Haseo Fallen Angel

Haseo Fallen Angel
Jacob "Jay Uchiha" Smith
Following you.When you need me

Member since April 25th, 2006


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Greetings, I am Haseo. I am the guild master of Ginard. My Alias is Terror of Death. When i started the game called "The World" within a matter of 3 minutes, i was PKed. Thats when i met Ovan. Soon, i was invited to join The Twilight Brigade.

Dot Hack, Mar. and others. IM WILLING TO JOIN ANY CLANS! Get your own countdown at BlingyBlob.com About You What's your name? Jacob Smith or Jay Uchiha Where do you live? New Mexico How old are you? 15 What's you sign? Tarvos Favorite color? Crimson Red Favorite type of food? Ramen Do you use drugs? Nope. Do you drink alchohol? Nope. Doritos or Cheetos? Neither Milk or Orangejuice? MILK!!!! Straight, Gay, or Bi? Straight As, Bs, Cs, Ds, or Fs? A little bit of everything. Mcdonalds, Burgerking, or Subway? SUBWAY! Author or Dora the Explorer? THEY WILL BURN IN HELL!!!!!! ! Eye color? Brown Hair color? Green. Piercings? Nope. Tattoos? Nope. Favorite type of shoes? JAPANESE SANDLES! Type of shoes you must hate? Idk Punk, Gyeto, Emo, or just unknown...? Punk, i am good at bein a goth, and a geek. What You Like In Boys/Girls Eye Color? Doesnt matter. Hair Color? Doesnt matter. Piercings? Doesnt matter. Tattoos? Doesnt matter. Fashion sense? Doesnt matter. Thing he/she likes to do? Fun Stuff. Thing he/she does for you? What they want. CREATE YOUR OWN! - or - GET PAID TO TAKE SURVEYS! Info: Yeah um ok...Peace Keeper from Runescape. Im happy that Larissa is happy Tre'slover's (aka Martha) Dad and Loves son. Also im 6 foot 1 inches tall. AND IM _Claudia_[[HomoChair'S KITTEN!adopted sunday 3:00 am. November 18 2006. Also yes i do play Yu-Gi-Oh. I love Tiffany or greencrow16XD. I am a proud Hard-core Gamer and Geek. I love the ocean and i want to leave in a big city near a mall. My Favorite Games are Final Fantasy, Gundam, Zelda, MechWarrior, Dot Hack and More. I love to read Books, give me a good book ill read it faster than you can close your internet window. I have great hearing. I want to learn how to use a sword. I want to become a modern day ninja. I love anime. I run really fast. I am really nice and want to visit japan someday. i know alittle tae qwon do. I am an excelent Role-Player. I try my best at everything.

New Mexico, on your screen,
Info: Yeah um ok...Peace Keeper from Runescape. Im happy that Larissa is happy Tre'slover's (aka Martha) Dad and Loves son. Also im 6 foot 1 inches tall. AND IM _Claudia_[[HomoChair'S KITTEN!adopted sunday 3:00 am. November 18 2006. Also yes i do play Yu-Gi-Oh. I love Tiffany or greencrow16XD. I Love my mommie Sasha AKA Spunkii Bum more than I love yew. She's the coolest person on here :] I am a proud Hard-core Gamer and Geek. I love the ocean and i want to leave in a big city near a mall. My Favorite Games are Final Fantasy, Gundam, Zelda, MechWarrior, Dot Hack and More. I love to read Books, give me a good book ill read it faster than you can close your internet window. I have great hearing. I want to learn how to use a sword. I want to become a modern day ninja. I love anime. I run really fast. I am really nice and want to visit japan someday. i know alittle tae qwon do. I am an excelent Role-Player. I try my best at everything

挨拶、私はHaseoです。 私はGinardのギルドのマスターです。 私の別名は死の恐怖です。 私が"と呼ばれたゲームを始めた時; World" 3分の問題の中では、私はPKedでした。 それは私がOvanに会ったときです。 すぐに、私はたそがれの組に加わるように誘われました。

点の刻み目、3月および他。 IM一族に加わることを決定します! あなたの名前はである何あなたについてのBlingyBlob.comであなた自身の秒読みを得て下さいか。 生きているところヤコブスミスかジェイUchihaか。 いかに古いかニューメキシコか。 印である何を15か。 Tarvosの好み色か。 深紅の好みのタイプの食糧か。 Ramen薬剤を使用しますか。 Nope。 アルコールを飲みますか。 Nope。 Doritosか。 ミルクかOrangejuiceか。 ミルク!!!! まっすぐに、ゲイ、かBiか。 まっすぐにように、Bs、CS、Ds、またはFsか。 少しすべての。 Mcdonalds、Burger King、または地下鉄か。 地下鉄! 著者かDora探検家か。 彼らは地獄で!!!!燃えます!! ! 目色か。 ブラウンの毛色か。 緑。 穿孔か。 Nope。 入れ墨か。 Nope。 好みのタイプの靴か。 日本SANDLES! あなたが憎まなければならないタイプの靴か。 Idkのパンク、Gyeto、Emo、またはちょうど未知数…か。 パンク、私はgoth bein、およびマニアでよいです。 何男の子で好みますまたは女の子は色を注目しますか。 重要ではありません。 毛色か。 重要ではありません。 穿孔か。 重要ではありません。 入れ墨か。 重要ではありません。 ファッション感覚か。 重要ではありません。 彼/彼女がするのを好む事か。 面白いもの。 彼/彼女があなたのためにする事か。 ほしいと思う何が。 あなた専有物を作成して下さい! -または-調査を取るために俸給を受け取って下さい! 情報: Runescapeからのええumのokの…平和看守。 Larissaが幸せなTre'slover (akaマーサWinkのお父さん、息子を愛すること幸せなIm。 またimは6フィート1高いじりじり動かします。 そしてIM _Claudia_ [[HomoChairの子ネコ! 日曜日の採用された3:00 AM。 2006年11月18日。 またはい私はYu GIオハイオ州をします。 私はTiffanyかgreencrow16XDを愛します。 私は自慢しているハードコアGamerおよびマニアです。 私は海洋を愛し、モールの近くで大きい都市で去りたいと思います。 私の好みのゲームは最終的な想像、Gundam、Zelda、MechWarrior、点の刻み目および多くです。 私はあなたのインターネットの窓を閉めることができるより与えますよい本の病気がそれを速く読んだ私を本を読むことを愛します。 私はすばらしいヒアリングを有します。 私は剣を使用する方法を学びたいと思います。 私は現代日のninjaになりたいと思います。 私は日本製アニメを愛します。 私は実際に速い動かします。 私は実際に素晴らしく、日本をいつの日か訪問したいと思います。 私はalittleがtaeのqwonことを知っています。 私はexcelent役割プレーヤーです。 私はすべてで全力を尽くします。

情報: Runescapeからのええumのokの…平和看守。 Larissaが幸せなTre'slover (akaマーサWinkのお父さん、息子を愛すること幸せなIm。 またimは6フィート1高いじりじり動かします。 そしてIM _Claudia_ [[HomoChairの子ネコ! 日曜日の採用された3:00 AM。 2006年11月18日。 またはい私はYu GIオハイオ州をします。 私はTiffanyかgreencrow16XDを愛します。 I愛mommieのSasha私のAKA Spunkiiののらくら者I愛イチイ材より多く。 彼女はここに最も涼しい人です:] 私は自慢しているハードコアGamerおよびマニアはです。 私は海洋を愛し、モールの近くで大きい都市で去りたいと思います。 私の好みのゲームは最終的な想像、Gundam、Zelda、MechWarrior、点の刻み目および多くです。 私はあなたのインターネットの窓を閉めることができるより与えますよい本の病気がそれを速く読んだ私を本を読むことを愛します。 私はすばらしいヒアリングを有します。 私は剣を使用する方法を学びたいと思います。 私は現代日のninjaになりたいと思います。 私は日本製アニメを愛します。 私は実際に速い動かします。 私は実際に素晴らしく、日本をいつの日か訪問したいと思います。 私はalittleがtaeのqwonことを知っています。 私はexcelent役割プレーヤーです。 私はすべてで全力を尽くします

Kenji’s History.

Abandoned at birth, he would be raised by his brother Vincent till age 3, before memories can be stored in the brain, and was left to learn how to survive alone. Kenji lived under the closest bridge to him until it was night. Once it was dark, he’d go in search of scraps left by families or fast food places that threw out good food. Though young, he learned how to identify an evil hearted person. At age 7 he tried to enroll into kindergarten but was bullied by other children and was made fun of because his worn clothes and bunny features. Soon after the first week, he left but sat under the open window and listened to the lessons and practiced them when he went back to his bridge. Many times he was chased away. Many times he tried to be recognized as a good person by returning a purse or a wallet to its owner but was accused of theft and had to hide during the day. At age 14, he was skilled on running silently, hiding and was mastered at the schedule of the families who through out what kind of food and when. When walked up to, he’d hide his face behind his ears and flee quickly; obviously the isolation has caused shyness and anti-social behavior. Age 16, a package of clothing was left next to a trashcan and took them, his clothes barely fitting. The scars on his left leg were created when dogs chased him during a food search. One of the dogs caught up to him but got away with a large gash. He limped out from the alley and passed out. Couple of minutes later, a doctor found him and immediately. Once he regained consciousness, he noticed he was inside a hospital, stitches inside his leg keeping his wound closed. He got up stiffly and wrote a note saying thank you and an aappology, once done he took medical supplies and snuck out. Soon after his body stopped aging, keeping him at age 16.
He was still bullied, many would pull at his bunny ears. After a while, it bruised and he nervously returned to the hospital, for the injury to his ears. Small parts of the ear were disconnected from the head and stitches were applied. Again he escaped quickly once the job was done.
Every so often he'd come across a flute or a piano in the trashcans or next to it. He'd go to a library in the next time and studied how to play a flute and a piano. He found out his skills were very good with the flute and piano and created his own melodies that made anything that listened to it calm.
Due to the tramatization from being yelled at during age 5, When yelling was going on, he'd cover his ears and ran away quickly.
Kenji also wears a silver corss around his wrist constantly. He found it on the crusifix of a church by chance. Its main use is forbidden in hte eyes of the church and kenji only used it when its an extreme emergancy.
Though stubborn sometimes, he is very loyal to a friend if he could only find any. He has stepped infront of a bully who was hurting a girl, saying he'd take her place. He was knocked out after several beatings yet he didnt raise a hand to the attacker.
Due to the location of his sleeping areas, Kenji doesnt get much sleep. When it rains, the stream under the bridge overflows and gets his sleeping area soaked other times traffic keeps him up.


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