La Tua Cantante

La Tua Cantante
Lost dreams and a broken heart

Member since April 7th, 2007


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T o - w r i t e - l o v e - o n - h e r - a r m s


B u t - I - C a n t - F i n d - T h e - W o r d s - T o - T e l l - Y o u
I - D o n t - W a n t - T o - B e- A l o n e

G e t t i n g - A w a y - W i t h - M u r d e r
W h i l e - S p i t t i n g - O u t - T h e - B l o o d - & - S c r e a m i n g
As high as the moon
So high were my spirits
When you sang out my name

And coming from you
It was enough just to hear it
Oh, it rang like the bells did today

But even the sturdiest ground
Can shift and can tremble and let us fall down…

Kindly unspoken
You show your emotion
And silence speaks louder than words
It’s lucky I’m clever
Cause if I didn’t know better
I’d believe only that which I’d heard

In the days of my folly
I followed your rules
Did what Simon Says to do

But I won’t let melancholy
Play me for a fool
Oh, no I’m on my way somewhere new

And as far as your lack of something to say
Well, to tell me goodbye there was no better way

Kindly unspoken
You show your emotion
And silence speaks louder than words
It’s lucky I’m clever
Cause if I didn’t know better
I’d believe only that which I’d heard


So don’t keep me up till the dawn
With words that’ll keep leading me on
I know much better than to wait for an answer from you

Kindly unspoken
You show your emotion
And silence speaks louder than words
It’s lucky I’m clever
'Cause if I didn’t know better
I’d believe only that which I’d heard


Could you remind me of a time when we were so alive
(Everything has changed)
Do you remember that? Do you remember that?
(Everything has changed)
Could you help me push aside all that I have left behind?
(Everything has changed)
Do you remember that? Do you remember that?

Somer: well no now we cant cuz you had to go and get FEELINGS for this ASSHOLE whom i like to call my MORTAL ENEMY!!

“Open your eyes, Bella,” he said quietly.
And he was right there, his face so close to mine. His beauty stunned my mind”it was too much, and excess I couldn’t grow accustomed to.
“I was thinking, while I was running…” He paused.
“About not hitting the trees, I hope.”
“Silly Bella,” he chuckled. “Running is second nature to me, it’s not something I have to think about.”
“Show-off,” I muttered again.
He smiled.
“No,” he continued, “I was thinking there was something I wanted to try.” And he took my face in his hands again.
I couldn’t breathe.
He hesitated”not in the normal way, the human way.
Not the way man might hesitate before he kissed a woman, to gauge her reaction, to see how he would be received. Perhaps he would hesitate to prolong the moment, that ideal moment of anticipation, sometimes better than the kiss itself.
Edward hesitated to test himself, to see if this was safe, to make sure he was still in control of his need.
And then his cold, marble lips pressed very softly against mine.
Disclaimer: I do not own this, this is simply copied from the book "Twilight" By Stephenie Meyer. All credit goes to her.



______________Please Don't Go Now,
_______________________Please Don't Fade Away



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