Mrz.Tre Cool

- Name
- Cat Sanchez
- Age
- 33
- Gender
- Female
- Location
- Est City of Angels
Member since October 3rd, 2010
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As of June 23 2011 I am a mommy to beautiful baby girl named, Aaliyah Fe Hernandez! <3

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Haha, yeah, I don't come on here nearly as much as I go on Facebook (Message me if you want my email and I can give it to you).
I'm good. I finished Freshmen year (Finally!) My grades were good, but I hope next year brings better grades (I can be such an overachiever, haha!) I'm taking summer courses to get ahead and to get Chemistry over with as soon as possible. I hope to do spectacularly well in those! Chemistry is not my favorite subject, but it goes with Bio. Other than that, I'm going to be working my butt off this summer watching my cousins and saving up for a car which I hope my parents help me out with. Then it's back to Colorado in August for another and hopefully better year! :)
Hope we can stay in touch someway! GSB is just not my number one priority anymore... Sad to say this place has changed very very much over the years!
Barney Stinson, May 19th, 2012 at 06:05:13pm
Hey, I know it's been forever since we've talked, so how are you?
Barney Stinson, April 2nd, 2012 at 09:47:45pm
They're great lifeisms, they do help put things in prospective every once in a while.
Yeah, he's just being a pain tonight. I thought it'd be good, to have our Thursday nights back, because when I was still living at home full time, my mom works Thursday night and my dad and I would make it into our night, we'd go to the gym, get take out, watch movies, all after my homework was done of course. It was something to look forward to and now, when I'm here, on thursday nights, he's here, but he's not all here if you know what I mean. He doesn't want to do any of those things any more and it's just not fun or fair to me that he can't put his work life where it belongs, AT WORK and have a separate home life. It's hard, but what can I do? It's not my life, it's his and i know that when I do have a legitimate job in the future (hopefully when I get out of college), I will keep my work life where it belongs and have a social life too.
Barney Stinson, December 29th, 2011 at 09:15:03pm
Really happy I'm home watching endless hours of TV and not giving a damn...I got really good grades this past semester! So happy for that!
I just wish my dad would want to do something with me besides talk to me about his stupid job and how unhappy he is... that's kind of a conversation downer.. Sorry to put so much of this on you... it's not your life!
Barney Stinson, December 29th, 2011 at 07:11:47pm
Yeah, about the punching thing you said, I know when to keep my fists to myself, but this other girl didn't.. or at least, I would have been punched out if her friend wasn't there at 2 o'clock in the morning to body slam her back into her room, they were both drunk. I reported them and yeah, that's what happened that led to me leaving for good. The other two were just god awful. One was way too f*cking high maintenance to be living in a dorm with her ways and the other was a cry baby who can't get out of high school. I have a lot of dislike built up for them, not hate, because it takes a lot for me to hate people. But, the school was really really good about getting me out of there when they heard what happened. All of my professors were sympathetic and really helpful with rearranging a few things as I had another tragedy occur at the same time too. One of my friends from high school was found dead in her dorm and I found out about it about 8 hours after I was almost hit. It was crazy and I was so happy to go home for a week. But now I'm back and kicking ass to get this semester over and done with. I'm looking forward to spending a month home and away from here for a little bit, actually catch up on TV and sleep, would be nice!
That's great about your plans! You are very ambitious! It's not easy being in college these days, the semesters fly by and the work piles high. I can only imagine how busy you are with your daughter, so good luck to you with school and everything! My good hearted thoughts are with you!
Barney Stinson, December 2nd, 2011 at 01:32:51am
School's going well. Semester is almost over and I'm going home tonight! YAY!
The roommate situation did not work out very well, at all. I had to switch out because of something that happened between me and another roommate, unfortunately, her hate for me spread to the other two really quick and I couldn't take it anymore. I'm just sick of the dorm living. So glad i'm flying home tonight, looking forward to sleeping in my own bed, but it feels so unreal. I've wanted to go home for a while now. I just want to relax and enjoy myself while on Fall Break, then when I come back, I have only 2 weeks of classes and then 3 days of finals. Then I'm off for a whole month!
How are you? How's baby?
Barney Stinson, November 18th, 2011 at 09:10:36pm
*hugz* you got a free hug!!!
xxGirxx, September 24th, 2011 at 12:09:14pm
I'm pretty good. I've been really busy with school work and such, being a college student and all. At first I wasn't sure i wanted to stay in Boulder, but after almost a month of classes, I couldn't see myself anywhere else. I love all of my classes, so far. I'm starting my midterms next week, yikes! So, I'm trying to get as much studying in as possible. :)
How are you?
Barney Stinson, September 14th, 2011 at 11:20:28pm
Oh it's no problem! I understand you have a baby now and everything's different. Everything's different for me too. Yeah, this summer just flew by! I spent most of it working my job at home and then down in Boston for my uncle watching his kids. Right now, I'm in Boulder, exhausted, but loving it. The view from the rental house is amazing! I want to live here instead of the dorm! lol. ;)
How are you?
Barney Stinson, August 13th, 2011 at 08:15:58pm
I'm getting ready to leave for Colorado in less than a week! So exciting/nerveracking! Hope all is well! :)
Barney Stinson, August 7th, 2011 at 04:37:12pm
:3 yea she is!!
xxGirxx, August 1st, 2011 at 08:45:08am
oh haha your baby is cute!
xxGirxx, July 28th, 2011 at 06:05:23pm
xxGirxx, July 24th, 2011 at 02:51:46pm
xxGirxx, July 20th, 2011 at 07:15:32pm
Congratulations on the baby! She's beautiful!
Barney Stinson, June 26th, 2011 at 06:16:06pm