

Member since March 9th, 2008


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What you read on here is nothing compared to the knowledge you'd gather from knowing me for years on end.I've been breathing, and causing mayhem, since june 16th.thanks mom, for bringing me into this hateful, decietful, filthy, war ridden world. In case you havent been previously informed, my name is Courtney Rose.Very few call me this. You can call me that, if you wish to be fucking backhanded.I'm a tall, blue eyes ball of energy.I'm extremely loud; but I'm extremely quiet.I'm the type of girl who can watch tons of horror movies without getting scared, but screams at the top of her lungs when a waffle pops out of the toaster. Texting is my dirty habit, I practically fall asleep with my phone in my hand. A lot of people mistake me for being "stuck up" or "bitchy" in the beginning, but I assure you; that is not the case. It takes me a bit to completely be myself around people I don't know. Give me some time, and I will be comfortable enough to hump your leg.To be honest, I miss The Angry Beavers.I’ve been told that I’m a good listener and people always come to me for advice. I sometimes believe that the word “psychiatrist” is subliminally tattooed across my forehead.I have a thing for big sungalsses and designer purses.I don't label myself as anything; my tastes are constantly changing.First impressions aren't everything, but they're rather important. I will probably judge you the same as you will judge me. I am a human, therefore I tend to act like one. First impressions aren't everything, but they're rather important. I can hold an intelligent conversation with someone, be it that someone initiates it. Yes I paint my nails black, don’t mean shit. I'm not emo, scene, hxc, or gothic. So don’t label me, I'm no fucking soup can! Italk too much, people despise me for it. I drink alot of monster, and poprocks are my favorite.
Ville Hermanni Valo.He's more than a pretty face or someones eyecandy, he's my hero.


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