass pic of him. yum

he's the smex

totally awesome drummer!

i like them very much
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Tis, but I moved them again. I still have the belly bar in my right ear, but the green hoop's in the left ear, the red stud's at the top of my left and I have another belly bar with the Anarchy symbol on it in my belly.
SummerBreakdown.x, October 22nd, 2007 at 06:00:46pm
Ow. But I moved the belly bar into my ear.
So now I have a belly bar in my right ear, a dangly star-chain thing in my left, a red stud at the top of my left and a green ring earring in my belly.
I figured that if I could put a belly bar in my ear, I could put an earring in my belly.
It worked.
SummerBreakdown.x, October 5th, 2007 at 11:35:06pm
See your profile pic? I have that in black and white...on my belly bar.
SummerBreakdown.x, September 28th, 2007 at 11:39:01pm
Aww, you're sweet :), thank you darlin'.
So have you finished summer vacation yet or are you still on it? xxx
Happy Feet, September 6th, 2007 at 09:13:07pm
Aw thank you, i had an amazing time! : )
Congratulations on getting onto your courses and many success! That's a great bonus, i hated maths...such a horrible subject.
Great news on winning over the guy you like, i'm very happy for you :) xxx
Happy Feet, August 31st, 2007 at 11:06:19pm
Haha, i'm glad you're doing well! I'm very good thank you :).
I've had an extremely tiring and exciting week, seeing as i got great results in my exams and i've also just gotten back from a music festival...which was absolutely fantastic by the way.
What exciting stuff have you been up to recently then? xxx
Happy Feet, August 29th, 2007 at 05:14:59pm
How are you? xx
Happy Feet, August 10th, 2007 at 01:12:04pm
thanx! you have awesome pics on your prof toooo =D
Lyddy r teh Snaily, June 24th, 2007 at 01:28:41pm
oh rights XD we do that in england. but we dont say graduate til we go university... =D
Lyddy r teh Snaily, June 22nd, 2007 at 05:02:06pm
no... im english XD but i had a canadian teacher and i have a candian flag badge from canada... thats as close as it gets sorry...
whyd you think im canadian? it seems so random =]
Lyddy r teh Snaily, June 22nd, 2007 at 05:22:09am
OH! And I love the picture you have up of Mikey Way...very nice!
iATEjimmysWORLD, May 3rd, 2007 at 12:17:06am
Haha, thanks...I'm pretty excited about the engagement...(and the dog) :)
How have things with you been? Hope you're doing well! xx
iATEjimmysWORLD, May 3rd, 2007 at 12:16:39am
no problem. =]
Yeah thats me..., May 2nd, 2007 at 02:57:28pm
No prob. 8)
Hello, My Name Is Asshole, May 1st, 2007 at 07:06:05pm
wow. I haven't commented since January.
Ill let you read ma story when i'm a little further along. weep
HopelessAngel, April 26th, 2007 at 09:56:16pm