Jacob Black

- Name
- Nira
- Age
- 32
- Gender
- Female
- Location
- roaming the Earth...
Member since January 12th, 2007
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- i'd rather you ask me.
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- i do, but i rarely go on it....

Welcome to my profile!
My name is India. I hate it when people ask me “Are you from India?” or “Where you born here?”.
I was born in the United States, okay? I'm normally a nice person once you get to know me.... Though when most people look at me and my friends, they see a freak, a Gothic/Emo freak. I don't like stereotypes, though I am guilty of using the damned language. But all in all... I'm just me.
Um... Let's see here... I get annoyed easily, though I usually don't give warnings... Just ask <3ilovemyguitar<3... LOL
I have been told that I am a... very interesting... being.
Anyway, I love anime, drawing and writing stories and poems.

I wish to go to Africa and Japan someday.
Green Day is one of my favorite Bands, Though I think that Within Temptation and System Of A Down and a few others are pretty close to them.
I might say that I hate Fall Out Boy but their song “Thanks For The Memories” was kinda catchy.
My favorite time of day is night... I know... Oxymoron right?
I really love the moon.

I Really Love Castles

My Favorite Bands Are
*Within Temptation
*Lacuna Coil
System Of A Down
Three Days Grace
Bullet For My Valentine
Papa Roach
The Used
Green Day (Duh.)
30 Seconds To Mars
MCR (They Are Okay...)
Rob Zombie
Linkin Park
Red Hot Chili Peppers
Dragon Force
Tokio Hotel
Puddle of Mudd
-Though I like Classic Rock as well.
My Favorite Shows
Mind Freak
Avatar (I find it pretty good for a nickelodeon show)
Spongebob (When I'm in a hyper mood)
Trinity Blood
...Funny thing is... I barely watch TV... I would much rather curl up with a book and read.
My Favorite Movies
Friday The 13th
Nightmare On Elm Street
Halloween (All of them...)
Just about every horror/gore movie out there... I love.
My Favorite Books
New Moon
Maximum Ride Series
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you are sharkboy, did you know?
i love bleach. ^.^ well, the books....cant sit still for the show lol
banquo, November 21st, 2009 at 11:21:45am
Yeah, I didnt even think I had this darn thing anymore. lmfao haha =]]
B1acKnight001, May 3rd, 2009 at 11:12:33pm
Dude I love your Icon
Rain, January 30th, 2009 at 10:43:36pm
HEY :] I'm pretty dandy, and yourself?
Twilight. Well I really liked it, although it could never compare to the awesomeness of the book. My favorite part was probably in the restaurant xD I was really disappointed with the sparkles, though D:
Benedict Cumberbatch, December 28th, 2008 at 09:56:30am
haha. i still have no idea how to say it ^^;
i know, i heard that a while ago. i'ma rally up all my friends and go see it that weekend 8D lol
Benedict Cumberbatch, November 3rd, 2008 at 07:23:04am
haha, i got really mad when he imprinted on her, but i think it's just more of a shock now than anything. lol.
and i know right? stupid volturi...
i thought it was supposed to come out in november? i had heard it was the 22nd, i think :\
Benedict Cumberbatch, September 15th, 2008 at 09:05:39pm
haha, yeah, i screamed at some parts too xD
HOLY CRAP IT WAS AMAZING. idk if you're done with it but yeah. 8D
Benedict Cumberbatch, August 13th, 2008 at 07:33:07am
lol someone's excited.
i plan on getting it when we get to delaware :D
when i come back from virginia i'll tell you what i thought about it xD
Benedict Cumberbatch, August 2nd, 2008 at 09:14:08am
haha, nice.
it's 12 days away if you count today :P
Benedict Cumberbatch, July 22nd, 2008 at 08:22:18pm
haha, nice.
OMG I KNOW!! i'm so excited! i'ma buy it when we get to delaware [we're stopping there on our way to virginia beach :P]
Benedict Cumberbatch, July 15th, 2008 at 04:16:48pm
haha, we never have colorguard. this year we had like, 5 people in ours xD
Benedict Cumberbatch, July 14th, 2008 at 11:33:40am
*clarinet haha.
ooh, cool. i can play it a little bit cause my friend taught me xD but i can't go past the 6th note xD
Benedict Cumberbatch, July 13th, 2008 at 08:21:55pm
aaw, that stinks. what did you want to play if i may ask? :]
Benedict Cumberbatch, July 11th, 2008 at 09:21:08pm
same here D:
but we're going to va beach for our band trip this year...everyone has to earn a whopping $429 PER PERSON to go. i was all :O
Benedict Cumberbatch, July 11th, 2008 at 12:54:38pm
haha, it's weird though, when i go i kinda forget about it and then when i come back it's like o_o i must check my messages!! lol
virginia beach pwns :P and busch gardens is amazing but expensive, it's like 60 bucks a person now O_o
Benedict Cumberbatch, July 10th, 2008 at 08:40:15pm