Lost in Punk

Lost in Punk
macy's day parade

Member since March 25th, 2007


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ImageImageImageImageHi everyone!!! this page is full of a ton of junk about me. If you really care read it. If not....well I don't really care either way. oh and this is a copied profile so if its out of date thats why.
Hi! My name is Frankie. But anyway im 14 or so and about well like 4'9 or '11. Anyway the point is I'm short. I have to look up to talk to most of my friends. And I get squished at concerts. Not fun.
I swear a lot and I'd like to apologize in advance because I know some people don't like it. Hmm what else about me. I have brownish hair and green eyes that sometimes get like these gold flecks in them. Weird, right? I don't have a boyfriend. MY best friend is a gay guy. Im addicted to my skinny jeans.
ImageImageImageImageSomethings I'm scarred of are pixie sticks, large bodies of water and confined spaces freak me out. I hate this pervert Dylan Taylor and pretty much anything not cool. Like my friends. No I'm just kidding. On the flipside I love my guitars (black and white fender strat, yellow epiphone less paul shaped like an sg, purple ibanez bass roadstar, and acoustic seagull), eyemakeup, sushi, starrbucks, frank (my ipod),caffenine, concerts, stuff i can throw and gloves with no fingeres.
So now I'm gonna put lists of my top five stuff. Of cousre top 5 is hard to do because i mean, come on! How do I choose my top five songs? It's almost impossible!
1) Nightmare Before Christmas
2) Rushmore
3) Life on the Murder Scene
4) Little Miss Sunshine
5) Matrix

Music Videos
1) Helena My Chemical Romance
2) Face Down Red Jumpsuit Apparatus
3) Wake Me Up When September Ends Green Day
4)Bullet with a Butterfly Wings Smashing Pumpkins
5) One Trillion Dollars Anti Flag

1) The Black Parade MCR
2) For Blood And Empire Anti FLag
3) Walk Amoung Us The Misfits
4) Siamese Dream Smashing Pumpkins
5) Don't You Fake It Red Jumpsuit Apparatus

1) Sleep MCR
2) False Pretens Red Jumpsuit Apparatus
3) Today Smashing Pumpkins
4) Brain Stew Green Day
5) Thihs is the End for You My Friend Anti Flag


Most Listened To (iTunes)
1) Our Lady Of Sorrows
2) Face Down
3) Today
4) AStro Zombies
5) Turn COat

Bands (This is a hard one)
1) My Chemical Romance
2) Anti Flag
3) The Misfits
4) Green Day
5) Smashing Pumpkins

About me:
---I think George Bush Deserves to get shot
----I say what I want if I offend you deal with it. You dont have to talk to me.
----My friends say I'm a vampire because I'm so fucking pale and I perfer to sleep during the day and I bite people (again only ppl who deserve it).
---- Jesus was wrong. The bible is just another made up story written by some person on drugs....like alice in wonderland

Bands I Worship:
THe Beatles....Black Flag...Green Day....The Misfits...MY Chemical Romance....Queen......Smashing Pumpkins...Red Jumpsuit Apparatus......Anti Flag

Other bands i Love that arent quite up to worship status:
A Static Lullaby....AC/DC...The Beastie Boys...Damien Rice...Fall Out Boy..Franz Ferdinand...Flyleaf...Hawthorne Heights...Heartless Bastards...The Hush Sound...Led Zeppelin...Lemonheads...Marty Casey... Oasis...Ok Go...Panic! at the Disco...Pavenment...Pete Yorn...THe Presidents Of the United States of America...Radiohead...Ramones...Elliot Smith..Screaming Trees...Silverchair...The Smiths...Morrisey...Squeeze...The Strokes...Taking Back Sunday...U 2...Velvet Underground...The Who...Big D and the Kids Table.....Pencey Prep.....Billy Bragg....Radiohead....The todaies
...Weezer...The White Stripes...Thursday...Scary Kids Scaring Kids...Anthrex...Marilyn Manson...AFI...Tenacious D...Cheap Trick...Pixies...
Elvis Costello...Flaming Lips...Emary....Kadissfy

Below is like a shrine to Chukie Taylors/All Stars/Converse/whatever you call them. I love mine so much!
Bands and People that are so amazing they have their own section on my profile.
My Chemical Romance
What can I say? They've made three records each one totally different and totally amazing. They went out and did their thing and didn't give a shit of what everyone else thought. What more can you ask for?
Red Jumpsuit Apparatus
They were by far the best screaming live I've ever heard. The lyrics are so amazing and like just have that wow factor. This band you can tell they work hard and they are so nice and like I want to say different. They just rock really.

Green Day
Here's a band that blows my miind. They are my parents age and have been playing forever. Not only do they keep playing and recording they keep playing and recording great shit! It's totally sweet.
Alicia Simmons
Alicia. Where do I start? She is totally my idol. She went out into a world of dudes. I mean seriously how many girl guitar techs are there? or even girl musicians? i mean theres a few but not a lot. So I totally admire her for going out and doing her thing. And what can i say? she is absolutely gorgeous!
This is probably my favorite band. They make statements. They say it like it is. And they actually get off their asses to do stuff about it. Also they hate bush which is always a plus. so yeah. plus theyre soooonice and incredibly gorgeous. they are fantastic live.

The Used
amazing band. amazing music. amazing new video.
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