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- kattie
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Member since September 28th, 2007
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________________________Previously O.M.F.G.Frankie!!!
__________________And I Changed It Cos I Prefer This One

_______________________cool people on well here really.....
__________________________ TheCrazyHyperPoker!
____________________________ Tears May Stain
____________________________ Frankie.Ross
__________________And I Changed It Cos I Prefer This One

_______________________cool people on well here really.....
__________________________ TheCrazyHyperPoker!
____________________________ Tears May Stain
____________________________ Frankie.Ross
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ooh, cobra startship, nice :P i wish i even got a chance to go to a concert xD
Benedict Cumberbatch, January 22nd, 2009 at 05:18:32pm
aaw, that seriously suuucks. i sorry D:
who were you going to go see play?
Benedict Cumberbatch, January 18th, 2009 at 01:47:08pm
Wow, that sucks D: For only one exam? I couldn't imagine having more than one to study for x_x lol.
Benedict Cumberbatch, January 13th, 2009 at 09:11:39pm
lol, yeah.
sounds cool, except the working part D: that sucks. how hard are a-level exams? :\
pretty. good. xD i got a bunch of cool stuff, and i really like the cd's i got P:
Benedict Cumberbatch, January 8th, 2009 at 06:07:37pm
yeah, it can't compare to the book. but it was still a great movie, to me :D
so how was your christmas? :]
Benedict Cumberbatch, December 26th, 2008 at 07:24:42pm
lol, tell them to move faster D:<
haha, yeah. well my hair is like a semi-dark shade of brown so i can do blonde in my hair P:
wow really? your mom is cool P:
Benedict Cumberbatch, December 21st, 2008 at 08:03:52pm
yay, can't wait for your epic reviews :D
idk, probably just blonde highlights...or i've always wanted to dye the tips of my hair like red or blue or something lol. i actually did that with marker in 7th grade and my mom yelled at me xD
Benedict Cumberbatch, December 21st, 2008 at 06:54:03pm
nice. can't wait to hear your opinion on both movies P:
haha, you dye your hair a lot? my mom won't let me, but i'd like just some simple highlights or something. haha.
Benedict Cumberbatch, December 21st, 2008 at 01:52:06pm
omg seriously? that sucks butt D: twilight was pretty good. i want to see nightmare before christmas in 3d...i've only seen it in 2d lol.
eh, just something simple...i wanna stop biting my fingernails >_<
Benedict Cumberbatch, December 20th, 2008 at 06:21:32pm
haha, sounds like fun. hopefully you'll get your hw done at the end xD
geez, i haven't seen a film since...TWILIGHT! lol
true, lots of work next year, but it's a chance to start over. with new years resolutions P:
Benedict Cumberbatch, December 20th, 2008 at 10:44:41am
aaw, haha. i've got nothing over my break [which started today because we ended up having a snow day] except drawing a pic on a global poster xD
yeah, next year all the work will come and crush me x_x lol
Benedict Cumberbatch, December 19th, 2008 at 06:27:14pm
haha, that's alright. i understand college is busy P:
aw, essays suck. i'm glad i don't have to write many yet, but next semester i will because i have english then. hopefully i'll be good at them because of all the ones i have to write for global x_x
wednesdays, huh? i still like fridays, myself. xD
hm. i'm fine. school is seriously boring me, it seems like there is really nothing to do. next semester i'll probably be busy like, all the time so i won't have to complain xD lol.
Benedict Cumberbatch, December 18th, 2008 at 04:09:23pm
hey!!! how's college? P:
Benedict Cumberbatch, December 14th, 2008 at 01:40:35pm
haha, waking up early is not fun D: i gotta wake up at six usually xD
school is pretty good, i guess. i think it's better than last year lol. *shrugs* except i hate social studies and that's the class with a vocab quiz and crap every day ._.
Benedict Cumberbatch, September 6th, 2008 at 07:05:41pm
haha. i forgot you were going to college O_o
eh, nothing really. haha, i just started school yesterday. you?
and how's college? :P
Benedict Cumberbatch, September 5th, 2008 at 08:40:06pm